
MHA: My Hero Harem Academia

Warning! R-18 My Hero Academia smut with a different MC and slightly different storyline. The MC is the adopted child of famous Pro Hero MIdnight. I'm trying to dial down the OP level powers for a slightly more down to earth story than MHA. This story is about harem building. Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, and Katsuki Bakugo are all genderbent. Also I have not read MHA:Vigilantes and MIdnight is one of my Main leads in this story so there may be inconsistencies. None of these characters except the MC belong to me.

NamelessPersona · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Meeting The Number 1

"Wow, I love starting the day off like this, it really gets my sadistic side going!" Midnight said cheerfully while I forced myself through another set of squats. The bar on my shoulders was laden with quite a bit of weight and I had already been lifting for what seemed like forever.

"8..... 9....." I was forcing myself through what felt like sheer will power at this point as my muscles were pretty much spent. My legs protested and I didn't know if I was gonna finish the set when all of a sudden I heard the crack of a flogger behind me.

Almost on command my flagging strength bolstered and I lifted the bar back up and moved forward to make it land on the rack.

That's right, I lived with a sadist. While I didn't allow her to bring that mindset into the bedroom she let it out when she trained me. It was practically a pavlovian response of my body to go plus ultra when I heard the crack of a whip.

"Oh that youthful energy and spirit really gets me going." Midnight rubbed her thighs together behind me.

I was so tired I could only look at her wearily and try to sound as dominant as possible. "Every morning you run me into the ground but every night I punish that sweet pussy. So get ready." I said before leaning over for a tired kiss.

We kissed for a few seconds before she pulled back and looked at me lustfully, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Good work by the way." She calls out as she leaves the workout room of our home, her hips swinging seductively on her way out.

"That's not fair..." I mutter to myself. I know she's going to take a shower before she heads off to work today and I would love to join her but my whole body was seriously screaming in pain. I really needed to get a better idea of how I could boost my bodies natural recovery time, if I could do that my muscles could recover from difficult workouts incredibly quick and I wouldn't suffer from muscle soreness.

As I finish my workout I feel the inevitable high of the endorphins that are released into my brain to calm my body down. It is always a euphoric feeling but I don't dare mess with it. I could imagine myself accidently releasing too many endorphins and overrelaxing my body to the point of shutting it down.

I do release my quirk however and use it to gently increase my blood flow. I breathe in my own perfume, which changes scent quite a bit depending on the state of my body. Right now, it smells like teakwood.

I feel a gradual relief to my body as my blood brings oxygen to my tired muscles.

Time to get ready for another day of school. I sigh as I trudge to my room to start getting ready.

An hour later and I'm ready to get out the door.

I see my mom in her skintight hero suit, most days she doesn't even bother with other clothes as she teaches in her costume. The form fitting fabric hugs her lascivious body in all the right ways and I can't help but admire her figure for a long while.

Midnight reaches my side and pulls me in for a long hungry kiss while pushing herself against me. I respond the passionate embrace in kind and soon our bodies begin to heat up. This time it's me who pulls away.

"We'll both be late at this rate." I say with a smirk

She pouts for a second but then smiles teasingly, "Alright but you'll have to make it up to me. Also don't forget that we are having All Might over for dinner so get home quickly today okay?"

I acknowledge her statement as I head out the door. Midnight follows me out and as I begin walking down the street for school I see Uncle Mic behind the wheel of a car as he heads to pick my mom up for work. Everyday they carpool and I wave at both him and Uncle Eraser in the passenger seat.

Eraser gave me an unenthusiastic wave back which I know is just his style. Present Mic flashed me a ridiculous set of hand gestures that I have grown accustomed to assuming means good morning.

I make it to school and get through the first wave of classes. As lunch hits I pull out my bento box and find my spot where I usually eat. Soon Shinso lazily walks up and sits down next to me.

"Another slow day huh" Shinso said as he plopped down next to me.

"Well hello to you too" I retort sarcastically.

"Save it Tatsuya, anyway you haven't managed to figure out what the UA entrance exam is going to be have you?" Shinso asked seriously as he dug into his food.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Shinso cheating would not be very heroic would it?"

"Please. Tatsuya you control people's bodies and I control their brains its not like we are winning hero points the normal way."

"I don't control, it's more like I manipulate"

"And that's supposed to sound better?"

"Touché" I reply. I decided to dispense with the banter and give him a serious answer. "Honestly, I haven't heard anything. I mean it's still pretty soon but Midnight has been pretty locked out of the process because of me and I don't anticipate that changing before the test."

Shinso sighed at that information. "I have a bad feeling about this test for some reason."

"I hear ya, I learned yesterday that Midnight is putting me in the entrance exam for recommended students. Apparently they have a different exam and criteria. I figure that one of the tests will be in our favor so we have a 50-50 shot of getting in between us. With powers like ours it's not a question as long as the test doesn't screw us over." I replied optimistically.

"But hear me out, no matter what happens it has to be UA. Even if we have to go to one of the other courses. I can't actually talk about it but you need to know that some amazing stuff is gonna happen at UA this year. We have to get in and climb our way to the hero course if need be." I said.

"Of course, nothing is gonna stop me from being a hero." Shinso replied and I smiled and fist bumped him.

Soon lunch was over and we went back to our classes to finish the day.

School got out and I rushed home to get things ready. Midnight wasn't home yet but that was par the course because of her job so I rushed around getting the house ready. We weren't slobs or anything but it was a larger home and it needed a thorough cleaning.

I worked hard and soon the house was spotless.

I didn't have to wait long before Midnight came through the door with some groceries.

She bustled in slightly flustered. "We have maybe an hour before he gets here so we need to get started on this dinner right away."

She rushed to the kitchen. I could tell she was slightly stressed and I briefly considered trying to raise her serotonin or oxytocin levels but then I thought of a better way. I walked up behind her in the kitchen and wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed my body right up against her.

She tensed for a moment.

"I think you forgot something when you walked in..." I whispered in her ear.

Our bodies began to heat up and I could feel her ass start to slowly rub against me.

"I'm sorry, I really did forget." She replied before turning around to face me. She pulled me in for a deep kiss and I plunged my tongue into her mouth to further my claim on her.

Unfortunately, we really did need to get dinner ready so I had to pull back after a moment.

"Now let's get cooking" I said as I gave her perfect ass a squeeze.

"MMMmmm, thanks I needed that." Midnight replied

"Anytime... Mom"

We got to work and managed to get a meal ready quickly. Just as the rice was finishing we heard a knock at the door.

"I guess that's him" Midnight said as she pulled her apron off and hung it up in the kitchen. I began moving dishes to the table as she went to open the front door.

The moment Midnight pulled the door open a loud animated voice suddenly rang out. "I AM HERE!!!!! for dinner!" Midnight giggled a little and moved to the side of the door and I finally got my first sight of the world's number 1 hero.

This was a giant of man whose very presence imbued the atmosphere with power and a feeling of security. I stood in awe, who didn't want to be like All MIght? He was the pinnacle of everything I strove to be.

"Wel... Welcome All MIght! My name is Tatsuya Kayama" I introduce myself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you young Kayama! Thank you for inviting me into your home and welcoming back this city! IT really brings me back to my school days." All Might replied.

His smile was infectious, even more so than all the times I had seen it on tv. I knew he had power, but I really underestimated the level of charisma he had. No wonder he could unite the world under the "the Symbol of Peace"

I lead him to the table and we all take our seats. Soon the meal began in earnest and a conversation was soon struck up.

"Midnight tells me you have the ambition to become a hero?" All Might turned to me and asked.

I nod enthusiastically in reply, "Yes! I've always wanted to become a hero"

"That is an honorable dream to have young man, may I ask what is your quirk if you don't mind telling me."

"Of course, my quirk is similar to Midnight in the sense that it is an odor based quirk, I can release a scent into the air that affects people. The scent that I release affects the body chemistry of others based on my wishes. It's incredibly difficult to control though and I haven't had much success in accomplishing anything other than making people sleep like Midnight. It's even harder in high stress situations." I briefly explained my power to All Might.

He listened intently to my explanation. "I see, quite the tricky power but powerful in its own right. It's definitely a quirk suitable for hero work, Midnight here is evidence of that. UA would be good place for you to learn to hone that power, I also noticed you have quite an impressive physique as well. You have put a lot of effort to get ready." All Might eyed me with scrutiny and I don't know why but I felt like he was studying me intently with something on his mind.

"I too had to learn control, I possess tremendous strength but if I were to use it all out I would kill people with ease. We are similar in that respect I believe young Kayama. Focus on your dream and pursue it with all your might and I'm sure you will soon become an incredible hero." All Might said.

Our dinner continued like that for some time as All Might and Midnight swapped stories and he gave me advice on the various hero related topics.

Two hours quickly passed like this and when All Might noticed the time he stood up. "I once again thank you for the dinner. I look forward to seeing you at UA young Kayama. Work hard and I'm sure you will get in."

"Thank you All Might, I will give it my all." I replied thankful for this opportunity I had to meet and speak with the greatest hero.

Soon after that All Might took off, and when I say that I mean he literally did a jumping take off and disappeared into the night.

"He's really amazing." I said as soon as Midnight and I were alone again.

"He's the model that every hero in this world strives to become, the highest peak in existence." Midnight replied.

"You should take his advice to heart" She advised me.

I nodded and finally sat down on the couch, relaxing for the first time today. My muscles were slightly sore from my workout this morning. Unconciously I had also relaxed my control over my quirk and some of my perfume leaked out into the air. For some reason, whenever I didn't have a specific goal in my mind, my perfume would always default to increasing one thing and one thing only.


Midnight noticed my predicament but didn't comment, instead she walked to her bedroom.

I enjoyed my moment of respite and closed my eyes. A few minutes passed this way and when I finally opened my eyes again the sight in front of me literally took my breath away.

Midnight stood before me in extremely alluring red lingerie that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Her tits were hugged snuggly by the lace and her skin was already flushed red from arousal.

She stood in front of me with one hand carressing her breast while the other was inviting pulling the lace of her bottom piece of lingerie to the side to reveal her pussy.

I looked down at it and saw that her sex was already slightly dripping her love juice from her extreme arousal.

We made eye contact and she raised an eyebrow.

"Well? Plus Ultra."

I smirked and dropped to my knees.

Thanks for the support, the story is gonna take some turns in the next couple of chapters so be prepared. I personally would be way stronger if I had a sexy dominatrix in the gym for motivation. Any aspiring business people out there are welcome to combine those two ideas. Gymanatrix? Cardiovascular BDSM? Squatting and Flogging? Gotta be more clever names out there.

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