
The Final Battle: A Strange Message and Ominous Greeting

Making his way to the bottom of the staircase, Izuku took a step into a large room and was greeted by a sight that left him stunned. The area was completely flooded, with water covering the floor and weeds and overgrown grass sprouting everywhere. Piles of debris were scattered around, giving the room a chaotic and abandoned appearance. Izuku couldn't help but exclaim, "Holy shit, is this even still considered Endeavor station?"


[ You have entered The Tomb of the Great Swamp Ruler Rasaka.]

[You are not allowed to leave the Boss room unless death or the Boss is slain.] 

"So I can't leave the dungeon unless I kill this thing… or die trying, huh?" Izuku reached the bottom of the staircase, and his eyes scanned the vast area of water, grass, and vines before him. He didn't see any monsters, only the stillness of the environment. However, his attention was drawn to a presence to his left, as he quickly grabbed his axe from his inventory and held it up, bracing himself for an incoming attack.

In quick succession, ripples formed in the water as a tail crashed into him, sending him stumbling backward. Izuku gritted his teeth and uttered, "Shit...Fast!" as he pushed against the tail with his axe, causing the scales of Rasaka to scrap against the metal. The force of the attack sent Izuku skidding back into the water, and he could feel the weight of Rakasa's tail as it tried to block his next attack.

"However, the axe in Izuku's hand started to break under the pressure as its pieces crumbled to the ground and his hand began to shake. With a crack, the axe snapped in two. The top half soaring through the sky, crashing into the ground with a thud. Izuku's body went flying through the air, crashing through a pillar and landing on another. As he coughed up blood and saliva, trying to catch his breath, he still firmly gripped the remains of his axe."

 Falling to the ground, Izuku heaved up in pain as he coughed up more blood. "That hurt worse than the bite from that Raikan," he gasped, clutching his back in agony. "I think it even broke my rib." He looked in disbelief at the axe in his hand, which had been used to strike the giant snake and was now only a short piece of wood. "I thought I had grown stronger," he uttered as he stood up, glaring at the giant snake before him as it hissed menacingly. "I guess I'm not strong enough," Izuku said with a grunt, looking up at Rasaka's shovel-shaped head and seeing the beast's name appear in striking orange text.

[Swamp's Ruler, Blue Poison Fang Rasaka]

The giant, dark blue snake, Rasaka, curled back while towering over Izuku, its body interweaving through piles of rubbish. Its eyes glowed a sinister orange as it swayed in the water, causing ripples and waves."However, your name's still orange," Izuku said as he put the broken axe on his side, clutching his fists as they were enveloped in a soft green and blue glow. The snake's jaw soon opened with fangs extended. Each fang appeared to have a metallic sheen in the low light, and Izuku could see that they were coated with a poisonous substance. "You really did a number on me just now," he said, spitting out some blood as he took in the size and strength of the snake. The scales looked metallic and the fangs dripped with poison, causing Izuku to feel a sense of unease though not frightened. Scanning the creature, Izuku thought about what he could do to damage Rasaka. "My axe is broken and even if fixed, it wouldn't be able to pierce the scales of this thing. Our earlier clash was proof of this. I could try punching its scales and body to see if that has any effect on it, though I highly doubt it will have any effect either." Izuku's mind scrambled for an answer to this problem, but the snake did not just slither there waiting for him to come up with something; it went on the offensive. Izuku, seeing this, quickly jumped to his left as the snake again shot its tail toward his previous location. Testing out one of his previous thoughts, Izuku punched the snake's side, only to hear clank after clank as the metal scales clashed with his fist.

"As I thought, punching won't work with those hard scales. I need a faster attack something with some weight behind it!" Izuku exclaimed to himself, his fist having failed to cause any damage to Rasaka's armor-like scales. "At the same time, I need to weaken this thing's defense by damaging its scales," he adds, looking up at the snake-like creature's glowing eyes and silver fangs as it moved toward him. "How do I deal with these thick scales?"

Rasaka moves quickly not giving Izuku time to think as it slings its tail out once more making him dodge more rapidly until the bottom of the snake's body whips forward, Izuku realizeed that he cannot block it with his bare body.

As Rasaka continued its assault, Izuku jumped up to avoid the attack, but Rasaka quickly changed the trajectory of its tail towards Izuku's body while he was still in mid-air. Izuku saw this and knew he didn't have much time to react. He tried to put up the remains of his axe to block the blow, but he was too slow. Rasaka's tail slammed into his body, sending him flying through the air.

Izuku's body hit the ground with a splash, causing ripples in the water. He lets out an agonizing yell as he lies there, writhing in pain. The axe remains, which he used to block the blow, was broken, and his left arm was broken as a result of his inability to fully prevent the attack from hitting him. He knew he needed to get away from Rasaka as quickly as possible, but he was too dazed and injured to move.

Lying there in the shallow water as mud and grass surrounded him, Izuku could only grimace in pain as he looked at his broken arm. "Ugh… shit… I need to get up… I can't lose here! I'll die if it hits me again!" Izuku said, gritting his teeth harder as he stood up from the ground, blood dripping from his mouth.

With a breath, Izuku wasted no time as he looked around the area, seeing the other broken piece of his axe. The blade was still intact, although severely chipped and cracked, and a small piece of the handle remained. As he saw the axe, he quickly dashed over to it, not worrying about where Rasaka was, or his injured arm.

As he made it grabbing the axe in his right arm, he quickly sensed an attack. He blocked another tail strike from Rasaka as it hissed ferociously at him. As Izuku gritted his teeth, blocking blow after blow of Rasaka's attacks, his eyes started to blur. The blur intensified as Rasaka's tail flicked upwards, dislodging Izuku's block. In a swift motion, Rasaka moved as fast as a viper and slammed its body against Izuku, tearing up his hoodie and causing him to be slammed into a nearby wall. "Kuah!!" Izuku uttered as he coughed up more blood.

"Looking at the injured and beaten figure of Izuku, Rasaka stopped. It only looked at him with its glowing orange eyes as its body swayed rhythmically. Slumping to the ground, Izuku managed to make it to his hands and knees, grunting as dirt dug into his nails. His vision was blurred; his left arm broken as well as his ribs; blood trickled down his lips. "I thought I had gotten a bit stronger… but I am still lacking… I'm still weak!" Izuku stared at the ground. "How much stronger do I have to get? How much pain do I have to go through?!" Izuku's voice was filled with a mix of sadness, frustration, and determination as he clenched the ground beneath him. A single tear rolled down his cheek, and his body trembled. His eyes were fixed on Rasaka, who was now inches away, his mouth and head lunging at him, ready to swallow him whole. "TO ASCAPE FROM MY PAST AS THE WEAKEST?!" Izuku screamed out as Rasaka's mouth lunged at him, swallowing him whole."

Darkness was all that Izuku could see as he drifted into space, not bothered about his injured and battered body, nor completing the dungeon. "Strength!" Izuku uttered as he thought back to Katsuki, All Might, and the other pro heroes. He only drifted in complete darkness, unaware of his fate or whereabouts. "Strength—a pressuring force squeezing your head in its grip, forcing you to yield, to bow down in its presence," Izuku recalled all the times he was forced to kneel before Bakugo's power as he relentlessly beat him and attacked. He also remembered the instance at school when he was pushed against a wall as he sat on the floor, his classmates laughing and ridiculing him for applying to U.A. and pursuing his dream of becoming a hero. As well as the first time the sludge villain attacked him to escape from All Might… The sludge villain feared All Might, but All Might's strength didn't make the villain yield; it didn't make him bow down. "Even false hypocrisy won't protect me."

"The path of a hero is not meant to be walked by the quirkless." 

Whatever your opponent does, pure strength will always overwhelm you, and fear will consume you, causing your knees to collapse onto the ground. Your toes and fingers will dig into the earth as your body trembles. Izuku grits his teeth at every memory of being beaten to the ground by his classmates, every time his dreams were stepped on and soiled in the mud. The times Bakugo would beat him to near death, the pain he felt when lying to his mother every time he made it home. The teachers ignored it all—the beatings, the name-calling—all because he was just a quirkless person, a weakling in a society that values only power and strength.

"Even if you're knowledgeable and try your best to make good grades," Izuku thought about his marks. He was at the top of the class in every subject. "Or wise…" Izuku thought back to how he had to create new paths to get home without getting spotted by Katsuki or his goons. "Nothing holds up in front of strength…" Izuku breathed deeply. "It's easy to get betrayed by people you thought were friends, by people you thought you could rely on! In a corrupted world like this, there's only one thing I can do… get stronger! Get so strong that I won't have to go through this pain, this heartbreak, and so no one else will have to either!" Izuku said as he snapped out of his trance, truly opening his eyes as he lay in the first belly of Rasaka. "That's why I came here! To get stronger!"

Getting up from the soft innards of Rasaka Izuku looked around as he could only see darkness as no light emitted within the snake creature. Thinking of what to do Izuku called the system window as the bright light of the system enveloped the area in a blue light.


Name: Midoriya Izuku Level: 15

Job: None Fatigue: 76

Title: Wolf Slayer

Hp: 97/1105

Mp: 295/295

Strength: 31 Vitality: 24

Agility: 26 Intelligence: 25

Sense: 24 

Remaining points: 15

Izuku, now bathed in light, surveyed his surroundings. His gaze fell upon the pink and soft insides of the snake, with green liquid dripping down its surface. A hushed whisper escaped his lips, "Acid." As he continued to explore, his eyes caught sight of a grim scene on the ground - the lifeless and decomposed bodies of unknown creatures. Amidst this macabre display, Izuku's attention was drawn to something familiar - the remnants of his axe. He reached out and picked it up, examining its stats.

[Item: Broken Steel Axe]

Name: ???

Tier: Junk

Type: Axe

Attack: Pitiful (4)

Durability: Horrendous (1/10)

Special Abilities: None

Enhancement Potential: None

[The broken half of an old steel axe grants the user +4 attack though only able to perform one last attack.]

As Izuku read through the new stats of the broken axe, he sighed and said, "I only have one last shot at this. Rasaka will fall!" With determination, Izuku's leg was enveloped in a soft green glow. Summoning all his strength, Izuku kicked the throat of Rasaka, causing it to roar out in pain and its mouth to open, revealing the dim light of the outside world. Without wasting any time, Izuku firmly planted his feet in the throat of the beast and ran towards the light. Reaching the mouth of the snake, Izuku found himself covered in green acid, his clothes slowly melting away. Despite this, he tightly gripped the remains of his axe and jumped out from the mouth of the snake just before it closed shut.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Izuku looked back at Rasaka. The giant snake hissed ferociously at him, its eyes filled with hatred as it prepared to lunge back at him with its fangs. With agility and quick reflexes, Izuku dodged Rasaka's attack and prepared himself for another onslaught.

Wiping the blood from his mouth Izuku uttered in a low voice "I…I have to become even stronger," as his body was enveloped in sparks of purple and black lightning. His bright emerald green eyes turned icy blue, and his hair stood on end as he sprinted towards Rasaka, who was ready to attack with his venom-infused fangs. Izuku dodged Rasaka's attack with ease, slicing the side of the monster's mouth and causing it to scream in pain. The deep cut trickled blood down the side of its mouth, and Rasaka stumbled back, momentarily stunned.

"Not yet," Izuku grunted as his axe shattered, falling into the shallow water with a splash. He dropped the remains of the axe and dashed towards Rasaka in a blur. As he jumped past another attack, his hoodie flapped in the wind caused by the snake striking past him.

"Compared to dying here and never being able to stand at the top. Compared to the fear that gripped my heart from that sludge villain… I'm not afraid of you!" Izuku yelled as he jumped onto the snake's head, which was coming towards him. He hung on by his broken arm, determined to finish the fight.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku grunted loudly in pain before jumping and wrapping his arms around Rasaka's neck, right behind its head. His heart pounded loudly in his chest as his veins showed through his skin, tense with adrenaline. He squeezed around the snake's neck, grabbing and digging his fingers against the scales, determined to break them. Despite the searing pain in his left arm, he pushed harder, his body tensing as blood rushed through his veins. "I'm not going to die here! Put all remaining points into strength!" Izuku screamed out, his voice filled with determination.

As he squeezed tighter, the scales crumbled under each of his fingers, snapping and cracking with each exertion of force. The sound resonated through the air, a testament to Izuku's relentless grip. Rasaka, writhed in agony, desperately trying to shake off its assailant. But Izuku held steady, applying even more pressure.

"IF ITS THIS MUCH…!" Izuku screamed out as Rasaka thrashed and attempted to rise into the air. Its attempts were futile against Izuku's unyielding hold. With every passing moment, Izuku's veins protruded even more prominently, a visual representation of the immense strain he was putting on his body. Rasaka's body slammed Izuku into the ceiling, but Izuku didn't let go as he gritted his teeth and sunk his fingers even deeper into the snake as it started to draw blood.

"I'm not dying here you are so just...DIE!" Izuku's yelled as his arms wrapped tighter, crushing more scales. 

"DIE DAMN IT!" Rasaka started to cough out blood as its eyes began to lose color.

"DIE!" Izuku screamed his fingers and arms destroyed the scales around its throat crushing the snake's neck.

Meanwhile at the hospital...

"Midoriya Izuku still hasn't returned?" The doctor asked the receptionist as he gazed out the window, the sun had long since set, and the sky was now bathed in the soft, silvery light of the moon.

The receptionist, a middle-aged woman with a kind face and a warm smile, looked up from her desk and shook her head. "Yes, he went out in the morning, said he had to go and get some work or something from a friend," she replied, her voice tinged with concern looking at the doctor.

The doctor furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowing as he pondered the situation. "But he's been gone for hours now, and it's already well past sunset," he pointed out, his voice dripping with worry.

The receptionist shrugged, her shoulders rising and falling in a helpless gesture. "I don't know, doctor. He just said he had to go and wouldn't be long"

"But he's recovered a lot and will be discharged soon," the nurse chimes in while staring at the computer.

"There's something we are missing in that boy. The hero's stated he took a massive blow right through his chest, with his bones crushed and his internal organs punctured and bleeding. And yet, he is completely fine now? I wanted to keep him in the hospital in case of a forced mutation quirk… we can never be sure in this generation," the doctor spoke as he walked away from the nurse back to his office. The receptionist watches his retreating figure vanish in the distance, only uttering the words "Midoriya Izuku."





"Haah," he gasped, the sound escaping his lips and turning into laughter. "Hahaha…hahaha…" His laughter echoed through the room as he looked around at the destruction he had caused. His face was adorned with a wide smile, a mix of excitement and satisfaction.

"Haha…" Izuku chuckled softly as his eyes scanned the room. The walls were marked with deep craters, evidence of his immense power. Pillars lay crumbled on the ground, reduced to rubble under the weight of his strength.

"hahaha… I guess I got a bit…" Izuku trailed off, his voice filled with a mix of awe and disbelief as he leaned against the giant body of the blue-scaled snake once called the ruler of the swamps. "Stronger?" The dull eyes of the snake facing away as the neck was crushed its blood staining the water under it as Izuku sat.


[You have Slain Swamp's Ruler, Blue Poison Fangs Rasaka.]

[ You have cleared The Tomb of the Great Swamp Ruler Rasaka.]

[Generating rewards...]

Izuku was eagerly anticipating the rewards he would receive for his efforts. As he gazed at the system windows displayed in front of him, a sense of accomplishment washed over him. He had spent considerable time and effort killing monster after monster, getting beaten to near death on two occasions and pushing past his physical limits time and time again, and now it was time to reap the benefits.

However, just as Izuku was reveling in his achievement, a new notification suddenly popped up on the screen. The unexpected message startled him, causing his heart to skip a beat. He quickly focused his attention on the text that appeared before him.


[Due to an unknown reason the host reward's generation will be altered]

[Generating new rewards...]

Confusion washed over Izuku as he read the notifications. His mind raced to comprehend what had just happened. He couldn't fathom why his hard-earned rewards were being altered without any explanation. The lack of information only made his question more pressing. "Did I do something wrong? Was I not supposed to kill Rasaka? No, that can't be it. I had to do it; it was the objective of this dungeon to slay the boss. I had no other choice. Then what was it? Could it have been a glitch in the system? Can it even be glitched in the first place? Or perhaps there was a hidden purpose behind this alteration?" Questions flooded Izuku's mind as he pondered why his rewards were altered. As the rewards were generated, Izuku looked on in surprise as they were displayed.


[Item: Rasaka's Venom]

Item Class: A

Name: Rasaka's Venom

Tier: Rare

Type: Potion

Effect: 'Rasaka's Steel Scales': -20% Physical Damage taken

Debuff: 'Weakened Muscles': -35 strength

[A pouch that contains Rasaka's purified venom is obtainable by defeating Rasaka. However, the drop rate for this item is unlikely. If you manage to obtain the venom, drinking it will give you hardened skin but will weaken your strength.] 

[Item: Rasaka's Fang]

Item class: C

Name: Rasaka's Fang

Tier: Uncommon

Type: Dagger

Attack: Basic (25)

Durability: basic (30/30)

Special Abilities: Paralyze and Bleed

Effect 'Paralyze': Attacked foes have a chance to become unable to move. 

Effect 'Bleed': Attacked foes lose 1% of their health every 1 second.

Enhancement Potential: Mid

[A dagger made from Rasaka's fang. Able to paralyze due to leftover venom. Grants bleed effect. Can be equipped, stored, or sold.]

[Iteam: Swamp Ruler Rasaka's essence]

Item Class: A

Name: Rasaka's Essence

Tier: Rare

Type: Permanent Ability Upgrade

Abilities: Camouflage Mastery and Poison Strike

"Camouflage Mastery": The host gains the ability to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, similar to Rasaka's natural camouflage in the swamp. This ability allows the host to become virtually invisible or difficult to detect by both visual and sensory abilities. It provides a significant advantage in stealth, allowing the host to move undetected, ambush enemies, or escape dangerous situations. The following are the skills and effects associated with Camouflage Mastery:

Invisibility: When activated, Camouflage Mastery enables the host to become nearly invisible to the naked eye. By adapting their appearance to match their surroundings, the host can effectively disappear from view, making it incredibly challenging for others to spot them. This ability is particularly useful in stealth operations, espionage, and avoiding detection during combat situations.

Sensory Evasion: Camouflage Mastery not only affects visual perception but also extends to sensory abilities such as hearing, smell, and touch. The host becomes highly adept at masking their presence from these senses, making it difficult for enemies or opponents to detect their movements or locations accurately. This skill allows the host to remain undetected even when facing foes with heightened senses or supernatural abilities.

Stealth Movement: With Camouflage Mastery, the host gains enhanced control over their body movements and footsteps, enabling them to move silently and without leaving any traces behind. They can traverse various terrains without alerting others or triggering any environmental cues that would typically give away their position. This skill is especially advantageous for covert operations, reconnaissance missions, or any scenario that requires moving undetected.

Ambush Tactics: By utilizing Camouflage Mastery, the host can effectively set up ambushes and surprise attacks on unsuspecting targets. Their ability to blend into the environment allows them to get extremely close to their intended victims without being noticed, giving them a significant advantage in initiating combat or executing strategic maneuvers.

Escape and Evasion: In dangerous situations where escape is necessary, Camouflage Mastery provides the host with a means to disappear quickly and evade pursuers. By utilizing their camouflage abilities, they can slip away unnoticed, leaving their enemies searching in vain for any trace of their presence. This skill is invaluable for survival in hostile environments or when facing overwhelming odds.

Psychological Advantage: The host's mastery of camouflage not only grants them physical advantages but also instills fear and uncertainty in their adversaries. The knowledge that an opponent can seemingly vanish at will creates a psychological advantage, causing opponents to second-guess their own senses and become more vulnerable to mistakes or hesitation.

"Poison Strike": The host gains the ability to imbue their attacks with a powerful, venomous substance that causes debilitating effects on their targets. This skill combines the potent neurotoxic properties of "Venomous Strike" with the corrosive and debilitating effects of "Toxic Infusion." The host can deliver this venomous substance through physical strikes, ranged attacks, or even emitted as a cloud or aura.

When the host strikes an opponent with a melee attack or projectile infused with the venomous substance, the target is subjected to the following effects:

Paralysis: The target suffers from temporary paralysis, unable to move or take action for a short period of time.

Pain: The target experiences severe pain, which can cause them to become dazed and disoriented 1% hp lost per secound .

Weakening: The target's abilities and strength are weakened by 35% making them more vulnerable to attacks.

Debilitation: The target may experience debilitating symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, or muscle spasms, which can hinder their ability to fight effectively.

The potency and duration of the venomous substance can be adjusted based on the host's skill level and the strength of the opponent. The effects of the venomous substance can also be customized to suit the host's needs, such as increasing the duration of the paralysis effect or enhancing the weakening effect.

Izuku gazed upon the rewards he had received with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction, his eyes scanning over the items with a critical eye. His clothes were either torn or burned, covered in grime, dirt, and blood, the smell of garbage and decayed beasts clinging to him like a shroud. His body was on the verge of collapsing, his arms and legs sore and every muscle crying out for sleep, while his internal organs were likely punctured. Despite the pain, Izuku held up a sleek and razor-sharp blade that was slightly longer than his forearm, the weapon's striking silver color and intricate engravings or motifs near the hilt catching his eye.

Compared to his old axe, this new blade was a significant improvement, and Izuku felt a surge of satisfaction at gaining the reward. He looked at the crumbled remains of the axe and whispered softly, "Thank you," his voice tinged with gratitude. With a slight smirk, Izuku swung the dagger around, the weight and balance of the weapon feeling comfortable in his hand. "A dagger made from the fang of Rasaka, I'm sure this will be of much help going further for now I'll just store it back in my inventory. I'll check out the other rewards closer once I've recovered and rest." 

With all that said and done, Izuku made his way up from the ground and looked around at his surroundings once more. He sighed as he stared at his broken arm, clutching his side. "I need to get out of here. But first, I'll need to heal these wounds some."

With that in mind, Izuku bought three more [Low Tier Life Potions]. He drank two of them and stored the other in his inventory. Soon, the familiar scorching pain surged through his body, causing him to cough up more blood and saliva as he collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe. His muscles tightened, and his heart pumped faster as he began to sweat profusely. Gritting his teeth, he dug his fingers into the ground. Waiting there on the ground Izuku fought the urge to scream or pass out as his wounds visibly began to heal as flesh mended back together as if it were never there.

After a while, the pain subsided, and red light particles enveloped his body. His breathing started to return to normal as Izuku wiped the sweat from his face and got back to his feet. Looking at his body, he felt less tired and sore, although he still experienced some pain in his left arm and ribs, albeit to a lesser extent.

"So even taking multiple potions doesn't increase the effects too much given my arm and ribs are still broken," Izuku remarked. "Although they can fully heal my wounds from before and I am feeling better now. But how do I leave this place?"

As he pondered about traveling back to the beginning of the dungeon, a notification emerged in front of him. It read…


[The host has completed the dungeon does the host wish to leave?]

[All Items not collected will be lost forever]

[If the host does not select an option in a certain amount of time he will be forcibly ejected out of the dungeon]


Reading the notification of the system, Izuku pondered what else he had to do or collect in the dungeon. Looking closer around the room, Izuku noticed a strange marking on the wall as he inched closer to get a better look. Observing the marking, Izuku wondered what it was and saved a mental note on the image. Deciding that he had nothing else to gain in the dungeon, he began to say he was ready to leave.

However, just as Izuku was about to declare that he was ready to leave, the marking on the wall began to glow with an eerie purple light. The light grew brighter and brighter until it enveloped the entire room. Suddenly, similar markings appeared on the walls all around Izuku, each one glowing with the same purple light.

Izuku's heart raced as a wave of unease washed over him, the intensity of the light causing his eyes to squint in discomfort. The room was bathed in a blinding brilliance, making it difficult for him to see clearly.

Suddenly, as if someone had flipped a switch, the light vanished, plunging Izuku into an impenetrable darkness that seemed to swallow him whole. His eyes strained to adjust to the abrupt change, desperately searching for any faint glimmer of light in the blackness. The air grew thick with an eerie silence, as if the very atmosphere itself had conspired against him. In that moment of vulnerability, he instinctively reached into his inventory for the dagger he had previously wielded, its familiar weight and familiarity providing a small measure of comfort in the face of the unknown. His heart raced as he braced himself for whatever dangers lay waiting in the shadows.

Just as Izuku was preparing to make sense of the situation and possibly leave, he was struck by a sudden and intense pain in his head. The agony was so severe that it forced him down onto his knees

"What the hell is going on? I defeated the damn boss already!" Izuku thought as he tried to fight the pain he was feeling. "Is this some sort of hidden boss or something? No, it can't be. I would have been in battle by now. Then what is going on?" Gritting his teeth, Izuku clutched his head as he started to hear a faint sound. It only continuously got louder in his head. He wanted to bang his head against the ground for it to stop, but it only got louder. Soon, it became clear what was heard - the loud cackling of someone or something.

The voice didn't sound normal at all, nor was it artificial like the system. Izuku tried to leave the dungeon, yet his voice never came as if he couldn't speak. The temperature began to drop as his body went cold.

Closing his eyes, Izuku began to see the unclear figure of a cackling creature. The creature appeared humanoid, standing on two legs, but had six arms, each holding different types of weapons. Its back was adorned with a pair of wings, although the color was indiscernible due to its body being covered in an old, ragged robe. As Izuku stared into the creature's eyes, he noticed that its right eye glowed with a sinister crimson, seemingly peering into his soul. A sense of fear and unease washed over Izuku as his body trembled in response.

Despite his fear, Izuku attempted to leave the dungeon but found himself unable to utter any words. His voice was reduced to a mere muffle, leaving him trapped in silence. Opening his eyes, Izuku realized that the creature had not vanished; instead, it had moved closer to him. Determined to protect himself, Izuku's own eyes began to glow a deep blue as he tightly gripped a dagger in his hand, ready for any sudden movements from the creature.

However, to Izuku's surprise, the creature ceased its movement and spoke with a hauntingly low voice.

It warned him, saying, "Be ready, boy...the darkness is looming and our encounter draws near. The shadows beckon you closer, inviting you to a fate you cannot escape."

Those words hung in the air as a window notification suddenly appeared, interrupting the tense atmosphere. 


[You have failed to select whether to leave or continue exploring the dungeon.]

[You are being forcefully ejected from the dungeon.]

[The interior of the dungeon is reverting to its normal state.]

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Had to split this one up a bit, given that there were originally 8000+ words. However, don't worry, they will be included in the next chapter along with the rest. See you all soon! Trooper out.

Trooper_writercreators' thoughts
Next chapter