
MHA: Minor Quirk System ( almost having no quirk)

Oki Takemikazuchi led a normal life though he was a loner his mind never bothered about it. One day which seems to be like normal casual days for him was unexpectedly not normal at all. He was transmigrated into a world of quirks and the 5 year old body he reincarnated had the same name. From the 5 year old's memory, Oki learns about his body not having a quirk but lucky for him he has a system but a system that gives quirks but weak ones and few body upgrades which may seem to make Oki just above a normal human but are they though???. Follow the story of how a kid with no quirks becomes the first of his kind to become a hero, at least to the outside world and the one feared by many villains in the future.

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Darkness Vs Decay! (Thank you, Chapter?!)

A thank you chapter for hitting 1 Million views.

I hope you enjoy the future chapters.


The lunchtime seemed earlier than usual for everyone but not for one.

Oki was rushing towards the front gates.

"April! Get my Mark XXI" [Image over here (Forget the bat symbol and replace it with a black hole)-

/On it boss!/

Soon a metal case of height 2meters and width of 1/2 a meter flies and lands in front of Oki.

'Time to play with him!' Oki takes his suit and presses a button on the case, and it flies back. Oki rushes to a bathroom near the gates, which no one uses.

Oki suits up and continues to move towards the front gates.

Soon, Oki reaches the front gate of U.A, calmly walks towards a tree, and leans on it.

After 10 minutes-

The already fortified wall due to a reporter starts crumbling down. A man in black tracks and jacket and covered with hands walks forward.

'The alarms didn't go off? Well, now it explains why he could get the info.' Oki starts to remember what he knows about the man covered with hands.

'Tomura Shigaraki, previously named Tenko Shimura. All For One's successor and also the grandson of One For All's 7th user,

Quirk- Decay: Anything he touches with five fingers decay at a fast rate. For now, at least.'

Oki was coming up with ways in which he could instil fear into Tomura.

Tomura walks straight the path and walks towards a room where all the files of U.A were kept.

Tomura searched and read the files for 5 minutes.

"Kurogiri, I have the time table till the next month."

There was no response from the other side.


Tomura feels something odd and rushes out and reaches the front gate. 'why isn't he answering?'

"Hello there!"

Tomura saw a man in a black suit not far away from the entrance gate. He stood there casually as if the man in the black suit was unaware of the intrusion.

"You lost kid? Oh! Wait I see you are on an internship. Well, show me the pass and you can leave."

For some reason, Tomura felt the man in black was playing with him.

"Leave and I will spare you alive." Tomura bends forward with his legs wide apart. "Last chance or you die."

"heh," Oki or the man in the black suit says with his hands tied behind.

"I gave you a chance." At incredible speeds, Tomura reaches Oki. Oki catches Tomura's armpit, gets on top of Tomura, spins Tomura as if he was a baton or a stick, and throws him into the tree he was leaning on.

Splinters were flying as Tomura hit the trunk of the tree, and the foliage was shaking vigorously.

"Oh my, you should try to remove these hands you know. They hinder a lot of movement."

Tomura pulled himself up and noticed that all of his hands, 'No-no- father!' Were no more.

"They seem like they are important to you." Oki says with an evil smile though his headgear covered it.

"G-give th-them Back!" Tomura covered 20 meters in seconds and was upon Oki. Who dodged his catches and feints. Oki was practically playing with Tomura so much that veins were popping up on Tomura's temples.

"I am gonna kill you!" Tomura was full-on rage and finally caught Oki's hand. With an evil smile, Tomura activates his quirk. "Hahaha die you hero, DIE!"

But there was no reaction. Oki's suit didn't corrode from Tomura's decay, as most of the suit was covered in beskar, which can't rust.

"I am sorry. I didn't know you were quirkless." Oki says with a pitiful tone and sends a push kick to Tomura, who takes the brunt and in mid-air turns his body and lands safely.

Tomura looked down for a few seconds before, with rage but then when he glances at Oki for the first time... in a long time. He felt fear.

All Tomura could see was darkness and nothing else.

Vermillion and purple Flames slowly raised from surroundings, and slowly it gathered on a figure. The flames formed as armour around Oki.

Tomura soon came out of his stupor and looked carefully. Then he saw Oki was nowhere.

"Searching for me?" Oki peaks over Tomura's shoulder. Tomura was dripping buckets of sweat. Tomura sends a back kick with his left leg, which Oki catches and breaks the leg and pulls Tomura towards him, and Oki sends a roundhouse kick, then clutches Tomura's neck and then proceeds to break Tomura's right hand.

Tomura limps in pain and tries to escape.

At that time, a purple mist gathers not far away from Tomura.

"Young master? Why didn't you contact me?" The mist grew glowing yellow eyes and then took a human form.

"Hey, you escaping? Then takes this as a present."

Though the mist didn't wait till then as it disappeared with Tomura.

'Man I hope he will enjoy my previous present?' Oki says to himself and then notices that the hands he plucked from Tomura were not beside him. 'When did he take them from me?'

Soon the media came in, and alarms go off. Oki sighs as he could see All Might, Nezu, and Aizawa coming in his direction. 'These people didn't notice a hole for such a long time, how would they even have an eye for news?'

Oki sighs again and throws a thick web ball.

The media who noticed Oki were alerted and rushed towards him, but sadly just as the first flash from a camera was about to occur, a thick blanket of web covers the ground and all the reporters, cameraman and photographers legs get stuck, and then another thick blanket covers everyone.

"Help!" "All Might! Help US!" "PLEASE SOMEONE I CAN'T MOVE!" "You behind me! move back!" "Hey! Stop stamping my leg!" "Hey get me out of here" "I am a famous reporter, I will make sure... Some one help!" "Look at you asking for help"

Oki just crossed his arms and stood not far away from the main gate.

All Might, Nezu and Aizawa reach Oki finally.

"Oki, I want a report of what occurred." Nezu was serious.

"Well, a villain invaded. I stopped him... well, tried to but his partner came and took him away." Oki summarised things.

"Villain?" All Might was doubting that.

"Here", Oki tosses a USB which Aizawa catches it. "It has the recording of my fight."

"Where did you get that? How did you record? When and where did the fight occur?" Aizawa asked.

Oki showed the after-effects of the fight.

"Well, we will look into it. Thank you Oki. And by the way how did you know a villain was going to invade?" Nezu asks.

Oki crossed his arms and pointed to his armour.

"I see, thank you April." Nezu politely thanks and says goodbye and left the cleaning duty to Aizawa and All Might. 'Now, to see who this villain is.'

13, Midnight and Recovery girl were the next to arrive, and Nezu talked with them about things.

Oki went back to the cafeteria and sat at his usual spot. 'I am sure Yamada arrived last time when the press invaded and this time it was All Might, seems like my life is causing minor chnages.'

"Hey Todoroki, eating soba again?" Oki greets Shoto and then Jiro and Momo.

The rest of the day was nothing but boring.

The day slowly came to an end.


Meanwhile, In an unknown location-

Tomura was shivering, and if closely blood was flowing out of every pore, the actual reason for this situation is the drug Oki injected him with.

Kurogiri was trying to comfort Tomura, but it wasn't working.

Tomura suffered pain for 2 hours, and then he was sedated by Dr Kyudai Garaki.

All For One wasn't happy about this outcome at all.

"What happened to Tomura?" AFO asks Kyudai in a calm voice.

"Someone injected a toxin, that forcefully releases the blood out of the orifices," Kyudai says then he takes a blood sample from Tomura. "The problem is that samples of the toxin couldn't be collected, as when the toxin is taken out of Tomura's body it turns into alcohols and water. But, inside young Tomura's body, it seems it works just fine like it was just injected a second ago."

"Can we detoxify it?"

"We can, and I am sure that Dialysis would work."

"Well, I want him healed him by this week", AFO cuts the signal.

Kyudai starts prepping for things he needs.


"Yes, Maniac?"

"Arthur, I want you to send three of your table."

"???... Why?"

"A inutation of mine says that we have an anomaly." (He just doesn't want to loose a potential vessel but at the same time he has to make his vessel a symbol)

"I will think about it." Arthur cuts the call.

'I am going to make sure you suffer 8th'


(A/N)- I tried to make it cool, but it seems like it ended up like Oki playing with a cat.

Next Chapter- Mistake cutting the signals, dummies.


Yes, then:

666 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (400/666) (Ok, might have made a mistake keeping a low milestone)