
Hosu General Hospital

Tadashi, for a brief moment, shut his eyes, to view the information that was transferred through him when his quirk awaken.

'What's this, it seems like the only one open is Domain, the are rest locked?'

'I was hoping to get mom's quirk, why did it have to be this stupid thing, what does it even do?'

'Some people might tell me that being thankful is enough that I was granted this gift, but what could I say my parents spoil me all the time, especially my father of mine'

*The moment he was done talking to himself, the domain was glowing in white light, and a rush of information burst in his brain, clutching it in the process*


'What the hell was that, why do I suddenly feel a headache, do all people with quirk suffer from this backslash, if so then count me out, I didn't sign for this'

*The young who was throwing tantrums, turned silent because of an unbelievable thing he just discovered*

[𝔻𝕆𝕄𝔸𝕀ℕ]- Anything in this land is within the user's power to manipulate and control the properties can Edit, speed up, and slow down time, attacks are negated when inside the domain.



*Tears started to build as he laugh maniacally in the darkroom, if someone were to see him, they'll probably call 911 thinking this child was crazy*


"It is I Victor Frankenstein, the genius most handsome scientist in the entire your world"

"Let us try to test out the power dwelling at my left hand, I call upon you to obey my commands go CRIMSON BLAZING FLAME"


*Tadashi aimed his hand at the pencil as a translucent barrier encompasses it, he tries to think of a way to change the shape, which was very taxing on his mind*

Wheeze x3

'Come on I can do this, just a little bit more, this is the best I could do huh...this exhaustion is not good, I feel very tired.


*Passing out from overexerting himself, one could see at the edge was a circular object*


"Well that wasn't pleasant, can't believe me, getting worn out from that meager pencil."

"Geez good thing nobody was here, the embarrassment is killing me, how can I show off to my friends if they find out I pass out from using my quirk."


"I'll be the talk of the class and be labeled as a clown in school, everyone will humiliate and make fun of me"

Knock, knock

*Hearing the knock, on the door, remembering that he has to get ready for the doctor's appointment.*

"Come in"

"Honey, hurry up and get dressed we're going to Hosu General Hospital today."

"Mom can we get some natto beans, I didn't eat yet?"

"Yes sweety, I will get you something to eat on our way there"

"Hurray, thank you mom you are the best!"

"Mwah, anything for you my baby boy"

*Shortly after we could see the young child, dress up with his all might hoody, shorts, and slippers, and storing the pencil in his pocket for safekeeping*

"I can't be an All Might fan without dressing up in his merchandise"

'HE HE HE, you can tell I'm one of the popular kids judging on my outfit.'

---Hosu General Hospital---

"Mrs & Mr. Sazuki, this way ma'am your schedule is with Nurse Chiyo Shuzenji, sadly the doctor who was gonna perform the test is absent, we receive a message that important matters have come up"

"Please wait inside the room until she arrives"

*Walking through the hallway, a crowd of where unusual kids are inspected.*

'Each one of them contains a unique type quirk, some Inherited from the father, mother, or both.'

"Wow Dad, look they're so many of them, one can fly, spitfire, produce sound waves..."

*The father was very nervous for his son, afraid that he'll be disappointed if he doesn't have the quirk he wanted, was reassured when his energetic son acted carefree talking to random strangers asking them random questions to understand how their quirk works made Eiji smiled.*

"Eiji, the boy show some resemblance to you back in the day, always causing a ruckus and getting beat up, because of your moral principles of protecting the weak"

"Aren't I a lucky man, it's because of me meddling in other people's business that I've got to meet you, Michiko"

*Flirting at the open Michiko and Eiji we're about to hit it right off the bat, but this romantic moment was cut short by a loud grumble*


"Mom, I'm starving can I eat the natto beans already."

*Awkwardly staring at their son, the mother notices traces of sweat on his clothes, so she got a towel and wipes it off*

"That's better, now sit down will be getting called anytime soon, here are your natto beans and napkin."




"Soo delicious reminds me of bacon dad have a taste, the fragrant aroma and long-lasting feeling of chewing, were great like It's never running out."

"How thoughtful, let me have a go."


"Yummy, it does have a taste similar to bacon"

"I wasn't lying"

*Pouted Tadashi as he receive a gentle pat on the head by his father filled with a loving gaze*

"I know son"

'I should order tons of natto beans and surprise him.'

*The family we're having a blast bonding with their son, as they waited"

"Next Tadashi Suzuki!"

*Chiyo Shuzenji introduce herself, and told their child to sit down, asking various questions about their parents, and himself, also identifying the body for signs, with the use of their technology*

"Hi, I'm Chiyo Shuzenji, please sit down to conduct the examination diagnosis procedure"

"Yes, mademoiselle! I Tadashi-kun shall respectfully follow your wishes"

*Bowing his head at a 45-degree angle and elegantly kissing the hand of Chiyo Shuzenji as he gave a radiant smile expressing one's confidence.*

"HOHOHO, getting such flattery at your age, make this grandma be back in her 20s, your father must be quite a smooth talker no wonder he got a beautiful wife, it's so great to be young and in love."

*The wife glaring at his husband unamusingly, while avoiding eye contact fearing her wrath*




"Truly amazing, the countless possibilities of your child's quirk are limitless, during the brain scan analysis, I have only uncovered the surface of your power"

"The rest are still locked waiting for the right time to manifest over time"

*Staring at the nurse's different shift in emotions, the parents were shocked by her statement*

"What do you mean by limitless possibility, Mrs. Shuzenji?"

"Mr's Suzuki, it's likely your son can have more than one quirk which is obviously rare, I recommend not pushing himself when using it, setbacks though not life-threatening, cause an impact on the brain"

"The Symptoms are mental fatigue, hallucination, and nausea that's all I could gather from the data collected."

*The family was so thrilled they decided to celebrate, by buying their son's favorite meal*

"Because of this special occasion, whatever you wanna eat you can buy it"

*A drool is spotted around his mouth, thinking about the one food his dying to try out ever since it was aired on the television*

"KATSUDON!, my friends at school were teasing me because I was the only one in class who hasn't eaten it, and we're teasing me"

*The face he was making was so cute right now that, the mother pinch his cheeks.*

"Ow, mom stop it your hurting me"

"It's because of your adorable face Tadashi-kun, that I just couldn't help myself, as an apology will go there after the Hospital"

"YAY katsudon, katsudon..."

"What a wonderful family you have here Tadashi-kun, I'm sure you'll be a great person one day"

"You bet grandma-san, I'll protect everyone who is in trouble"

'Toshinori a bright future is upon us, I have met this interesting boy, carrying on the passion you have as a hero'

"Have you decided on a name for this quirk?"

"Go ahead Tadashi, it's your quirk"

*Looking at his parent's approval, he smirked and made his way face to face with Chiyo Shuzenji while doing an epic Giorno pose*

Sound effects Golden Wind OST.

"I, Suzuki Tadashi, have a dream the I know is just this name coursing through me is called [DOMAIN!]"

'I take back what I said Toshinori this kid is really odd'

"Way to go son just like we practice, Whooee-uueet BANZAI!"










*Chiyo Shuzenji wasn't expecting this scenario to play out*

"Ahem, the paperwork is done you can leave"

"I'm very sorry for making so much noise ma'am"

"I don't mind it one bit, it was actually kind of relieving to see this cheerful atmosphere."

"Bye Oba-chan"

"Bye Tadashi-kun"

*She waved her hand as they leave*


'I never knew Katsudon would be this mouthwatering, eating it every day would be a dream come true

'This time for sure, I could edit my other pencil into different shapes'

*Closing his eyes, to help him concentrate, was relieved that he wasn't having much difficulty as before*


'Sweet I'm getting a hang off it, let's keep experimenting on it to see how many I can produce'




"Phew so I can only make 3 without losing consciousness"

'I have formulated a plan that I'll be using until I get used to it without having these awful side effects, right now beauty rest is needed'

*Turning off the lamp and stretching his hands as he went to bed*

Hello everyone, hope you enjoy this chapter took me a while to make this scene. Please comment down below your thoughts about this story.

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