
MHA: Kamen Rider Decade

Destroyer of Worlds, Decade. MHAxSolo LevelingxKamen Rider

Haluo · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: U.S. J (2)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This fanfic is purely for enjoyment.

This is a fanfiction, so the familiar characters you see belong to their respected authors and owners.



—Line Breaker—


Volume 1 - Chapter 6: U.S. J (2)


The horde of villain stopped in surprise as they saw Tsukada, the [Armored Knight], doing something different from his past actions.

They received some basic data from their boss before their invasion and this sudden move by Tsukada was not in their data.

Tsukada simply smirked as he transformed into [Decade] under the eyes of everyone.

[Kamen Ride]


Tsukada was quickly surrounded by nine light and shadows and then attached to his body to form a gray armor, followed by a flash of yellow light on his forehead as seven negative were placed on his head, the green compound eyes lit up and the magenta armor showed.

Decade slowly walked under the gaze of the public.

Kamen Rider Decade, the warrior who connects and destroys everything, the destroyer of the worlds, the devil, is officially here in MHA.

Decade took out his card box from his waist and turned it into a card box sword, holding the sword in his right hand and stroking the long sword with his left hand.

"Saah, are you ready to meet your demise villain?" said Tsukada as he pointed his sword toward the villains.


[Title: USJ Disaster]

-Defeats the villains

-Defeat Shigaraki

-Defeat Kurogiri

-Defeat Nomu

-No death

[Rewards: 2000 points + Secret shop feature]


"Of course, accept," said Tsukada as he marched toward the villains, not before reminding Aizawa to look out at the portal guy. Aizawa nodded as he left with the kids and Thirteen.

"Sensei, are you sure Kadoya-sensei will be okay?" asked Midoriya with concern.

"Yeah, that's right sensei! we should totally help Kadoya-sensei! He would be overwhelmed against that horde of villains alone." said Lida as he kept looking back behind him as he saw Tsukada getting surrounded by the villains.

"To shut up! Tsukada is also a powerful so you must believe in him! This is not a joke anymore but real villains! we have to retreat right now and alert the other staffs at UA." said Aizawa as he dealt with some villains that followed them.

"Thirteen! go with them. I'll try to delay them and join you guys later!" said Aizawa as he dodge a fist from his right as he counterattacked with a jab as knocked out the culprit.

"But senpai!" said Thirteen, as she saw Aizawa fighting the incoming villains.

"JUST GO THIRTEEN!" shouted Aizawa as he rushed toward the villains.

"Come on kids, we have to go!" shouted Thirteen as she gritted her teeth. She felt useless not being able to help Aizawa and Tsukada.



"You know your job, Kurogiri." said Shigaraki as he looked at Tsukada with interest.

"Of course, I'll be leaving for now." said Kurogiri as he teleported away with a bow.

Tsukada clicked his tongue in annoyance as he saw Kurogiri leaving figure. He felt even more annoyed as he saw Aizawa entangled with the villains behind him.

"Tsk, I should clear them soon and help Aizawa. I can't afford him to be injured as I need him to deal with the Nomu together." said Tsukada as he returned his focus to the surrounding villains.

"Well, well, if it isn't the famous [Armored Knight] with his new dress. Do you think you can deal with me and the boys with your pink dress alone?" snickered a shark-like villain with his friends around him.

"Oh, my? Aren't you the infamous [Land Shark]? who is known for fucking fishes like no tomorrow?" said Tsukada in a mocking voice.


"DAMN YOU ARMORED KNIGHT! THIS IS A BLATANT SLANDER ILL SUE YOU." roared the Shark as he saw the weird gaze from the surrounding villains.

"Sue me? Hehe, let's see if you'll be coming out of here alive first, you degenerate."

"and you guys should remember the name of [Kamen Rider Decade]" said Tsukada as he charged with his sword.

"Who cares?!? Kamen Rider Decade or Armored Knight? you better pray to come out alive when me and the boys are done with you!"

"CHARGE EVERYONE!" shouted the Shark as he ran toward Tsukada first.

"Fools," said Tsukada as he slashed his sword toward the Shark, who used his left arm as a shield. He thought he could tank it easily. Unfortunately, Tsukada provided more strength with his sword as soon as he contacted the Shark.

He cut the guy's arm smoothly like butter, making the villain wailed in pain.

"Bastard! my arm!! You'll pay for it Armored Knight!!!" said the Shark as he clutched his arm in pain as the villains nearby stopped in fright. They didn't expect Tsukada's strength to cut Shark's arm clean.

"Don't be like that Sharkie, come on, I don't have all day so you guys better come at the same time." said Tsukada as he taunted them.





"Who do you think you are?"

"Hmph, you can scold me, but don't dare to come at me? Fine, I'll be the one to make a move." said Tsukada with contempt as he took out a card from his card box. He held the card with his fingers as he gently threw it in belt.



The villain saw four copies of Decade coming out from Tsukada, making it five Decade in total.

"Saa, Time to end it quick." said the five Decade as they dispersed in every direction to deal with their own villains.

"A-A-attack them!" stuttered a scared villain that woke up the rest of them from their daze. No way, they saw the power of one decade, but now they had to deal with five? They weren't sure anymore as they hesitate in place.

"Fuck? you trash you better remember the money they promised us for this mission? AND HE IS ONLY FIVE WHEN WE ARE A HUNDRED GO!!!" shouted Shark in rage as he couldn't believe this group became indecisive as he was the only one injured.

This shouted woke up them from their fear as they soon became greedy at the mention of money. Theses villains became even more excited as they charged toward the five Decade.

Tsukada shook his head as his four illusions dealt with them. He could respect their spirit, but they choose the wrong person.

Decade #1 and #2 used their sword at their own sides as Decade #3 and #4 used the Ride Booker's Gun Mode on some miscellaneous villains.

While the main Decade took out another card from his box that made the villains from his side flinch with fear.

"S-S-stop him from using the card!" shouted a quickwitted villain as some villain immediately launched a fireball, water beam and flying knifes, etc.

"Quick thinking, but too late, buddy." said Tsukada fearlessly as he gently threw the card to his belt as he dodged the incoming fire on his way. These shots were unfortunately too slow in Decade's eyes.


[Dimension Slash]

Decade and his other four illusion swords became a highly energized pixelated blade as nine human-scaled holographic constructs which act as portals through which Decade's attacks travel along appeared in front of them. They ran through them as the sword brighten even more with each card.

"This is the end!" said the five Decade as their attacks connected with the first villains as they continued to wave their swords at other villains. Each everyone of them felled under the powerful [Dimension slash].

Those corpses soon exploded, leaving the rest of the villains injured by the explosion and speechless. Decade eyes fell under the remaining villains as they trembled in fears.

"I don't need to deal with you guys, right?" asked Tsukada as the remaining villains shook their head extremely fast as they ran away in fear.

Tsukada snorted seeing their reactions. Good things he was a hero or else they would think he was a devil.

"Well, time to help Aizawa."