
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 26: Cavalry Battle

After Alex cruised through the obstacle course, he just started bathing in the sun as his wyvern instincts loved the warmth of it.

"Hoh? You just skipped all through that, huh sugar?" Midnight smiled at him and he nodded.

"No need to compete with them if I can just fly. It's annoying to hold back against people, they're squishier than you'd think." Alex shrugged.

Midnight blinked at that. Though she loved her a mysterious and dangerous man.

"Well, why don't Midnight-sensei teach you some humble manners?" She bit her lip.

"No thanks, I'm fine." Alex thought she needed some therapy.

"I like it when they play hard to get, rawr~" Midnight winked at him and he shuddered.

"Oi... Is Midnight-sensei in your list now?" Izumi arrived at the same time as Melissa. Crashing through the arena.

"What? That's crazy..." Alex sweated as Midnight was making googly eyes at him.

"Alex, you seriously have to stop attracting older women." Melissa deadpanned at him.

"I'm not releasing some kind of pheromone, I swear!" Alex grumbled.

"See you later for your private lesson, Alex." Midnight blew a kiss for him.

"Fuck, she's hot... I guess I have to ask them what their decision is." Alex texted their group chat.

*Nemuri as a playmate? Fuck yeah! She's hot as hell! I wanna see you bang her silly!* Rumi texted back immediately.

"Doesn't she have a lot of free time? I thought she's supposed to be one of the guards patrolling." Alex wondered.

*I guess we can talk with her first, scope her out you know?* Mitsuki was open to the idea.

*What!? But... But isn't four too much?* Inko was worried.

*The more the merrier!* Rumi was definitely having a blast.

"I guess they won't get mad if this blows out of proportion." Alex sighed.

He might be quite rational, but he's just a man. And Mitsuki already seduced him as evidence.

The other students started to file in and there were a lot from 1-A and 1-B.

"Oh my god! Are those babies made by you guys!? Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! How did you make that!?" A pink haired support student gushed at Melissa and Izumi.

"With a lot of hard work?" Melissa didn't know what to say. And handing over the schematics of their suits was off the table.

"Please! Teach me, masters!" She groveled on the ground and the two got troubled.

"You don't have to if you want to." Alex looked at them and they remembered that declining was a thing.

"Sorry, uh?" Izumi asked her name. "Mei Hatsume! And I understand, those babies must be your magnum opus!" Mei nodded sagely.

"Yeah, they are." Izumi and Melissa smiled at each other. As they made it painstakingly with Momo.

The 42 students who will be going to the next event were complete.

All in all, only two students outside of heroics class got in.

The gloomy kid, Hitoshi Shinso who Alex was sure that has a psychologic quirk.

And Mei Hatsume, the really enthusiastic girl that scared off Izumi and Melissa.

"Alright! The 42 students have gathered! Let us pick the next event!" Midnight pointed at the screen again.

"Cavalry battle! A staple of all sports festivals! But there's a little twist!" Hizashi hyped up the crowd.

"All of you have different points depending on your placement. And the 1st place's headband is worth 10 million!" Nemuri smirked at Alex.

"Oh, so this is gonna be a battle royale huh?" He nodded and the blonde douche from 1-B was fuming.

"You... Just because you guys fought with villains, you're already arrogant huh? 1-B, let's crush 1-A's star student." He was having a monologue.

"Shut up Monoma. Sorry everyone, he's got a serious case of inferiority complex." Their class rep, Itsuka Kendo whacked him with her enlarged hands.

"Alexander Godfrey, huh? I wonder how long you can last the onslaught." Hitoshi squinted his eyes at him.

"Okay guys, nobody gets on my team except those who haven't been trained by me." Alex quickly announced.

"What? But I wanted to be on your team." Mina pouted at him.

"Yeah, that's what you guys will do. Break the status quo and try to beat me yeah? This is a friendly competition after all." Alex challenged them.

"Gladly." Katsuki grinned at him. She was at the 4th place right after Izumi and Melissa who were 2nd and 3rd respectively.

And she was eager to win it all to prove herself.

"I will have to beat you, Alexander." The 5th place, Shoko looked at the stand where her father; Endeavor was.

"Yes! I will be teaming up with you! Everyone will be focusing on you! That way, those big companies will see my babies on display!" Mei went uncomfortably close to him.

"Uhh, yeah, sure?" Alex pushed her away a bit as her wide, bloodshot eyes were kinda creepy.

"Howdy, how about I join you too?" The smol girl with horns walked up to him as well.

"Pony Tsunotori right? Sure thing." Alex nodded at her and they teamed up. Nobody else was willing to be at the top where everybody will be fighting for your headband.

"Alright! For the rules! Even if your team goes down, you're not out for the count! Including getting your headband taken!

Though the time limit is 15 minutes, anything can happen." Nemuri started explaining.

Everyone then began to tinker about the implications of that.

"Just one touch, I can copy his quirk. We'll go for a kamikaze attack and we'll win if I can copy his quirk." Monoma told his team.

"Bakugou! I can trap people with my tape and you can blast them! Let's team up!" Hanta walked up to Katsuki.

"Huh? Who the hell are you and what's your quirk?" She only remembers her group's and Shoko's quirk which can be threats to her.

"Yo, Katsuki, let's team up. You need someone with youth to take on your explosions." Kirishima grinned at her.

"I can defend in long range!" Mina went with them for the best chances.

"Fine, don't hold me back." Katsuki squinted her eyes at them.

"Let's team up Izumi!" Ochaco went up to her and Izumi thought that would be beneficial for her suit, with her quirk and all.

"Sure, Ochaco. Let's get Fumikage too, he's pretty strong in combat." Izumi went up to bird man.

"Hey, Mezo, Rikido, I'm gonna need some muscle to carry me. So can I leave you two with that?" Melissa asked the four-arms fraud and sugar boy.

"Iida, you be on the front. Yaoyorozu, protect our right flank. Kaminari, you be on guard at the left. I'll deal with everything else." Shoko was fired up.

"Just a little warning for you, I'd rather you not going for Alex. That guy's a menace, he'll definitely have a loophole for the most important rule in this event, where you can't use your quirk to harm others." Momo frowned.

She could feel it already, he's going to break the rules and turn it into his bitch.

And the whole class of 1-B gulped when they saw him transform. They can never forget that day.

Their organs vibrating, their brains getting shook against their skulls, and their ears bleeding.

Alex turned into his tigrex form in full and he was pretty big. One of his paws were as large as an average person.

He then snapped his jaws shut, making them hear the jaws that could bite through steel plates, clean.

"Start!" Midnight shouted and she was curious on what will happen.

Alex started stomping on the ground with a weird walk and he took in air like a jet's air flow.

"Hide! Hide! Take cover!" Itsuka shouted immediately as her pupils dilated.

Class 1-B scattered like the wind and they all tried to go behind him. "What's the worst that could happen?" Denki shrugged.

"You fucking idiot." Katsuki deadpanned at him and they were all blown away by blastwave trauma.

The dome's protective screen shook like jello and the crowd went quiet.

"Alex did the roar!" Nejire who was currently in her own battle got excited.

"Fuck, that's loud as hell." Rumi's ears were ringing and she wasn't even in the damned stadium.

"That..." Ryuko thought that was what a real wyvern would look like.

Not her semi-transformation that is just a few meters in length.

"Oi! That's a red card!" Midnight raised a red card at him as she tried to equalize the pressure inside of her ears.

"I just roared, I didn't use my quirk to intentionally harm them. I didn't target anyone specifically as well." Alex shrugged.

And it was the best kind of correct, technically.

"Yeah, he didn't target anyone." Aizawa nodded at him as the rules are meant to be broken.

It was illogical to not get all the advantages you can have.

"What!?" Midnight still couldn't hear and she just got a thumbs up from Hizashi.

She then grumbled. "Okay, that wasn't aimed at anyone. So he isn't disqualified..." Midnight glared at Aizawa. She was sure he was the one who greenlit it.

Alex's feet suddenly got frozen by Shoko who was breathing heavily. She was sure that she got a couple of broken ribs and ruptured organs.

All in all, the only ones that were alright were 1-B students. Izumi and Melissa due to their armor. And Kirishima for being harder than any metal available.

"Let's begin, shall we? Pony, be a mobile turret." Alex's baritone voice resounded and his vicious maw showed a smile.

He then charged like a freight train at no particular direction.

The ground quaked with every stomp of his forelimbs.

Pony and Mei couldn't even do anything as they held on with their life.

"Ahhh! I'm gonna die!" Pony was almost thrown off, but Mei reeled her in with a retractable cable from her waist.

"My babies have the perfect spotlight! No way you'll be out of the game!" Mei anchored themselves on his neck.

"With that much momentum, he can only go on a straight line! Get them!" Izumi ordered her team.

Ochaco made them lighter and Fumikage used dark shadow to catapult themselves towards Alex.

But he suddenly drifted, using his claws as traction. Stopping first before making a complete 180.

"Damn." Izumi didn't expect that at all and Fumikage managed to use dark shadow as a shield.

"Fumikage!" Dark shadow screeched as they were hit by Alex who was like a freight train.

"Run! Run if you don't want to turn into paste!" Melissa ordered Mezo and Rikido as she tried blasting him with her repulsors.

That was already a no-go, but nobody called her out on it as Alex shrugged them off like they were squirts out of a water gun.

"We gotta stop him!" Itsuka ordered her team to meet him head on.

"You can't ignore Newton's laws!" Itsuka winded up for a haymaker as her fist enlargened.

But Alex suddenly jumped and a shadow loomed over them. "Fuck." Itsuka saw his forelimb wind up for a slam and their team crumpled like paper.

Everything turned into a slugfest and Katsuki clicked her tongue. She would have better chances without her team, but they were mandatory.

So she went after the top 2 and top 3 instead. "Give me your headbands!"

Everyone was running like headless chickens, trying to avoid the obvious behemoth that was trying to trample everyone.

Ice, explosions, acid, repulsor blasts, electricity. Everything was getting thrown everywhere and Pony was sniping anyone that had any funny ideas.

"This looks like a shitshow... And I love it." Aizawa cackled as he watched the chaos unfold.

"Who's going to stop Alex and his unstoppable charge! Does he even have limits?" Hizashi hyped everyone up.

"Katsuki! Try to take Alex's headband you pussy!" Mitsuki was screaming and Inko hoped that Izumi would dodge him like the plague.

The cavalry battle was a mess and a half. But millions of people all over the world could say that they loved the shit out of it.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.