
Color Your Night

We lay together in the quiet aftermath, the sweat cooling on our bare skin as our breathing slowly returned to normal. Momo nestled against me, her cheek resting over my heart, one arm draped loosely across my stomach.

I held her close, absently tracing patterns on the smooth skin of her back. A deep sense of contentment settled over me, a feeling of rightness and belonging that I wanted to sink into and never leave.

But as Momo drifted towards sleep, her body relaxing fully into mine, my mind began to wander to places I wished it wouldn't go.

Kyoka's face flickered behind my eyelids, her rare, unguarded smiles and the sparkle of mischief that always seemed to dance in her eyes. I remembered the easy banter between us, the spark of connection whenever we touched.

Guilt rose like bile in my throat. Here I was, holding Momo - beautiful, incredible Momo who had bared her body and soul to me - while my treacherous heart ached for others. What kind of man did that make me? What kind of hero?

I tried to push the thoughts away, to focus on the amazing girl in my arms, on the gift of her trust and vulnerability. She deserved my full presence, my complete devotion. To let my mind stray felt like a betrayal of the worst kind.

I tightened my arms around her, breathing in the scent of her hair, letting the steady thrum of her heartbeat ground me in the here and now.

This was real. Momo was real. The love we'd just shared, the profound connection... that was what mattered. Everything else was just noise, just the confused longings of a heart that wanted more than it could rightfully claim.

I pressed a soft kiss to Momo's hair, a silent promise. No more doubts, no more divided focus. From this moment on, I was hers - wholly, completely, without reservation. Anything else would be a disservice to her, to the incredible gift of her love.

Soon, I will talk to Kyoka. I would explain, as gently and honestly as I could, that while I cared for her deeply, my heart belonged to Momo. It wouldn't be easy - I knew it would hurt her, and the thought of causing her pain made my chest ache.

But it was the right thing to do. The only honorable path forward. Kyoka deserved the truth, deserved a chance to find someone who could give her their whole heart without hesitation or division.

And Momo... Momo deserved a partner who was fully present, fully committed. Who wouldn't waver or wonder or wish for anything more than the miracle of her in their arms.

I could be that for her. I would be that for her. Starting now, starting here in the quiet darkness with her sleeping form cradled against my chest and my resolve hardening into an unbreakable vow.

She murmured softly in her sleep, nuzzling closer, and I felt my heart swell with a love so fierce and clear it took my breath away.

This was where I was meant to be. Who I was meant to be. Hers, completely.

And with that, I closed my eyes, letting her breathing lull me to sleep.

The shrill blare of my alarm yanked me out of a deep, dreamless sleep. Still half-dazed, I fumbled for my phone, managing to silence the noise before it could fully pierce through the fog in my brain. 5:45 AM glowed on the screen, an ungodly hour that had somehow become routine.

As I moved to sit up, I suddenly became very aware of the warm body curled into mine. Momo lay sleeping, her face smooth and untroubled, a stark difference from the naked desire that had painted her features mere hours ago. The memories hit me in a rush - heated skin, gasping breaths, the taste of her on my tongue. I felt my face grow hot.

Carefully, I extracted myself from her embrace, trying not to jostle her awake. She mumbled something in her sleep, burrowing further into the pillow before settling again, a ghost of a smile on her lips.

In the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face, my reflection staring back at me from the mirror. I looked... different. The same mess of green hair, the same freckles, but something in my eyes had shifted. A new depth, a sense of something irrevocably changed.

My gaze drifted back to Momo's sleeping silhouette and my chest tightened with a fierce swell of affection. I hated to wake her, to disturb the peace of this moment, but I knew she'd need to sneak back to her own room before the others woke up.

I padded over to the bed and gently shook her shoulder. "Momo, hey. It's morning."

Her eyelids fluttered, then opened, hazy with sleep but still so stunning it made my breath catch. "Izuku. Hi." Her voice was rough with disuse, but her smile was soft and sweet.

"Hey yourself," I murmured back, ducking to brush a light kiss over her lips. "I'm sorry, but we should probably get you back to your room before anyone else is up and about."

She nodded, understanding in her eyes as she pushed herself up to sitting. A slight grimace passed over her face at the movement and I felt a pang of concern. "You okay?"

A faint blush dusted her cheeks. "Just a little sore," she admitted.

Suddenly, her eyes went wide. "Izuku. Last night, did we...? I don't remember us using any...protection."

It hit me like a freight train. In the heat of the moment, swept away by passion and need and the sheer overwhelming rightness of being with her... we'd forgotten the single most important thing. "I... no. No, we didn't."

She let out a slow breath, tension evident in the set of her shoulders even as she tried for a reassuring smile. "It's alright. I can pick something up from the store later, take care of it. We just... we need to be more careful, going forward."

"Momo, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let that happen, I should've-"

"Hey, no. This isn't just on you. We both got caught up." She reached for my hand, tangling our fingers together. "We'll do better next time. Okay?"

"Okay. Yes. Definitely."

She slipped out of bed and I couldn't help but stare as she started to gather up her clothes, taking in the long lines of her body, the smooth expanses of skin marked here and there with the shadow of a forming bruise - echoes of my lips, my teeth. Pride and possessive satisfaction warred with the guilty twist in my gut at her obvious discomfort as she gingerly pulled on each piece of clothing.

I hurriedly threw on my workout gear and together we tiptoed down the stairs, the pre-dawn stillness of the dorms broken only by the near-silent pad of her bare feet on the steps.

At the bottom, she turned to me, catching my hand in hers once more. "See you in class," she whispered, her thumb rubbing a slow circle over my knuckles.

I nodded, not trusting my voice. With a final squeeze of my fingers, she slipped away, vanishing down the darkened hallway towards the girls' wing.

I stood there for a long moment after she'd gone, my hand still tingling with the ghost of her touch. Everything felt different now, shifted on its axis. The world of yesterday, where Momo was just a friend, a cherished classmate... it seemed like a lifetime ago. A simpler time, before I knew the taste of her skin, the sound of my name on her lips as she came undone in my arms.

And god help me, even with the lingering guilt, the knowledge that we'd been careless, that there could be consequences... I couldn't bring myself to regret it. How could I, when every cell in my body was still singing with the memory of her, when my heart felt fuller and more alive than it ever had before?

I shook my head, trying to clear it. I needed to move, to lose myself in the familiar burn and strain of a workout.

After my training session, which felt surprisingly manageable despite my recent hospital stay, I made my way back to the dorms. The familiar burn in my muscles was a welcome sensation, a reminder that I was back in action.

Freshly showered, I stood in front of the mirror wrestling with my tie, the red fabric refusing to cooperate. After several frustrating attempts, I gave up, leaving it hanging loosely around my neck. The top button of my shirt dug into my throat, so I popped it open with a sigh of relief. Ties and I would never be friends.

Stepping out into the early morning sun, I decided to head to the classroom early. Some quiet time before the day's chaos sounded perfect. Lost in thought about the night with Momo and the challenges ahead, I barely noticed the person stepping into my path until I nearly collided with her.

She looked like an upperclassman, a few inches shorter than me but with a presence that seemed to fill the empty hallway. Her red hair was cut in a stylish bob, a single long strand framing the right side of her face. Two scars, one vertical down the center of her face, the other curving along her left cheek, added an air of intrigue to her delicate features. Her eyes, a striking yellow behind her glasses, seemed to see right through me.

"Izuku Midoriya, correct?" Her voice was confident, assured.

"Uh, yeah. That's me," I managed, trying to regain my bearings. "And you are...?"

"Seya Sugimoto. Third year, business course. I've been wanting to meet you, Midoriya." Her smile was disarming, but there was a calculating edge to it.

"Did you... need something from me, Sugimoto?" I asked, unsure what this was about.

She pulled out a business card, holding it out to me. "I want to be your manager and agent."

I stared at the card, then back at her. "My manager? But I'm just a first year."

Seya laughed, a sound that seemed to vibrate in my bones. She slipped off her glasses, her yellow eyes locking with mine. That's when I noticed the intricate lily pattern in her irises, almost hypnotic in its delicate beauty. I couldn't look away.

"My eyes never lie, Midoriya. Plus, I've seen your interviews.The one at school, and the one about the beach cleanup that's been making small waves on YouTube. You have a presence, a charisma that can't be taught. With my help, you could be more than a top hero. You could be a brand, a household name." Her voice was silk and honey, tempting and terrifying all at once.

"I don't know what to say. This is all so sudden."

Her smile widened. "Think about it. I'll be watching you at the sports festival. When you're ready to take the next step in your career, you know where to find me."

And then she was gone, her hips swaying as she walked away. I looked down at the card in my hand, my mind spinning.

As I settled into my seat, my mind drifted back to the encounter with Seya Sugimoto. Her offer to be my manager and agent kept replaying in my head, the implications of it slowly sinking in.

Her words had struck a chord, resonating with a part of me that I'd tried to keep locked away. Memories of my past life, of the struggles and hardships that had defined it, came flooding back.

I remembered the poverty, the constant struggle to make ends meet.

I remembered the day the yakuza came, the day my own father sold me off to settle his gambling debts. The fear, the helplessness, the anger that had consumed me as I was dragged away from the only life I'd ever known.

Those experiences had shaped me, molded me into the man I was today. They'd taught me the value of strength, of power. The necessity of being able to protect myself and those I cared about.

And now, in this new life, I had a chance to do more than just survive. I had a chance to thrive, to reach heights I'd never dared dream of before.

I thought of my mother, of the sacrifices she'd made for me. The long hours, the weary smiles, the love that had never wavered even in the darkest of times.

I wanted to give her everything she'd never had. The comfort, the security, the peace of mind that came with knowing your child was safe and provided for.

If doing this could ensure that my mother never wanted for anything again…

Then I had to go all in. I had to seize every opportunity, leverage every advantage. And having someone like Seya in my corner, someone who knew the ins and outs of the business, who could navigate the complexities of fame and publicity...

That could be the edge I needed. The key to unlocking not just my potential as a hero, but my potential as a symbol, a brand.

The sound of footsteps in the hallway broke me out of my reverie. I sat up straighter, squaring my shoulders as the door slid open.

Momo stepped into the room, her eyes finding mine immediately. A soft smile curved her lips, a hint of shyness in her gaze as she made her way over to me.

"Hey," she said quietly, slipping into the seat behind me.

"Hey yourself." I turned around and reached out, taking her hand in mine . Her fingers twined with my own, a perfect fit.

I looked at her, really looked at her. The soft curve of her cheek, the intelligence sparkling in her dark eyes, the way her hair fell like a curtain of silk over her shoulders. She was beautiful, inside and out. And she was here, with me.

"Momo," I started, my voice low and serious. "About last night..."

She squeezed my hand, her thumb rubbing soothing circles over my knuckles. "I know. It... it changes things, doesn't it?"

I nodded, swallowing hard. "It does. But... but I don't want it to change us. Not in a bad way, at least."

"What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. "I mean... I want to be with you, Momo. Not just as friends but... but as something more."

Her eyes widened, a flush rising in her cheeks. "Izuku..."

"I know it's fast," I rushed on, the words tumbling out. "And I know we have a lot to figure out, with school and training and everything else. But... but I also know how I feel about you. And after last night, after being with you like that... I don't want to pretend it didn't happen, or that it didn't mean anything."

Momo was quiet for a long moment, her gaze searching mine. I held my breath, my heart hammering against my ribs as I waited for her response.

Then, slowly, a smile bloomed across her face. A real smile, wide and bright and filled with a joy that made my chest ache.

"I want that too," she whispered, her fingers tightening around mine. "I want to be with you, Izuku. In every way that matters."

"So... is that a yes? To being my girlfriend?"

Momo laughed, the sound like music to my ears. "Yes. That's a definite yes."

I wanted to kiss her. Wanted to pull her into my arms and never let go, to shout my joy from the rooftops for the whole world to hear.

But the sound of voices in the hallway reminded me where we were. I settled for lifting our joined hands, pressing a quick, fervent kiss to her knuckles.

"Later," I promised, my voice low and heated. "We'll celebrate properly later."

Momo's eyes sparkled with a hunger that echoed my own. "I'm going to hold you to that."

We separated reluctantly as our classmates began to file in, the room filling with the usual morning chatter and bustle.

I overheard Ashido asking, "So, who do you guys think will teach class today?"

Tsu replied, "No idea. Mr. Aizawa should still be in the hospital recovering from his injuries."

Just as she finished speaking, the door slid open, revealing Mr. Aizawa. His arms were bandaged, and a strip of gauze covered his forehead. Despite his injuries, he strode into the room with his usual air of authority.

"Good morning, class," he greeted us, his voice steady.

"Good morning," we chorused back.

Iida's hand shot up, chopping the air as he spoke. "Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're better!"

Aizawa waved off his concern. "My well-being is irrelevant. The important thing is that the U.A. Sports Festival is about to start in three weeks."

Kirishima pumped his fist in the air. "Let's go kick some ass!"

Jiro raised her hand, a look of concern on her face. "Wait a second, is it really such a good idea to hold the Sports Festival so soon after the villains infiltrated U.A.?"

Ojiro nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they could attack again when we're all in the same place."

Aizawa sighed, his shoulders sagging slightly. "The administration thinks doing this is a good way of showing that the situation is handled and that our school is safer than ever. Plus, security will be a lot higher this year as well."

He straightened up, his gaze sweeping over the room. "Listen up, this is no ordinary school event," he continued. "The Sports Festival is one of the most-watched events in Japan, with millions tuning in from around the country. It's a chance for you to show the world what you're made of, to catch the eye of pro heroes and potential employers."

"But make no mistake," Aizawa warned, his eyes narrowing. "This is not just a chance for glory and recognition. It's also a crucial step in your training as future heroes. The challenges you'll face in the festival will push you to your limits, forcing you to confront your weaknesses and grow in ways you never thought possible."

I sat up straighter, Aizawa's words resonating deep in my core. This was it. The opportunity I'd been waiting for, the chance to prove myself not just to the world, but to my own doubts and demons.

I glanced at Momo and saw the same fire reflected in her eyes. We shared a small, private smile, a silent acknowledgment of the road ahead and the promise to walk it together.

The future was ours for the taking. And we were ready to seize it with both hands, to carve our names into the annals of history and legend.

The age of Izuku Midoriya, hero-in-training, had begun.

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