
MHA: Gomu-Gomu no mi

A boy who was sent into the world of MHA with the powers of Luffy's devil fruit to please a ROB. Watch as he becomes the strongest he can AU

stay_at_home_pig · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: I am trash 

Chapter 5: I am trash

(I decided not to add the one piece characters due to popular demand, but this was always planned and the MC does have a background)

"Monkey D Luffy…isn't that the same name as Monkey D Garp, Garp the Fist? The ex number 2 Hero before he disappeared?" Murmured Izuku out loud.


Now that I think about it, Grandpa was never mentioned inside of the original MHA anime, was he never relevant? But I would expect someone who was on the caliber of All Might, just falling short would be relevant to the plot.

Unless that was a change…that means the information I have is not 100% accurate anymore.

Wow, this changes some things, I don't know if All for One will be the same and if his plans have changed but for now I am going to have to just continue with what I know.

"Yes, that is my grandfather." I said to which a lot of people started to cheer and talk about my grandfather in front of me.

"Right, that's enough of that you can talk to him more later. For now, the first test will be the 50 meter dash.

Luffy, join the first batch." Aizawa says, as I nod and enter the batch while walking to the line.

Now this actually makes a little sense. Why Nezu came all the and followed me, it's probably because he hung out with Grandpa.

Sigh…I thought I got rid of his influence here, guess not.


As Aizawa prepped us, I activated Gear 2 and compressed my legs even further, before just rocketing my way to the finish line.

"3.33 seconds." Aizawa says, to which I nod.

Slower than Ida by about 0.3 seconds…which I don't really think is that bad considering he is specializing in speed.

Watching Deku get 7 seconds and panic afterwards was also funny.

Am I going to help him? Yes?

Is it going to be right not, no.

I can see what he can do in the future, the faster he becomes Manga Deku, the better for me.

The next test was the grip test, in which I once again activated Gear 2 and got 800 Kg. I would have gone Gear 3, but the grip tested wouldn't be able to fit my hand.

Since Gear 2 is about a 10X multiplier, that means my base grip is 80Kg, just 30 above the completely normal humans without breaking his bones (Deku).

For the standing long jump, I just repeated what I did for the 50 m dash.

For side steps, I once again went into Gear 2 and spammed side jumps, but this is when things started to get tricky.

I started to lose stamina and I could feel it. I wasn't tired yet, but I could feel energy leaving my body.

I really need to train my body's fitness.

For the ball throw, I swung my arm around continuously, making a sort of clock tower like shape, not before I went into Gear 2 again.

[Gomu-Gomu no Windmill!]

Before releasing the ball I stretched my hand outward.

It hit 1508m.

The Marathon was a 5km run which I used Gear 2 for again, running as fast as I could, hitting which was about 10 minutes. However, that was also because I was using Gears in intervals, letting my body rest as well.

If I used it continuously, I might have hit 6 minutes instead.

But that means that normally, it would take me 60 minutes, an hour to run 5km, which is obviously horrendous, any normal person can beat me.

The main thing I am learning from this is that I have been stupid my whole life, not training my body and only complaining about my quirk…my uselessness.

Was I any different from Izuku? The only reason I am where I am is because of my memories…

For sit ups, I got to 450 before completely running out of gas. I almost passed out, Gear 2 takes a lot out of me.

However, that is not really bad timing, it's some Goku level shit.

Still, these are all good without considering that they are under a multiplier. I might be seen as really strong now, but in front of monsters like All Might this is probably nothing.

Seated bending was the easiest for me, reaching 80 meters by far the highest.

"Wow, your quirk is really versatile." Momo said as she came up to me.

"You could say so. I could say the same about you too." I replied. I always felt like she had so much wasted potential, she could make anything but choses to make swords and shields.

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu by the way." She said as she raised her hand up for a handshake.

"Monkey D Luffy." I replied.

"What exactly is your quirk, Luffy san." She asks me.

( I am skipping the whole 'you don't have to be polite call me this and that bull among same year people)

"My entire body is basically Rubber. How about yours?" I asked, knowing what it is already.

"It is called creation. I can basically create anything I know the molecular structure of if I know about its atomic structure." She replied.

"Wow, but isn't your quirk really useful, Luffy san? I have seen the way you use it, it is a really powerful quirk."

This is what anyone who has seen my moves would say.

Oh, it is powerful, you were blessed, this and that, but they don't know how much torment I went through in the orphanage.

Everyone said this quirk was weak, and technically it is weak, it is weak in the hands of people who do not have a good enough imagination.

Thankfully, I know a lot of different types of moves, since I have 'Luffy's' move set with me.

"Yes it is powerful." I just said a long with her. I didn't see a point in needing to prove and say my quirk was not good.

What is that going to do? Give me the self satisfaction that I am actually good?

I need to do better, always stay humble…

(Nezu and All Might)

"This is a good batch, your successor seems competent as well." Nezu said as he was on All Might's shoulder.

"You are right, Midoriya Shounen is doing really well, I could not be more proud."

"Right…but don't you think the other kid over there is going through some problems." Nezu says, pointing his paw to Luffy.

"That is Garp's grandson right…that guy, how could he never tell us he had a kid? Let alone a grandson?" All Might said while sighing.

"I knew he had a grandson, just never bothered to do anything, not my place." Nezu said, while All Might said," But if he was an Orphan, I could have taken care of him.:

But after saying that, he seemed to think about how ridiculous that was.

"Yeah, and put a target of the entire world on him?" Nezu said while chuckling.

"You're right I did not think of that, still I could have helped somehow." All Might said while sulking a little.

"He seems to be under a lot of pressure for some reason." Nezu said, causing All Might to agree.

"It is probably because he has to live up to the D legacy. The will of Garp is not easy to succeed, considering he did help me take down the strongest Villain known to man."

"You are probably right, but we should keep an eye on him," Nezu says, as he sees Aizawa explaining how 'he was never going to expel anyone.' Complete lie.

'It seems like you are going to overwork yourself and burn out. Sigh, I need to prepare a pep talk on why a complete and utter Sigma grind mindset will ruin your future due to lack of 'motivation/will.' Nezu thought.

(If you cannot tell, the MC is being really hard on himself, and there is a reason for it)