

Hey there! I'm Kaelin Godfrey, you can call me kai, and let me tell you, I've had one heck of a journey. In my previous life, I was a hero – yeah, the real deal, capes and all. I fought bad guys, saved the day, and finally kicked back with a peaceful death. No regrets, just a desire for a laid-back afterlife. But guess what? I got reincarnated into this wild world of My Hero Academia! Crazy, right? Here, almost everyone has these quirks – cool superpowers that make my old hero gig look like a sideshow. But me? I just want to chill, enjoy life, and maybe crack a few jokes. So, I'm living life my way: no capes, no grandiose heroics, just pure, unadulterated fun. Making friends, pulling pranks, and spreading smiles – that’s my new mission. Sure, there are villains and chaos, but why sweat it when you can laugh? Don't get me wrong, if push comes to shove, I'll step up. But for now, I'm savoring every moment, bringing a bit of sunshine to this already extraordinary world. Because if there's one thing I’ve learned, it's that happiness is the real superpower. So, buckle up and join me on this joyride through the quirkiest life ever! ***************************************** "Kaelin powers are inspired from ghost superhero in marvel and ghostfreak in ben 10". "Psst! Attention all amazing readers! Want more chapters faster than Bakugo's temper flares? Well, here's the deal: for every 100 power stones you toss our way, you unlock a bonus chapter! That's right – 100 power stone, one extra chapter. But wait, it gets better! Hit us with 300 power stones in a day, and we'll whip up not one, not two, but five bonus chapters! And for the ultimate power stone showdown, drop 500 in a day, and you'll unlock a whopping 10 bonus chapters! So let's make it rain power stones and unleash the epicness! You rock, heroes!"

PRINCEAETHER · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Ghostly Triumph and Mom's Joyful Tears

Principal Nezu sat in his office, his small paws tapping rhythmically on the mahogany desk. He enjoyed puzzles, and today, he had a particularly intriguing one. "Aizawa, what can you tell me about this Kaelin Godfrey?" he asked, peering up at the towering figure of Eraser Head.

Aizawa handed over Kaelin's application form with a nonchalant shrug. "Here's everything we've got on him so far. His quirk is named 'Ghost.' Invisibility and intangibility," Aizawa summarized, his voice as monotone as ever.

Nezu's eyes gleamed with curiosity as he scanned the document. "Invisibility and intangibility, huh? Quite the combination. A perfect quirk for espionage, sneaking into places unnoticed, and, of course, being an excellent prankster."

He chuckled to himself, imagining the chaos a student with such abilities could cause. "No wonder he made such an impact during the entrance exam," Nezu mused aloud. "The reports mentioned he was causing quite a stir among the other examinees. They even thought he vanished into thin air!"

Aizawa nodded. "Yes, he has a knack for dramatic exits. He managed to phase through the robots, effectively disabling them without breaking a sweat. Quite efficient."

Nezu's mind raced with possibilities. "And this girl he saved... Ochaco Uraraka, her quirk is to control gravity?" He picked up another file and read through her details. "A gravity manipulation quirk is nothing to scoff at either. She could be a valuable asset."

Aizawa leaned back against the wall, arms folded. "She's got potential. With proper training, she could be quite formidable."

Nezu nodded, already thinking ahead. "Kaelin's abilities, combined with Ochaco's, could make for an interesting dynamic. Imagine the tactical advantages they could bring in joint exercises. Invisibility and intangibility paired with gravity control – a match made in hero heaven."

He paused, his mind returning to Kaelin. "But what drives him? Why did he choose to rescue Ochaco instead of racking up more points? It's a curious move, one that speaks of heroism rather than selfish ambition."

Aizawa smirked slightly. "Sounds like he's got a good heart. Not something you see every day."

Nezu tilted his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Indeed. And those are the kinds of heroes we need. Ones who prioritize saving lives over personal gain."

He closed the file, leaning back in his chair. "Aizawa, keep an eye on Kaelin Godfrey. His presence here at U.A. could be... quite enlightening. And let's not forget about Ochaco Uraraka. We must ensure she feels supported and encouraged. Both of them could be key players in the future of our society."

Aizawa nodded, already planning how to integrate Kaelin into his training regimen. "Understood. I'll make sure they both get the attention they need."

Nezu smiled, his sharp teeth gleaming. "Excellent. Now, let's see how these new pieces fit into our grand puzzle. The future of hero society just got a lot more interesting."

With that, Nezu returned to his work, his mind buzzing with strategies and contingencies. He couldn't wait to see what Kaelin and Ochaco would bring to the table. One thing was for sure – U.A. was about to get a lot more exciting.

# NOTICE - I am not pairing Uraraka with kaelin and I am not focusing on romance for now.

As I boarded the bus, a triumphant grin spread across my face. Today, my master plan was a spectacular success. The entrance exam? Nailed it. Those zero-pointer robots? Reduced to scrap metal. And the look on everyone's faces? Priceless. I could almost hear the slow clap of admiration in my head.

I settled into a seat, fishing my earphones out of my pocket. Time to celebrate with some tunes. I scrolled through my playlist and landed on a new English song, "Belong Together" by Mark Amber. The melody hit just right – catchy, with a beat that made my foot tap involuntarily.

As the music filled my ears, I leaned back and stared out the window, letting the city blur into a colorful smear of lights and buildings. "Belong Together" was all about finding your place, your people. Kind of fitting, really. I mean, I did just kick butt in an exam to get into the best hero school ever. Talk about belonging.

I couldn't help but hum along, tapping my fingers on my knee. Maybe I should have invited those love-struck bus girls for a karaoke session. But then again, I needed to save my energy for more important things, like plotting my next heroic move.

Suddenly, the bus hit a bump, jolting me out of my musical daydream. I glanced around and saw the usual assortment of commuters, all blissfully unaware that they were sharing a ride with the next big thing in hero-dom. The future phantom hero, riding public transportation like a regular Joe. Classic.

As the song hit its chorus, I allowed myself a moment of pure, unadulterated self-congratulation. Today was a good day. I had executed my plan flawlessly, saved a girl in distress, and secured my spot at U.A. High. Life was sweet.

And the best part? This was just the beginning. There were more adventures, more robots to smash, and more cheesy one-liners to deliver. Plus, I still had to perfect my exit strategy. Disappearing into thin air was cool, but I could definitely up the drama factor.

With the bus nearing my stop, I pulled out my earphones and stuffed them back into my pocket. Time to head home and regale Mom with tales of my epic day. Maybe she'd bake a victory cake or something. A hero's gotta eat, right?

As I stepped off the bus, the melody of "Belong Together" still echoed in my mind. I had a feeling this song was going to be my anthem for a while. After all, I belonged at U.A. High, and I was ready to show the world exactly what that meant.

Martha had just finished her afternoon tea when the letter from U.A. High School arrived. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the prestigious seal on the envelope. She called out to Kaelin, her voice trembling with a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Kaelin! There's a letter for you from U.A.!"

Kaelin sauntered into the room, a confident smirk on his face. "Ah, finally! Let's see how my master plan turned out." He took the letter from his mother and together, they opened it. Martha's hands were shaking slightly, her eyes fixed on the envelope as Kaelin carefully tore it open.

As they read the contents, Martha's eyes widened in disbelief. "Kaelin, you got first place! 169 points! 100 in attack and 69 in rescue!" She looked at him, her eyes brimming with tears of joy.

Kaelin grinned, not at all surprised by the result. "Well, I did say I had a grand plan, didn't I?"

Martha couldn't contain her emotions. She pulled Kaelin into a tight hug, her heart swelling with pride. "I'm so proud of you, Kaelin! You've worked so hard, and now it's all paying off. You're going to be an incredible hero."

Kaelin hugged her back, feeling a warm glow of happiness from his mother's affection. "Thanks, Mom. But I couldn't have done it without you."

That night, the house was filled with laughter and celebration. Martha made Kaelin's favorite dinner, and they danced around the living room to his favorite songs. Martha couldn't stop smiling, her heart light with happiness. She watched her son, seeing the hero he was becoming, and felt like the happiest woman alive.

As they sat down to eat, Martha looked at Kaelin with shining eyes. "You know, Kaelin, no matter what happens, I'll always be here to support you. You're my pride and joy."

Kaelin chuckled, giving her a playful wink. "And you're the best mom a future hero could ask for."

That night, Martha went to bed with a heart full of joy and a mind buzzing with dreams of her son's bright future. She knew that Kaelin was destined for greatness, and she couldn't wait to see him shine.

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