

Hey there! I'm Kaelin Godfrey, you can call me kai, and let me tell you, I've had one heck of a journey. In my previous life, I was a hero – yeah, the real deal, capes and all. I fought bad guys, saved the day, and finally kicked back with a peaceful death. No regrets, just a desire for a laid-back afterlife. But guess what? I got reincarnated into this wild world of My Hero Academia! Crazy, right? Here, almost everyone has these quirks – cool superpowers that make my old hero gig look like a sideshow. But me? I just want to chill, enjoy life, and maybe crack a few jokes. So, I'm living life my way: no capes, no grandiose heroics, just pure, unadulterated fun. Making friends, pulling pranks, and spreading smiles – that’s my new mission. Sure, there are villains and chaos, but why sweat it when you can laugh? Don't get me wrong, if push comes to shove, I'll step up. But for now, I'm savoring every moment, bringing a bit of sunshine to this already extraordinary world. Because if there's one thing I’ve learned, it's that happiness is the real superpower. So, buckle up and join me on this joyride through the quirkiest life ever! ***************************************** "Kaelin powers are inspired from ghost superhero in marvel and ghostfreak in ben 10". "Psst! Attention all amazing readers! Want more chapters faster than Bakugo's temper flares? Well, here's the deal: for every 100 power stones you toss our way, you unlock a bonus chapter! That's right – 100 power stone, one extra chapter. But wait, it gets better! Hit us with 300 power stones in a day, and we'll whip up not one, not two, but five bonus chapters! And for the ultimate power stone showdown, drop 500 in a day, and you'll unlock a whopping 10 bonus chapters! So let's make it rain power stones and unleash the epicness! You rock, heroes!"

PRINCEAETHER · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

"Heroic Hysteria: All Might's Battle of Trials!"

I looked around at the other 19 students. Everyone looked like they'd just been told they had to wrestle a dragon for breakfast. You could almost hear the collective gulp.

Aizawa-sensei was just standing there, looking as calm as ever. Honestly, he looked like he'd just rolled out of bed. I wouldn't be surprised if he had. Maybe he even slept in that yellow sleeping bag.

"You think this is unreasonable?" he said, his eyes practically daring someone to say yes.

A kid with glasses and a serious case of 'teacher's pet' syndrome, Tenya Iida, actually spoke up. "But sir, isn't this a bit extreme? Expulsion on the first day?"

Aizawa-sensei just blinked at him. "The job of a hero is unpredictable. Anything can happen. You always have to be ready."

I could almost see the gears turning in Iida's head, trying to process this. The rest of us were still stuck on the expulsion thing.

He continued, "Your next three years at UA will be a hardship. This is Plus Ultra."

Now, I'm not gonna lie. Part of me was like, "Did he just say Plus Ultra like it's some kind of slogan?" But another part of me was thinking about how I'd already survived training with Kitty Pryde. If I could handle her, surely I could handle this guy. Right?

A girl with pink skin and horns, Mina, whispered to me, "Is he serious?"

I shrugged. "If he is, then we're in for a wild ride."

Bakugo, the spiky-haired explosion kid, just laughed. "Bring it on!" he yelled, looking like he was ready to blow something up right then and there. I made a mental note to keep my distance from him.

As Aizawa sensei laid out the rules for our physical tests, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. Here we were, a bunch of quirky teenagers, about to embark on a series of tests that would determine our worthiness as future heroes. It was like the Olympics, but with way cooler powers.

Bakugo, with his explosive personality, was the first to step up to the plate for the softball pitch. He practically turned into a human cannonball, launching the ball into orbit with a deafening roar. Meanwhile, poor Ojiro was so nervous he nearly tripped over his own feet, but somehow managed to pull off a respectable jump.

When it was my turn, I decided to get a little creative. Instead of relying on brute strength like Bakugo, I used my telekinesis to guide the ball with the finesse of a master puppeteer. The result? A perfect pitch that would make any major league pitcher jealous.

Next up was the standing jump, and Tsuyu was leaping through the air with the grace of a frog. As she landed with a splash, I knew I had my work cut out for me. But with a little help from my invisible quirk, I launched myself into the air like a human missile, soaring past Tsuyu with a victory dance mid-air.

The tests continued, each one more ridiculous than the last. From balancing on a beam while blindfolded to running through an obstacle course blindfolded, it was like a game show gone wrong. But through it all, I kept my cool and relied on my quirks to see me through.

And then, just when we thought it was all over, Aizawa sensei dropped a bombshell: the whole expulsion thing was a lie. Apparently, it was just a test to see how we'd react under pressure. Talk about a mood killer. But hey, at least we got some good laughs out of it.

As the dust settled and Aizawa sensei announced the real results, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. Sure, I may not have taken the conventional route to victory, but I had used my quirks in ways that no one else had thought of. And in the end, isn't that what being a hero is all about?

As I approached Kaelin, I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and admiration. He had managed to clinch the top spot in the physical tests, and I was eager to learn his secret. "Hey, Kaelin," I greeted him with a friendly smile, "mind if I ask you a question?"

Kaelin turned to me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well, well, if it isn't Momo! What's cookin', good lookin'?"

I chuckled at his playful greeting. "I couldn't help but notice how you managed to come in first place in all the tests. Your quirk is truly remarkable, but I'm curious... how did you do it?"

Kaelin leaned back, crossing his arms with a grin. "Ah, you noticed, huh? Must be my invisible charm working its magic."

I raised an eyebrow, amused by his response. "Invisible charm, huh? Well, spill the beans, Kaelin. What's your secret?"

He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, Momo, a magician never reveals his secrets. But let's just say I've got a few tricks up my invisible sleeves."

I couldn't help but laugh at his theatrics. "So, what you're saying is... you cheated?"

Kaelin recoiled in mock offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Cheated? Moi? Never! I prefer to think of it as... strategic improvisation."

I chuckled at his response. "Strategic improvisation, huh? Well, whatever you call it, it certainly worked. Congratulations, Kaelin."

He flashed me a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Thanks, Momo. And remember, if you ever need some lessons in the fine art of rule-bending, you know where to find me."

Ah, another day at UA High, where the classes are as eclectic as the students themselves. First up, we've got Present Mic bellowing at us in English class like he's trying to break the sound barrier. Seriously, sometimes I wonder if he's secretly auditioning for a rock band.

Then comes the infamous Midnight, our modern art history teacher. Let's just say her choice of subject matter can get... interesting. I mean, who knew there were so many ways to interpret a polka-dot painting?

And who could forget Ectoplasm, our math teacher who's always got his head in the numbers. Literally. With his ghost-like appearance, it's like he's already halfway in the spirit world.

But hey, you know what they say—variety is the spice of life, right? And if nothing else, these classes definitely keep things interesting.

Just when we thought the day couldn't get any more intense, in bursts All Might, like a tornado of enthusiasm. Seriously, does the guy ever enter a room quietly? It's like he's got his own theme music playing in his head or something.

And there he stands, towering over us mere mortals, shouting, "It's me!" through the door like a normal person, he's announcing himself to some epic showdown. Classic All Might.

Then, in his booming voice that could wake the dead, he drops the bombshell: he'll be teaching us foundational hero studies. Cue the collective gasp of excitement from the entire class. I swear, you could practically see the sparkles in everyone's eyes.

But leave it to All Might to kick things up a notch. He's not just here to lecture us—oh no. He's here to put us through the wringer with some good ol' fashioned trial battles. And just like that, we're suiting up and getting ready to rumble.

As he reminds us that we're officially heroes now, I can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline. This is it—the moment we've been training for. And with All Might leading the charge, there's no telling what kind of crazy adventures await us. Let the battle of trials begin!

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"Hey there, lovely readers! So, I've got a little proposal for you – how about we make a deal? You hit me up with those power stones, and in return, I'll sprinkle some extra laughs and charm into your day! Deal? Oh, and here's the best part: for every power stone you toss my way, I promise to do a little victory dance that's so ridiculous, even Deku would blush! So, let's make some magic happen together, and remember, with great power stones comes... well, my eternal gratitude and a few chuckles on the side! You guys rock, literally! 💎😄"

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