
mha gf series - goddness & sunshine

meet elizabeth aka lily is a girl been through hell and back, as a young girl she fought cancer until the end. her mothers does what she can, take her to a island in Greece. where the island, has a temple that has hot springs that known to be healing. when she get's heals, she becomes the next powerful goddess she get's a quirks of controlling earth, air and fire, water. plus she can heal people as well. she lived on the island until she was 15th. on her 15th birthday. a awful man named apollo, that killed everyone on the small island than took lily. was going to kill her for her power but decide to keep her. since that day lily she wishes she was dead. ~~~~~ one day she is saved by stranger, named aizawa he tells her he knew her mother and promise to keep her safe and apollo won't ever touch her again. he brings her home, and have her join ua, to train her to be in a hero. while her time there, she meets the boy she had seen in her dreams, mirio she tries to stay away but he tears her wall down, she finally let's him in, this is their love story

rosanne_thornton · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

chapter 12

Lily pov

Today was my first day here at the school where Mr. Aizawa works as a teacher he told me. I thought to myself the moment, as I heard Mr. Aizawa introduce me to class a-1. I thought to myself, as I heard him "class this is my niece, waterlily she is attending this class, don't be annoying to her" he said, then a blue hair boy stood. "welcome to our class, I am tenya and I am the class prescient. If you need any extra help, I will be happy to give you a tour of the school" he said, I just nodded at the moment.

"waterlily please sit next to amber, right there," he told me as I sat down, the girl with light blonde hair. Right behind her was the green-haired boy, I felt familiar energy like I have seen before or even felt before I thought at the moment. On the other side was a girl, African American she had this beautiful turban wrapped around her hair. I smiled at her, right before. Mr. Aizawa started teaching, as he did, I began to take notes on the subject he was teaching. I thought as I began to take notes

Time skip ~~~~

Mr. Aizawa walked me to my third-year class, there was a female teacher, "thank you for doing this is my niece waterlily" she smiled. "anytime, Aizawa welcome waterlily" she said as she led me into the classroom. As I study in the classroom. Then I saw him, the guy in the woods, a blonde hair guy with blue eyes. He is a tall and thick guy; I forgot his name. I thought at the moment, as the teacher went to ask to introduce me.

"your name, where you're from, and your quirk. And your hero name?" she asked, "waterlily, Greece island … I can control water, earth and fire, air…plus can control metal…sometimes glass…goddess" I said while mumbling. "okay sweetie goes sit next, he helps you keep up in class" she said then slowly walked over, sat next to mirio. "here, lily" he called me as he opens the book, show me what chapter we were on. I slightly smiled at him, as he showed me the page. He makes sure I was kept up in class. Towards the end of class "I can show you around, if that's alright" he asked, all I could do was nod­­ded yes at the moment