
mha gf series - goddness & sunshine

meet elizabeth aka lily is a girl been through hell and back, as a young girl she fought cancer until the end. her mothers does what she can, take her to a island in Greece. where the island, has a temple that has hot springs that known to be healing. when she get's heals, she becomes the next powerful goddess she get's a quirks of controlling earth, air and fire, water. plus she can heal people as well. she lived on the island until she was 15th. on her 15th birthday. a awful man named apollo, that killed everyone on the small island than took lily. was going to kill her for her power but decide to keep her. since that day lily she wishes she was dead. ~~~~~ one day she is saved by stranger, named aizawa he tells her he knew her mother and promise to keep her safe and apollo won't ever touch her again. he brings her home, and have her join ua, to train her to be in a hero. while her time there, she meets the boy she had seen in her dreams, mirio she tries to stay away but he tears her wall down, she finally let's him in, this is their love story

rosanne_thornton · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

chapter 10

Lily pov

It's been a month since I had saved, taken away from my pain and suffering, and away from Apollo. In a couple of days, I'll be going to attending ua, since I was eighteen, pretty much I would need to graduate in a year. To become a pro hero, was my dream and I needed my dream to come true. I thought as I felt my backache, slightly burn this happens almost every night.

I thought to myself as I started to wake up slowly, and I was trying to fight the fact I needed or my body wanted to wake up. I let out an annoyed groan before, I finally got up I went to the bathroom and I started my daily morning. stretching, like I did every morning, I thought to myself after I got dressed. At the moment I decide maybe a morning walk would be good, Aizawa told me I could go to the park. I thought as I put on the shoes, that a nice friend of Aizawa gave me.

Then I left the room then I went downstairs and I went to the kitchen, on the table. There was a note, it was from Aizawa it read " gone out, be back later" I frown at the note. I hated being alone, I thought at the moment that I had gotten an idea. To take a walk, in the park nearby where Aizawa show me the other day. He did tell me I could walk around the neighborhood, or take a walk in the park nearby. I thought as I grab the spare keys, as I left the house headed to the park.

Once I got there, the sky was a beautiful baby blue color I noticed as I enter the beautiful. The wooden park was pretty much abandoned I loved it I thought as I started to take a relaxing walk through there. In a couple of weeks, I'll be starting at ua which I was nervous and excited about. At the same time, I thought to myself as I had my hoodie up while walking. Deeper into the woods, while I did I heard a noise, I hid behind a bush quickly. Then I saw it come out, a stag a male deer I thought as I slowly came out of the woods. I watched it from afar, it was beautiful deer I thought as I watched and study it from the distance of the bush. At this moment I had never felt this free from Apollo I thought as I enjoy this morning and watching a stag.

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