
MHA expanded

Jefferey_Oladejo · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Thirty-one: The ultimate test

"Alright. Here is the next battle! The two contestants are Tokoyami and Fourze!" Mic said as the two went to the stage. "Good luck man," Tokoyami said as he and Fourze shook hands. "Alright. I need to win," Fourze said. "Begin!" Mic said. 'Plate beam right now!" Fourze said as the beams came out his plates. "Not today!" Tokoyami said as he dodged the beams. "Oh dang. Well, since he's in the air, might as well surprise him," Fourze thought to himself. Fourze then used his atomic breath and Tokoyami fell into the pit. "Man that's hot," Tokoyami thought. "You wanna play rough? Ok. Say hello to my little friend," Tokoyami said as he brung a shadow out. "Nice. A shadow. Not gonna affect much," Fourze thought to himself as the shadow rushed towards Fourze. "Dodge. Hit it with my elbow so it'll fall down. Then tail beam to hit Tokoyami," Fourze said as he did what he thought. "Aagh. Man. How did he do that?" Tokoyami thought to himself as Fourze unleashed his atomic breath. "Ok. He needs to chill," Tokoyami said as he dodged the breath. "You like jumping huh? Fourze said as he unleashed his plate beam. "What?" Tokoyami thought to himself as he was almost hit by the beam "i got you!" Dark Shadow said as he blocked the attack "don't try to do this all by yourself" Dark Shadow said as Tokoyami landed. "Enclosing Shadow Cloak!" Dark Shadow said as Dark Shadow colaked itself around Tokoyami "interesting,the way he uses his shadow is much different than mine" Max thinks to himself as Fourze thought of a plan. "This'll be perfect. I need to make my breath a beam. Let's go," Fourze said as he unleashed his atomic beam. "How did he do that?" Tokoyami thought as Fourze hit Tokoyami on the leg. "It doesn't hurt that bad anymore. Now it's our turn!" Tokoyami said as Dark Shadow increased his speed and strength "your beam is only good for one direction,that won't help when i'm all over the place" Tokoyami said as he appeared behind Fourze. "Dual Shadow Fist!" Tokoyami said as he hit Fourze in the back with both of his fists. "How exactly… Nevermind. Let's finish you once and for all," Fourze said as he jumped to the other side of the arena "Kaiju Dama advanced!" Fourze said as a massive ball of atomic energy was charged up right above his mouth "the entire stadium is shaking" Izuku mentioned as everyone else felt it. The ball of atomic energy condensed and got smaller. Small enough that Fourze ate it "uhhh?" the crowd thought as the shaking stopped. "Time to end this!" Fourze thought as steam came from his mouth as he fired the beam from his mouth at Tokoyami "you got this!" Dark Shadow said as he and Tokoyami combined their strength and caught the beam. "WOOOO!" the crowd yelled as the beam in Tokoyami's hands turned into a ball of Shadow Atomic Energy. "Shadow Atomic Wave!" Tokoyami yelled as he fired the beam back at the surprised Fourze. The beam hit Fourze so hard that it blasted him out of the arena and into a wall. "TOKOYAMI WINS!" Mic yelled as the crowd went wild. "Hey,you alright!" Tokoyami asks as he runs over to Fourze "y-yeah,i just didn't expect you to do that" Fourze said as Tokoyami helped him up "well i've been training" Tokoyami said as he helped Fourze up and raised his hand in the air. "Ladies and Gentlemen give these boys a round of applause for good sportsmanship!" Mic yells as the crowd claps for them as they walk to Recovery Girl's station. "Hey. Congrats Fourze. You made it this far," Candice said. "Thanks. Could've made it farther though," Fourze said as Jirou walked in and gave Fourze a hug. "Congrats babe. You did awesome out there," Jirou said. "Thank you," Fourze said as he hugged her back. "For our next battle,Izuku Midoriya V.s Shoto Todoroki!" Mic said as the two boys readied themselves and walked out.