
MHA expanded

Jefferey_Oladejo · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Thirty-four: Conflicted Solution

"ALRIGHT!!!!! Let's get started with the second Semi-Final Match. Bakugou V.s Tokiwa" Mic yelled as the crowd cheered for them. "Alright,time to show them the fruits of my training in full" Bakugou thought as Tokiwa walked onto the arena with his hands in his pockets and a sinister smile. "Before we fight,I want you to use everything you have,don't take it easy on me!" Bakugou yelled as Tokiwa looked at him with that sinister smile "if that's what you want,just don't die" Tokiwa said as a chill went down Bakugou's spine. "What's up with Tokiwa?" Momo asked as she hasn't seen him like this yet "he's been itching for a fight,despite how he normally acts,he has been holding his urge to kill back. He's been trained by Max and since Max is an assassin,Tokiwa has been groomed to be a killing machine" Kate says as Momo becomes worried. "BEGIN!!" Mic yelles as Tokiwa teleports behind Bakugou and tries to sweep his leg. "Too slow !" Bakugou yells as he uses his explosions to launch himself in the air "really?" Tokiwa mutters as he jumps in the air and kicks Bakugou to the ground . "Keep it cool Toki,if you let your bloodlust come out you'll be disqualified" Tokiwa thinks as he is hit in the chest by an explosion that sends him sliding back to the edge of the arena. "I thought i told you to not hold back! If you keep this up,i'll kill you!" Bakugou yells as his hands produce small explosion "he's fast,nevermind that,i need to keep myself under control,at least until i can figure out what's going on with me right now" Tokiwa thought as we cut to All for One as he's watching the doctor mess with Tokiwa's vitals. "Sir,with the upgrades I gave him a while back,you should be able to control parts of his body remotely,things like bloodlust,how much power output his quirk uses,and some other things" the doctor said as he messed with Tokiwa's bloodlust. Back to the fight, Tokiwa is trying his best to be on the defensive to not accidentally hurt Bakugou too badly. "WHAT'S WRONG TOKIWA,STOP HOLDING BACK!" Bakugou yells as he releases a massive explosion that rattles the entire stadium "damn it,if i'm not careful i might kill him" Tokiwa thought as he used his glitch teleport to create afterimages of himself to distract Bakugou and buy himself some time. "What the hell is going on with me right now,this usually never happens." Tokiwa thought as Bakugou surrounded by glitching afterimages of Tokiwa "Explosion Ring!" Bakugou yelled as a ring of bright orange flames surrounded him as he launched it out. The afterimages of Tokiwa disappeared as the real Tokiwa was standing at the edge of the arena "i don't have time for this" Tokiwa thought as bAkugou came in and yelled "C-001: Grenade Type" Bakugou yelled as he launched out three fireballs from his hand that exploded on contact "using the heat that my explosions generate,i can temporarily ignite my sweat while having them in a solid form before they explode" Bakguou said as Tokiwa used his strings to protect himself from blast. "Damn it,you're annoying!" Tokiwa yelled in anger as he was trying to figure his situation out while Bakugou was causing a ruckus around him. "External Glitch!" Tokiwa said as he teleported in front of Bakugou and slammed him by his face into the ground and glitched his body out "GAHHHHH!" Bakugou yelled in pain whenever Tokiwa glitches, his body physically changes temporarily. But due to Tokiwa's body being used to this he doesn't feel any pain from it,however others experience immense pain all over their body. "Capture String!" Tokiwa yelled as his blue strings wrapped around Bakugou's foot as Tokiwa used the string to lift Bakugou into the air and slam him back down on the other side of the arena. "Gah!" Bakugou yelled as blood came out from his mouth on impact with the ground "Glitch Strings!" Tokiwa yelled as more strings wrapped around Bakugou as Tokiwa caused them to glitch along with Bakugou. "GAHHHH!" Bakugou yelled as the crowd noticed how violent Tokiwa was and stayed silent in shock and fear. "A-alright now,i think he's done now,you can stop now Tokiwa" Izuku worriedly said as Tokiwa overcome with his bloodlust responded in the most terrifying fashion "not yet,i'm not done ripping the wings off this butterfly" Tokiwa said with a sinister smile "umm,is that a red flag?" Momo asked as Max responded to her "crimson!" Max said as he knew that look all too well "if we don't stop him now he is going to kill Bakugou!" Max said as Izuku looked even more worried as he asked "what do you mean?" Izuku asked as Max explained "sometimes while fighting,Tokiwa has a tendency to get absorbed in battle,his bloodlust leaks out and sometimes becomes suffocating,but this is different,this seems like he is trying to stop himself from killing Bakugou but can't stop his actions" Max said as he noticed Tokiwa's lack of blood strings. "I see what your saying,its like theres nothing but chaos in his mind,like there is something else trying to force his hand" bryce said as he could see what was going on on a deeper level "not like possession,but more of remote control,almost like there's someone trying to puppeteer him. Wait a second" bryce muttered as he tapped Hatsume "hey can you focus on Tokiwa with your quirk?" bryce asked as Hatsume obliged "huh,that's weird,he has something lodged in his neck,almost like a chip of some sorts" Hatsume said as we cut back to Tokwia as he has Bakugou on his knees. "Hehe,HAHAHAHAHA!" Tokiwa yells as he mocks Bakugou "what's wrong Katsuki,i thought you didn't want me to hold back anymore,can you not handle it anymore!?" Tokiwa mockingly asks as we cut to All for One speaking through Tokiwa via the chip in his neck. "Well no matter,time to finish this" All for One said through Tokiwa's body as he used Tokiwa's strings and launched Bakugou out of the arena. "T-Tokiwa w-wins" Mic said, terrified as All for One relinquished control back to Tokiwa. "Huh? What happened?" Tokiwa thought as he saw people staring at him terrified as he turned to look at the bloody and battered Bakugou. "Oh god I killed him!" Tokiwa thought as he walked off quickly and teleported somewhere. "Fuck,fuck,fuck,i just killed him,i blacked out and woke up to him bloodly and unconsious,he was barley breathing. What will Momo think,or Izuku,or,or,or '' Tokiwa thinks as black error signals start to appear on his body as he has a mental breakdown. "I didn't want this,I just wanted a good fight,but I went overboard" Tokiwa said as he put his hands on his head and dropped to the floor while he was glitching out. Black error signals appeared all over his body as his eyes lost their pupils as they showed a blue screen with more error signals. He crashed,for the first time since his parents passed . "I think we found him" Max said as he called Momo "you might want to get him,he's uh,not too good right now" Max said as he cut off the phone