
MHA expanded

Jefferey_Oladejo · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter Eight: Ink and Error

"So Ruru,how's U.A been treating you?" Toyo asks Tokiwa as Tokiwa punches him in the middle of the head "i told you to never call me that again squid" Tokiwa said as everyone walked up to the pair as they questioned who Toyo was and how Tokiwa knew him "well my name is Toyoya Katasui,my hero name is Ink,and i'm Tokiwa's boyfriend" Toyo said as Tokiwa punched him again "i told you to stop saying that as well!" Tokiwa yelled as Toyo chuckled "i'm kidding ruru,i'm his childhood friend" Toyo said as Max came up. "So little Tokiwa has a friend I don't know of. Congratulations'' Max said as he took out a phone and typed to All for One. "Anyway I'm glad you could make it and good luck" Max said as he walked away "So Toki,let's get serious here,since when were you affiliated with super villains" Toyo said as Tokiwa turned around and stared at Toyo with a confused look "what the hell are you on about now squid?" Tokiwa said as he fell into a puddle of ink that Toyo made. "Ugh,what was that for!?" Tokiwa said as Toyo's eyes shifted into red stars "I just took us to a place where we could talk privately,so…when did you start being affiliated with world renowned villains!" Toyo shouted as he clenched his fist "I'M TALKING ABOUT ALL FOR ONE YOU IDIOT!" Toyo yelled as Tokiwa hung his head down "did you forget what that bastard did to me,did to you,did to us! He killed my father! W.D GASTER KATSUI!" Toyo yelled as Tokiwa clenched his fist "i-i'm sorry Toyo,but its not like i have a choice,if i could tell anyone about what's really going on it'd be you before all else but right now i can't tell you" Tokiwa said as it genuinely hurt to hear his childhood friend list out the atrocities his "father" did to him "so what,you're just going to keep your mouth shut as he walks free when you OF ALL PEOPLE know that you could take him down with just a few words. What has he ever done for you?!" Toyo said as Tokiwa began to cry "i'm sorry" Tokiwa said as tears streamed down his cheeks "as your closest friend i'm telling you that there is something about him that if it tell you everything now then what i'm trying to accomplish will fall apart and everyone we know and love will suffer the consequences. Toyo please,you have to trust me" Tokiwa said as he lifted his face to look at Toyo "i'm sorry alright,what he's done to you is unforgivable but right now you'll have to trust me and wait it out,i promise you that everything will turn out right" Tokiwa said as Toyo looked the crying Tokiwa in the eyes as he felt sympathy for him "your such a crybaby Toki,but…thats okay" Toyo said as inky tears flowed from his eyes and down his face "cause if you weren't then we wouldn't be friends like this" Toyo said as he hugged Toki while the both of them cried. Around 5 minutes later the both of them fell asleep hugging each other. Unbenounced to the both of them the place Toyo had teleported them to was Tokiwa's anti-void.