
MHA: Deku A Villain

Izuku follows All Might's advice and stays realistic. If the heroes can't save Bakugou, how could he? So he stays out of the heroes' way and watches as his friend suffocates. Losing faith in heroes and gaining a hatred for All Might, Izuku goes down a different path in hopes to make the world a better place his own way. ——— i do not own anything everything belong to its respective owner. fanfic creator: treegirl5 link; https://m.fanfiction.net/u/13063684/

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: Memory Quirk!

Power stones


"While our motivations are very different, I can agree with both your desired outcome and the means to get there. You seek power and I can give it to you. In return, you help us destroy hero society. And from the ashes you may have the chance to reshape it into what you desire."

Izuku looked directly at him. Silent tears streaming down his face "I accept your generous offer."

All For One placed a hand on the side of his face.

Izuku was really starting to question if all this touching was absolutely necessary.

"I think I have the perfect quirks for you. I doubt you'll ever be much of a fighter, but there is more than one type of strength, as I'm sure you already know. You defeated my greatest enemy with nothing more than knowledge and words. So I will grant you the gift of knowledge."

Izuku felt like his body was burning from the inside out. Everything felt like it was boiling and melting inside of him, but the worst was his head.

His head felt like it had actually been lit on fire and cracked open. Izuku heard screaming and realized after a moment that it was his.

"You now have 2 quirks. Luckily for you they are similar enough that it shouldn't destroy your mind or body too severely. And if for some reason they do harm you, it would take years to see any effects. I think you'll find that they fit you well. Once your body adjusts you will have an absolutely perfect memory and the ability to read , I should warn you, as far as I know they cannot be turned off now that you have them."

The supervillain looked down at the boy writhing in pain on his floor. "Kurogiri, take him back."


Izuku spent the next few days in a feverish state. It was like an unending migraine as his mind adjusted to the new quirks. He could barely eat and he definitely couldn't sleep.

Eventually the fever broke and the migraine became a dull ache. Izuku got dressed and stepped out of his room and walked down to the bar area and made himself some cereal. He saw Shigiraki walking over from his own room.

"Morning Shigaraki."

"Hm? Oh, morning to you too I guess."

-Glad he's finally out of bed, tired of hearing him scream all night-

"Hey it's not my fault my brain felt like it was on fire."


-Oh shit, I forgot he reads mind now-

"Yeah, I do."

Izuku then got some of the worst and most disturbing mental images he could ever imagine.

"The fuck Shigiraki, why are you thinking that?"

"I was curious if you got mental images too or just thoughts." He gave Izuku a menacing smile that Izuku didn't like one bit, "We're gonna have a great time working together."

Izuku thought he was going to be sick as he saw one image after the next.

"Do you think of anything other than murder, sex, and video games?"

"Not really, why do you ask?"

Izuku turned on the T.V. and turned it to the news, hoping to catch up on anything important he'd missed while in bed and also to tune out Shigiraki's horrifying mind.

A newsman with a horn was talking with a photo of All Might in his true form standing in front of a podium, probably from giving a statement or something.

"-still reeling from All Might's pending retirement from his current work."

The woman next to him spoke up.

"I personally think that his transition to teaching will be good for everyone involved. He'll be able to impart his knowledge from decades of being the top hero, and he'll be able to serve the community without needing to worsen his health."

"I know a lot of people would disagree with you on that. Many are calling on him to retire outright instead of just shifting to a less strenuous position."

"Sure, his popularity ranking has taken a hit for the first time since his debut and he won't be doing as much field work, but other than that he's received no punishment for his actions. Instead he's spending his time in a comfortable safehouse and set up with a high paying teaching job, plus he's still getting paid for being the number one hero until the new ranks come out in a few months."

Izuku expected the response to be mixed, but was glad that people shared his anger. He was glad that there were at least some repercussions rather than it just getting brushed under the rug.

-Can't believe they put him in some stupid secret hideout, I just wanna kill him. I don't like him so he should die! I bet his hands would be a great addition to my outfit-

"What?! Are you telling me those are actual hands from dead people!?"

"Yeah? Did you think they were fake?"

-Maybe I could take his hands too?-

"Nope nope nope. I don't know what your thing with hands is, but mine are staying firmly on my body. Please stop imagining wearing my hands, I don't like that one bit."

Shigaraki smiled a bit too much at that and Izuku decided it was time to go back to his room.


Izuku was slowly getting accustomed to his new powers and his new life. But he was still weak. He had two quirks, but they both overwhelmed him.

Whenever he tried to remember one thing he'd accidentally remember everything and every time someone was within 10 feet of him, his mind was flooded by their thoughts.

So he trained by practicing to sit near others and still focus on whatever was in front of him.

He spent his days looking over massive amounts of information on quirks then quizzing himself to bring forth only the information he needed.

The memory quirk only took a little under a week to get under control for the most part. He just had to be very specific when trying to recall information in order to keep himself from being overloaded.

The mind reading was a different story altogether. Being around more than two people at a time was completely overwhelming.


Power stones