
MHA: Deku A Villain

Izuku follows All Might's advice and stays realistic. If the heroes can't save Bakugou, how could he? So he stays out of the heroes' way and watches as his friend suffocates. Losing faith in heroes and gaining a hatred for All Might, Izuku goes down a different path in hopes to make the world a better place his own way. ——— i do not own anything everything belong to its respective owner. fanfic creator: treegirl5 link; https://m.fanfiction.net/u/13063684/

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: A Letter!

He still had time before his mom got him, so he started researching what the villains had told him but couldn't find anything on them, which made sense, they said it was a new group. But then he looked deeper into the idea of being able to give quirks.

The only reference he was able to find was from over a hundred years ago. A man who ruled the underworld and was known for taking quirks and was rumoured to be able to give them as well.

After some further digging he saw that the man was known as "All For One", which made sense with his quirk. However, the name seemed to imply he tended to take more often than giver, which was a good thing to keep in mind.

But even then, this person was treated more like the boogeyman rather than an actual historical figure, and many believed him to be fictional. So, one possible case in all of history.

Highly unlikely but not impossible. He thought about it a bit more, even without the possibility of getting a quirk he'd probably say yes. He'd be a sheep in wolf's clothing. He'd have to do a lot of bad things before he could do any good.

But if he got a position of power he could control at least some of the chaos. No one else would die as collateral damage in the war between heroes and villains if he could help it.

He made his decision, but wasn't sure if he could face his mom. So he wrote a quick note explaining that he loved her and that he would visit when he could but that he needed to follow his own path.

He started packing his things, making sure to only grab the things he absolutely needed. He had a single suitcase, a backpack, and a bag with all his notebooks (he figured those would come in handy).

When he felt ready, he made the call.


Kurogiri was surprised that the boy was calling so soon after receiving the offer. He smiled as he answered the phone, "It's good to hear from you. I wasn't expecting a response so soon."

"I'm interested, but I have one condition and one question."

"Ok, I'll see what I can do."

"The condition is that my mother is kept safe no matter what. If I do this I never want to worry about her safety."

"A reasonable request, while I obviously can't make a 100% guarantee, I can make sure she is protected and no one from the League or under our influence will lay a hand on her."

"Thank you."

"And your question?"

"Is All For One part of your league?"

Kurigiri didn't know how to answer that question. Should he really reveal his master to someone they just met. But also they could use someone like him who is intelligent enough to figure it out and be bold enough to ask.

"From your silence I'll assume that's a yes, when do I start?"

"I can get you whenever you please."

"I'm ready now."

"Very well."

And Izuku watched a misty black portal open up in his living room again and he stepped towards it and placed the note down on the kitchen table. Just before he walked through the portal he watched the door open as his mother came into the house.

"I'm sorry mom, I love you." Then he disappeared from her sight.


Inko wasn't sure what to do when she watched her son leave through some odd swirling mist.

Should she be calling the cops? It didn't seem like a kidnapping, but he could have been blackmailed or threatened into leaving.

The cops seemed like a very good idea since the bottom line was that her son had been taken from her, regardless of how willing he was.

Then she spotted a folded up piece of paper with her name on it. She picked it up and read it, hoping it wouldn't be a ransom note or something.

"Hey mom, if you're reading this I decided to join a group and left with them. I really can't tell you much but I do want you to know that it's my choice and that I can leave if I want to.

So please don't call the cops, I think that would just make things harder for everyone. I guess you'll probably have to report me as a runaway or something, but please don't worry, I'm ok and I'll try to visit when I can.

I left behind my phone and anything else people could use to contact me, but I promise I won't be gone forever.

I love you so much and I'm sorry if I hurt you by leaving.


Well, that answered a couple questions but raised so many more. That was her son she supposed, only worrying about others. She supposed she could only hope her little boy did the right thing going forward.


Izuku wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't a nice looking bar with a living cloud of darkness as a bartender cleaning glasses.

Shigaraki walked down the stairs, wearing much more casual attire than what he had seen him in before.

"Took you long enough, glad you've joined the party."

Kurogiri turned to him with what might have been a smile. "We have rooms upstairs, you can pick any of the ones that are open."

"Thank you, I'll get set up."

As Izuku went upstairs he immediately laid down. The day had been very exhausting.

He had to deal with the number one hero, a bunch of reporters, and now he's gotten himself into a group of villains that almost definitely includes a multi-century old man who has power that is hard to believe is even possible.

He fell asleep on the unmade bed and didn't even care he was still in his clothes.


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