
MHA: Deku A Villain

Izuku follows All Might's advice and stays realistic. If the heroes can't save Bakugou, how could he? So he stays out of the heroes' way and watches as his friend suffocates. Losing faith in heroes and gaining a hatred for All Might, Izuku goes down a different path in hopes to make the world a better place his own way. ——— i do not own anything everything belong to its respective owner. fanfic creator: treegirl5 link; https://m.fanfiction.net/u/13063684/

Toji_Fushigoro · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 2: All Might Truth!

Izuku woke up and thought he couldn't get any more angry. But then he read the news about what happened the day before. He read why the monster was on the run and why he had been so desperate.

He was on the run from All Might. Why? Because he stole a cash register. Kachan was dead over a cash register.

That street was turned into a warzone over a single cash register. Homes were burnt down, the road was destroyed, and his closest friend died. Over a single fucking cash register.

If All Might had done nothing the loss would have been a few hundred bucks that were probably insured anyways.

But instead he got involved and the cost went from less than a thousand to entire apartment complexes and a future hero. Izuku felt like he'd been punched in the gut, and he wanted to punch back, but he wasn't quite sure at what.

He wanted to save people. That's all he ever wanted. And that's what he'd do. And right now a man's lies were getting people killed. So these secrets would have to become a lot less secret.

His mother let him spend the day at home saying he wasn't ready to go back to school, which he agreed to.

So he spent the day finding proof of All Might's weakness. Proof of his lies. Once you knew what to look for it wasn't hard to find. A skinny blonde man walked into a grocery store and All Might walked out wearing the same outfit.

All Might's life is under constant surveillance from the public videotaping him then posting it online.

Over the course of the day he created a large file of this same skinny blonde man disappearing right before All Might appeared.

He didn't eat at all that day, and he didn't sleep that night. His mom gave him space to grieve and just left some dinner inside his room so he could eat.

She let him stay home the next day as well, it was clear he was in no state to go to school. He could tell she was worried, but this was more important right now.

He spent the next day building up proof as well and didn't care about anything else happening around him.

Then he finally found it. The final nail in All Might's coffin. This one cash register would be the end of All Might. He would pay for his mistakes.

After spending all day searching he found one video someone had posted on a page about villain sightings.

He's clearly videotaping the slime person running down the street, but in the background, too far to be easily noticeable, there's that skinny man actively transforming into All Might.

He's in the back of the crowd, so it makes sense that no one noticed. But Izuku saw, and now everyone else would too.

He was glad that this video was taken on a decent phone, because it remained semi clear when he cropped it so it was just All Might transforming right before everyone's eyes.

Sure they could claim it was photoshopped, but it would be enough to get everyone's attention.

So Izuku finished compiling everything he found into a single file. He paused and considered his next choice, but he eventually let his rage guide his actions and wrote down every single weakness that All Might had.

His time limit.

His wound.

The fact that he was essentially a crippled quirkless man for 21 hours a day.

The fact that he was a piece of shit coward (that last part may have been more subjective, but it felt like a fact to Izuku).

He made a new email address and sent it to every single news station, blog, and anyone else he thought would report it to the public.

Then he leaned back and felt peace for a moment. All Might did nothing and just watched as Kachan died from a situation All Might caused, now Izuku would repay the favor.


Izuku slept for the first time in days, he tossed and turned and was haunted by nightmares, but he slept.

When he woke up and checked the news, it was everywhere. He didn't know who took the bait first, but once one person did everyone else ran with it.

But what made Izuku stop was the title of the article he was looking at 'Villain releases All-Might's weaknesses'.

Wait. Was he a villain? No. All he did was right the wrongs of another.

...By showing the world how to kill a hero. Oh no. That was how villains solved problems. No no no, they just didn't know the whole story. If they knew why then they would realize he wasn't a villain.

Maybe he could be seen as a Vigilante of sorts because he was solving this issue outside the law.

No, he didn't actually break a single law. All he did was crop some videos and reveal secrets that would shake the world to its core.

OK, maybe he wasn't a vigilante, but setting up a hero to possibly die and definitely ruin their career did sound a bit like a villain once he said it out loud.

But Izuku wasn't a villain, the only thing he ever wanted was to help people. His entire life that's all he wanted and all he did. So why did it feel like he had blood on his hands when all he did was send an email.

Izuku didn't realize he was hyperventilating until his mom knocked on his door. He quickly closed the articles and tried to tell his mom he was fine but couldn't make words come out.

She came into his room and gently held him as he shook and sobbed into her shoulder.

"It's ok to be upset. You lost a friend. Even if you two were… complicated, he was still your friend and it's ok to grieve, no matter what grieving looks like for you." Inko sighed softly, "I really don't like leaving you like this but I have to go to work and I know you want to be alone, but please call me if you need anything."