
MHA:Concept Gear

A soldier, conscripted for world war 4, dies tragically on the battle field…not After hearing a coworker drop a large stack of papers Erin Atkinson dies of an unfortunate series of events. Just like that 4 years of army logistics work gone. Well at least she got her MagikaVR account to max level, could have died before that and died unfulfilled. With a new start and a quirk that has theoretically limitless possibilities how will she fair in a world where any random teenager could have a city leveling power hiding inside them. =================================== New fan-fic following my dissatisfaction with my previous novel. I’m hoping to increase my writing skills through this fic. A slightly upscaled and more ‘realistic’ version of MHA. Expect hero’s to have kill counts, even All Might, and for the general power level to be higher. I guess this will be technically an AU as I have not seen the more recent seasons of MHA nor read the manga. So past the sports festival arc expect the canon to diverge slightly more then normal fics. Their will be no babying of class 1-A, Erin is a soldier at the end of the day and she’s here to take names. There will be a minor psychological element, not as heavy as my previous novel but still there as I believe that reincarnation and death will always take their toll on someone. I don’t own MHA or anything else except my OC. Cover art isn’t mine either the artist can contact me if they want it taken down.

FallenVoid · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Chapter Title Hidden

[] Speaking English

{} Speaking German

Everything else is Japanese unless otherwise specified. (I won't be doing honorifics)


*Calming Alarm* (A/N imagine a train station announcement alarm)

"Alright class that signals the end of your school day."

Looking around at my class full of little faces, I smiled slightly.

"I know all of you are dying to go home so let's get started. As I call your name please come up, get your things and head out into the hallway."

I started going down the list, calling them up one by one to head out into the hallway.

"Ayah Krieger."

Looking up from my list I saw her stand up from a chair in the back. Today was her first day and she had done… what? Had I called on her today… I don't remember her even sitting back there. Let's see she came into the classroom gave her introduction… wait that's it! That must be her quirk, she asked us to forget she was here and so I did.

I watched as she walked up to grab her things. I was going to need to inform the dean about her, we can't be having students just hiding away. I might even have to call her parents-

"Mr. Suda?"

Focusing back on reality I saw her standing in front of me with a little black bracelet in her hands.

"Yes, Ayah?"

"My mom told me to give this to my teacher as a thanks for teaching me. So here you go."

Taking the bracelet I gave it a quick look over before putting it on. What a kind child-

"Nothing strange happened today, I participated in class as usual and everything went well."

What a strange thing to say, of course that's what happened today? Jeez, I'll never understand kids.

"Okay sure, have a nice day Ayah."

(POV Change)

Wow that was close. If I wasn't good at reading body language this could have ended poorly. I don't know what tipped him off but he definitely noticed something. God, what a waste of energy. I can't even dissolve the bracelet till tonight because it takes six hours for the suggestion to fully sink in.

Following the same route I came in through this morning I made my way to the front waiting room. There I saw my mom standing with a worried look on her face. I now had a decision to make.

While I had originally been giving them the silent treatment to pressure them into giving me what I wanted, that was no longer the case. While Toru hadn't been an equal, I will admit that talking to her had been nice. So I could either stop the silent treatment and act like nothing happened or I could finally get what I wanted.

I needed access to the internet, or barring that I needed higher level books. I had read all the books we had around the house, and they refused to buy me higher level books. I wasn't allowed access to the internet either, which was fair enough if I was a normal child. But for me it was just cutting off a source of information.

I needed to play this well to get what I wanted. Any hint at all that I enjoyed today would ruin it, I needed to play it off like what I was getting was a bribe to keep going to kindergarten and to stop my silent treatment.

"Hello Ayah, did you enjoy your day."

Looking down at me with the same worried look she'd had on since she came in, I made my move.

"I want to make a deal."

A look of surprise followed by one of relief appeared on her face. Taking my hand in hers she began to pull me out towards the car.

"Okay Ayah, why don't you tell me in the car."

Following along we got in the car and she placed me in my booster seat and started to drive back home.

"So how was your first day of-"

"I want to make a deal."

"Oh…okay, a deal about what?"

I took a deep breathe to ready myself for some of the possible reactions to this.

"I will go to school without complaints, but I want access to the internet."


I felt myself jolt forward as my mom slammed on the brakes and turned around to look at me.



After several seconds of awkward silence a horn sounded from behind us. My mom turned back around blushing slightly, whether from embarrassment or anger I couldn't tell, and started driving again.

"I-I mean why would you want that sweetheart?"

Ah so it was in embarrassment, that's good. Far better for me then if it was in anger.

"Well, I've read every other book in the house and every time I ask for more advance ones you and dad just buy me another story book."

"Well maybe if you didn't ask for books on weapons and armor from the past eight centuries, we would buy them for you!"

"But I need those types of books for my quirk!"

"Yes and when we told you no, you asked for books on engineering up to a university level! Forget quirk application,would you even understand the theories in those books!"

Now that made me upset. She may not know that mentally I was 25 but at the very least she knew I was brilliant and never lied. I only felt smarter as I got older as well, every day I could think faster, remember more and comprehend more advanced topics. I had no idea whether it was my age or my quirk but not using it to the fullest was a waste and I wouldn't stand for it.

"I wouldn't immediately, but I would learn! I don't understand why you insist on treating me like a child!"

"Because you are a child Ayah! Your my baby girl and I don't want you to grow up this fast!"

By this point we were parked on the road outside our apartment and mom was starting to cry. I was also pretty close to crying as I truly considered her my mom, and knowing how she felt made me extremely sad.

"I'm sorry mommy, but I need this. I need to know, to learn. I don't want to grow up, but I want to learn more things. It's what makes me happy."

After saying what I wanted to say and seeing the look of understanding on moms face, I couldn't hold back anymore and started crying.

And so we sat there, in the car, holding each other and crying for had to have been at least thirty minutes. After we finished crying mom looked at me.

"I-I don't like it, and I can't say I fully understand it. But I can respect your need to learn, and I'm happy to support you. Just promise me you won't grow up to fast and ignore all the beautiful things life has to offer."

"I promise-"


Just as I was about to promise her an explosion rocked through the car, flipping over onto its side. Unbuckling myself from my seat I crawled to the front to check on mom. Hmm, unconscious but otherwise seems okay. Getting out of the car by kicking out the windshield I looked around before noticing the flaming wreck of the bank across the street.

Standing in the middle of the flames and debris, a man dressed in black with a balaclava over his head holding two big fireballs in each hand and a duffel bag over his shoulder.


Looking down the street the police arrived and started shouting at him to put his hands up and surrender.

The man became extremely anxious and started scanning his surroundings. He was doing something I'd seen many times in my past life while playing MagikaVR, he was looking for leverage or an escape route.

And unfortunately he seems to have spot me. Quickly turning around he began to sprint towards the car, the car in which mom was currently laying, unconscious.

So now I had a choice to make, trust the police, try and incapacitate him or… the lethal option.


Chapter title: Ayah's First Villain

Also curious to know which option you think is best. It's already been decided but I am interested to know.

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