
MHA:Concept Gear

A soldier, conscripted for world war 4, dies tragically on the battle field…not After hearing a coworker drop a large stack of papers Erin Atkinson dies of an unfortunate series of events. Just like that 4 years of army logistics work gone. Well at least she got her MagikaVR account to max level, could have died before that and died unfulfilled. With a new start and a quirk that has theoretically limitless possibilities how will she fair in a world where any random teenager could have a city leveling power hiding inside them. =================================== New fan-fic following my dissatisfaction with my previous novel. I’m hoping to increase my writing skills through this fic. A slightly upscaled and more ‘realistic’ version of MHA. Expect hero’s to have kill counts, even All Might, and for the general power level to be higher. I guess this will be technically an AU as I have not seen the more recent seasons of MHA nor read the manga. So past the sports festival arc expect the canon to diverge slightly more then normal fics. Their will be no babying of class 1-A, Erin is a soldier at the end of the day and she’s here to take names. There will be a minor psychological element, not as heavy as my previous novel but still there as I believe that reincarnation and death will always take their toll on someone. I don’t own MHA or anything else except my OC. Cover art isn’t mine either the artist can contact me if they want it taken down.

FallenVoid · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26: It’s a Date!

(Ayah POV)

The ride back from the physical testing ground was draining to say the least… while I could respect the reason for doing so having a bunch of people stare at you with admiration and fear was a discomforting experience.

The only kid who looked at me without fear was a kid that had spiky red hair and some form of martial arts training. His expression was only one of awe and determination, the awe I understood but the determination? Not so much. Well whatever, with this world being the way it is I'm not surprised that there are people disillusioned about reasonable levels of power. After all, anyone who could look at what I just did without knowing what I was like and not show any fear had to be a least a little crazy.

As I was thinking we finally arrived back at the entrance hall we were all gathered in at the start. There they told us to go home and that our results would arrive in a week or so. Leaving the hall I finally caught sight of Toru… or whatever the equivalent for spotting the floating clothes silhouette of your friend is. Walking over to her I quickly created a bracket that would allow me to see Toru even while she was invisible.

Tapping her on the shoulder I braced myself slightly, and sure enough she quickly spun around with a guarded look throwing a punch directly at my solar plexus. Just as I taught her… ahh I'm so proud! The punch stopped about an inch shy of hitting me as Toru realized who I was. Quickly extending her other arm she wrapped me in a hug.

"Ayah! How did your exam go!?"

"Well obviously it went well, who do you think I am? How about yours?"

"Mine went well, I got to test out the new moves I'd been developing so it was a very helpful experience."

Finishing her statement she finally let me go and I broke off the hug with more then a little reluctance. That reminded me… I have to ask her out tonight so I can do my confession.

"Hey Toru-"

"Hey Ayah-"


"Ahem, you go first Toru."

Looking at her blushing slightly it occurred to me that she likely thought that I couldn't currently see her. Not that I was going to remind her, after all watching her blush is just so adorable.

"Yeah.. so Ayah I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tonight? Y-you know to celebrate completing the U.A entrance exam!"

As she spoke her blush just got deeper and deeper and it took all I had to not confess then and there. However, with the most likely event being her confessing tonight I held back. I'd never had someone I actually like confess to me before. Usually it was some rich boy who thought that daddy's money was enough to seduce "The Weapons Mistress of Magika" or the pretty boy who expected me to just fall over at the sight of him or some other bullshit.

Breaking from my unfortunate reminiscence I saw Toru looking incredibly nervous. Ahhh! So adorable, if the main character kid is some kind of harem protagonist and tries anything on my Toru he'll disappear. Plot line be damned! Toru is mine.

(Narrator POV)

Unknown to Ayah, or anyone else due to the visor she was wearing, at the time of her declaration a change happened. Her normally blue eyes shifted colors to gold with crimson highlights running throughout. In the very center of the pupil a small pink spark blazed to life before being protectively covered by a crimson-gold sheen.

Meanwhile, in an small cottage in Iceland an old lady lying in her bed quickly scrambled for a piece of paper and a pen writing something down before passing out. A women dressed in a dark suit with a QRRC logo on the shoulder walked over and picked up the paper. As she read the short message her eyes widened slightly and she quickly left the room and pulled out her phone.

"Sir… the oracle has made a prediction."

(Narrator POV End)

"Of course I do! Do you have a place picked out or should I start looking?"

Watching her nervous look disappear and a smile break out across her face I reaffirmed my previous statement to myself.

"No, I have just the place. I can come get you at 7?"

(AN: I'm assuming the tests start at like 10 am and ended 12-1)

"Sure, It's a date!"

As she blushed slightly I realized that my words were could be misconstrued as being extremely forward. However, as it was something I wanted I chose to leave it alone and let her take it however she wanted.

Following the end of our conversation both Toru and I realized the awkward reality that we both had to head back the same way to get home and prepare. Personally, I needed to go out and look for a nice dress to copy and also prepare myself mentally for the start of my first ever relationship.

And so we returned to our homes in companionable silence.

(Toru POV) (Tell me your opinions on the new dialogue style. It's essentially just the format that most others use I'm trying to learn to use it)

Walking through my front door I put up my shoes before smelling something coming from the kitchen that reminded me that my mom was home today.

"Mom I'm home!" Calling out to her while heading towards the kitchen I heard a slight clatter of pans before she responded.

"Welcome home darling," she said sweetly before quickly changing to a nervous tone.

"How about your exams? Where they difficult?" By this point I had already reached the kitchen where I saw her looking at me with mild concern. Just another thing that Ayah has done for me and my family.

Smiling at her and putting on a slightly cocky tone I responded.

"Of course they went okay, in fact if it wasn't for Ayah being there I'm sure I could take first place!"

She squinted at me slightly before lowering her head and sighing. "I swear you get cockier everyday… what happened to the sweet little humble girl I used to know."

Then switching tracks she looked up at me and smirked. "Oh wait I remember-" I have a bad feeling about this"-she fell in love with a bad girl who negatively influenced her…. Kids these days."

Instantly my face flushed red and I looked down at my feet. I had just managed to squeak out a "mommm-" when she came over and hugged me while laughing.

"I'm just messing with you dear." She broke the hug and took me by the shoulders while looking at me. "Now then did you manage to ask her out or did you decided to wait some more?"

Blushing even further, no seriously how is that even possible, I looked at her and nodded slightly.

"That's my girl!" She broke out into a beaming smile and pulled me into another hug.

Right at that moment my dad walked in and I watched him scan the situation over before sitting down at the table and calmly stating "So she finally asked little Ayah out?"

"Yes, she did and know we have to go out." Quickly mom walked over to the oven and checked a few things before heading towards the door.

"The food is almost finished, it just needs five more minutes before you take it out. Me and Toru will just eat while we are out so don't wait for us. Now Toru, let's get going we have a lot to do if we want you date worthy for tonight."

Looking over at her in shock I began to question what was happening. "Wait why do we have to go out? I have plenty of stuff here?"

Mom looked over at me with amusement and giggled slightly. "Toru did you seriously plan on just dressing up slightly and going out for barbecue or something? This is my daughters first date with our families benefactor-" she then switched to a slightly lower tone before muttering the rest of her sentence "-and hopefully my future daughter-in-law."

Blushing hard, both at moms correct guess and her little insinuation at the end, I quickly put my shoes on as she basically dragged me out of the house. As I was being carted off I saw my dad leaning in the doorway mouthing 'good luck' it was then I realized that I had 6 hours to go.

(Ayah POV)

"I'm home!" Shouting out into our house I heard some movement coming from the living room. Walking over to the room I saw my mom and dad sitting apart from each other with strange expressions- oh. Choosing to immediately and quickly move past my conjectures about what could have been happening I sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the living room before clearing my throat. "Ahem"

Smiling shakily my mom looked over at me and stutter out a "W-welcome home" taking that as his cue my dad coughed and turned to face me as well. "So Ayah, how did the exams go? You think you got first place?"

Quickly defaulting to a haughty look I turned my chin up slightly "Of course I did! From what I heard while leaving only one other kid aside from me and Toru managed to take down one of the big bots and he passed out doing so."

Suddenly remembering in extreme detail what else had happened while we were leaving the venue I blushed slightly and turned to look at my mom. "Also mom can you drive me around for a bit, I need to look at some dresses and jewelry as well as pick up some makeup."

Moms face quickly shifted from the awkward smile into one of confusion before transitioning into one of joy.

"Did Toru finally ask you out!" Jumping at me with all the gossiping school girl energy she had I quickly rolled away causing her to impact into the chair I had been sitting in.

Looking over at her in slight confusion, I had yet to brief my parents about my orientation, I questioned her with a slightly wary tone. "Yeah… how did you know?"

Looking over at my dad before giving me a smile full of love and support. She brought me into a hug before beginning to speak. "Oh Ayah darling it was so incredibly obvious even your grandma asked wether you were a lesbian or not. Not to mention Toru has a very obvious crush on you, everyone figured it was only a matter of time."

(This is an authors choice thing, I did consider writing an acceptance arc, but as I've never experienced anything like it I figured it would come out either insulting or just poorly written.)

"In any case of course I'll drive you! I'm so excited that this is happening!" Looking at my mom practically vibrate in place out of sheer joy I couldn't help but think that this was going to be a long six hours. But, smiling slightly to myself, it will definitely all be worth it in the end.