
MHA:Concept Gear

A soldier, conscripted for world war 4, dies tragically on the battle field…not After hearing a coworker drop a large stack of papers Erin Atkinson dies of an unfortunate series of events. Just like that 4 years of army logistics work gone. Well at least she got her MagikaVR account to max level, could have died before that and died unfulfilled. With a new start and a quirk that has theoretically limitless possibilities how will she fair in a world where any random teenager could have a city leveling power hiding inside them. =================================== New fan-fic following my dissatisfaction with my previous novel. I’m hoping to increase my writing skills through this fic. A slightly upscaled and more ‘realistic’ version of MHA. Expect hero’s to have kill counts, even All Might, and for the general power level to be higher. I guess this will be technically an AU as I have not seen the more recent seasons of MHA nor read the manga. So past the sports festival arc expect the canon to diverge slightly more then normal fics. Their will be no babying of class 1-A, Erin is a soldier at the end of the day and she’s here to take names. There will be a minor psychological element, not as heavy as my previous novel but still there as I believe that reincarnation and death will always take their toll on someone. I don’t own MHA or anything else except my OC. Cover art isn’t mine either the artist can contact me if they want it taken down.

FallenVoid · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 24: UA Entrance Exam pt.1

"Are you sure you want to do this Ayah? You could always inherit your fathers business you know."

"Yes mom, I'm sure this is what I want to do."

That statement was technically true, I did want to keep an eye on the main cast and be involved enough to make sure everything runs smoothly. As for this whole hero nonsense? Well let's just say I wouldn't be sacrificing myself for a stranger anytime soon.

Moving past my mom who looked to be on the verge of tears, I moved over to my dad who was glancing at my mom in what could only be exasperation. He quickly opened his arms and brought me into a hug, before whispering into my ear.

"Ignore your mom's dramatics, we'll support you in whatever you do. Just promise me you'll put your all behind this, no holding back, if my daughter is gonna do something she'll be the best okay?

"Absolutely, they aren't going to know what hit them."

Humming slightly in response he broke off the hug and moved over to stand beside mom. Putting his arm around her shoulder, both to comfort her and stop her from doing anything rash, he looked at me with pride and said something that really fired me up.

"Go off and make us proud!"

Nodding in response I opened the door and headed off to the train. Me and Toru had agreed to meet at the station closest to UA before walking over. Sitting on the train I began to think about how I wanted to destroy the big robot assuming I wasn't in the same area as the main character. I had a plethora of options to choose from, ranging from static weapons to highly destructive magics I could technically 'enchant' onto to paper with the activation conditions being someone reading the phrase aloud. That was something I'd learned a year ago and I was still very excited about it's uses.

I'd already decided not to use my armor for the test, I felt it would just be over kill, my current plan was to fly to the top of a building before using a long bow to pick off robots. But with the big one I didn't know if I wanted to just enchant an especially destructive arrow or show off a little bit. Personally I leaning towards showing off, as even if the spy sees it the potential benefits of impressing the normal staff could outweigh the risks.

I say normal staff because Nezu was well aware of my capabilities, in fact he had been willing to let me and Toru take the recommendations exams but I'd refused as I wanted to hopefully impress some of the main cast. The only thing I'd asked from Nezu was to put me and Toru together in the same class of my choosing. He'd asked why and I simply said I wanted to pick my class mates.

*ding* "Welcome to Kyūseishu station"

Arriving at my stop I got off the train and began to look around for Toru. As I was doing so my senses picked up someone rushing at me from behind, someone familiar, turning around and opening my arms I stepped back slightly to offset the force that Toru jumped into me with.

"Good morning Toru!"

"Morning Ayah!"

Looking down at her, I finally decided that I was gonna confess to her tonight. We were far to close to the start of things for my liking and I refused to have my Toru stolen from me.

"You ready for this Toru?"

"I was born ready!"

"That's what I like to hear!"

Quickly walking towards UA I began to ask Toru about what she planned to use to defeat the robots. I'd already asked Nezu about people who can't outright destroy the bots and he'd said they all have an off switch somewhere on them. I wanted to know if Toru was going to use her light bending abilities to laser through them or just go around invisible pressing buttons.

However Toru seemed to have other ideas simply giving me a smug look and saying.

"Wouldn't you like to know…"

In an equally smug tone, I guess I'll see what she does during the test.

Walking up to U.A I once more wonder just how much it had cost to build. I mean I remember vaguely that it was huge in the show but every time I come here I get reminded just how large it truly is.

Making our way towards the entrance I reached down and made my mask in my hands I had already decided on going simple and futuristic. Naturally I was making a full face mask with a display on the front so I could randomly flash emoticons and videos. I had already planned so many funny situations using it that the plain design didn't bother me.

Besides the helmet of my armor would cover it up during most combat situations. As for the helmet, my original growth set didn't have one so I was just going to use a heavily enchanted and up armored Halo spartan helmet.

Putting the mask on my head I looked over at Toru who had already turned invisible. Luckily I had long since learned how to enchant any kind of eyewear to allow me to still see her. Unluckily she had learned to turn her clothes invisible as well meaning I wouldn't be getting any kind of show when she puts on her hero suit.

This did let her wear protective gear and still do her hero work however so I was overall very happy.

"Remember Toru, no last names. We don't want to get exposed if possible."

"Yeah I remember, honestly after listening to your explanation I still think the school should provide some sort of identity hiding service."

"Well they don't so we have to do it ourselves. Don't worry, it'll be fun after all having a secret identity and being the only one who will know what the other looks like will make us have some mysterious charm."

As we continued talking I saw the first canon scene that I remember. The green haired protagonist, who's name was Izuku not Deku, tripped and was saved by the female lead with gravity powers.

Trying to ignore them as best I could, Toru and I headed into the main hall. Looking out at the crowd me and Toru headed to some free seats towards the back and sat down. After about 15 minutes I was getting tired of the weird glances. Between the mask that was currently just displaying two crescent eyes and a small smirk and having my arm on Toru's shoulder, which to others looked like nothing, I could understand why but it was still tiring.

Luckily Present Mic finally walked up on stage and started his introduction. The scene where the engine calves guy complained happened and Izuku got called out for his muttering. What I wasn't expecting was for him to suddenly turn on me.

"And you back there with the mask, don't you think it's rude to hide your face in such a prestigious school!"

Turning around a little just to make sure that I was the one he was talking too I looked back at him and changed the masks expression to shock. And wow did that make him angry, I knew this mask was a great idea but truly this was brilliant.

Just as I thought he was about to get up and lecture me again Mic quickly interjected and brought everyone's focus back to the stage. After that we were all assigned a testing ground and driven there by bus.

Arriving at my testing ground I looked around and didn't recognize anybody. Good, that meant I could go all out without affecting any main cast members. Already knowing the trick that Mic wanted pull I took off running the moment he said start.

Heading towards the largest building I could see I summoned a weapon from MagicVR called the assault wand. It was essentially a magic gun powered by a mana crystal to mass cast whatever spell you passed through it, weakening the general power but taking less mana and firing way faster. Of course I couldn't change spells on the fly and could only pre-enchant the spell into it. It basically looked like a silver mp7 with a crystalline magazine. Enchanting it to fire the level-1 spell electro bolt I started shooting at any robots I saw. It wasn't enough to destroy them but it did temporarily stun them which is exactly what I wanted.

Reaching the base of the building I dispelled the assault wand and summoned a jet pack. Rocketing up the the roof I dispelled my jet pack and summoned the weapon I'd be using for the rest of the test until the zero pointer showed up. A large black long bow appeared in my hands it had glowing red highlights and had a small spell circle carved right above the grip. This bow was my favorite long range weapon for picking off mobs.

[Elemental Reaper]

[Item Type: Bow]

[Rank: Epic]

[Passive Effects]

[Elemental Arrows: Summons arrows using mana, no damage falloff, arrows fly straight for up too 12 kilometers before dissipating]

[Variable Element: Arrow damage and explosion damage is dealt using the elemental type of the mana used in creation]

[Mana Scope: Creates a hard light scope capable of zooming in up to 12 kilometers]

[Elemental Reaper: Does extra damage to elementals]

[Active Effects]

[Elemental Trigger: Use mana to trigger an elemental explosion from all arrows currently summoned]

[Primordial Burst: Use every element type to create a Primordial arrow ignoring resistances and dealing massive damage (Elemental Reaper is buffed to 15x) (useable once a week)]

Now with my bow summoned and my energy reserves at half it was time to start picking off some robots… and maybe save some people along the way.

I’m back, this chapter was basically already written meaning the new dialogue style won’t be till next chapter. Y’all already know the deal, if you spot any mistakes then I’ll happily fix them if you tell me.

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