
MHA: Code

Cover made by: Display. Thanks a lot man! Reborn in MHA, average family, Code quirk. This MC is a particularly ruthless, manipulative bastard. Quirk is Code, which allows him to use/change Binary & Genetic Code. There will be politics and economics involved. Probably no love, since he is a bastard. Plans to have an easy life full of debauchery. "We can expect great things from this one" I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] Remove the empty spaces

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

Statue Heist

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 1460


Wow. That's a lof of security.

They really went all out.

It took me all morning to break through their firewalls so I can get the schematics. A Coding Quirk is such a cheat when is comes to hacking.


Digital and Analog Traps. In all honestly, it reminds me of that Dino Facility I raided.

And the people I raided are troublesome as well. Especially Night Eye.

One touch and my identity is blown. I don't actually understand how it works. I mean if he touched me. All I have to do is stay in Kaito Kid disguise until a full day is over. Or does it show what would I have done even without him touching me.

Then I would have Warped home and turned back to Kodo Shinichi. Which is the worst-case scenario here.

Them learning my real identity. If that happens. I need to kill Night Eye. No matter what it does to Kaito Kid's reputation as a gentleman thief.

I mostly do this for fun anyway. My stocks are making me enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. I just traced Mr. Yaoyorozu's stocks. Where he puts down his money, I just copy whatever he invests in.

I really want to know what Quirk is stored in that Statue, And what I'm doing is absolutely stupid too. I still haven't gotten Nomu's, Shigaraki's or Aizawas's quirk. I only have their DNA. I focused on 'growing' Kurogiri's Warp. And now I'm training that quirk. That takes up most of my time

~ Night.

"Is everybody in position? Team A?"


"Team B?"


..."Night Eye. White Witch. Wind?" A voice was heard over the comms.

"Ready" all three answered calmly. All of them were waiting at the door to catch Kid.

"Kid has no chance of passing us. Let alone stealing the Statue" the Witch Hero said arrogantly.

"If he comes here I will use my full power to put him down" Hassad said with a steel voice

Night Eye just sighed out and glanced at the Stature in the room at the statue of the room and quickly turned back.

It took him a second to process what he saw

Night Eye quickly turned his whole body around to face the room. He shocked the two other heroes.

"KID!!" He pointed at the room.

Kaito Kid was standing in front of the Glass Case.

"KID IS INSIDE THE ROOM! HE IS BY THE CASE!!!" Wind yelled over the comms. That sent everybody panicking.

Kaito Kid just smiled and waved at them. Before throwing down something on the ground and a small smoke cloud engulfed him and the glass case.

When the smoke cloud cleared both Kid and the Statue were gone.

"Impossible" Night Eye looked at the scene, his brain couldn't understand what happened.

It was a completely closed-off room. With 3 heroes on the only door. The entire 3 floors had the best security in the world. The entire building outside was surrounded by policemen. And there were snipers on other buildings.

'How did he do it?

"Sir the case is empty!" Witch yelled in her earpiece.

"None of the traps were triggered~" The prince responded angrily

"How is this possible? Did he disable all the traps without us knowing?"

"Sir permission to enter the room. Disable the traps anyway. We must check the glass case" Hassad quickly composed himself and took the lead

*Beep Beep*

All the security measures in the room were turned off

Hassad, Witch and Night Eye rushed in. They looked in shock as the glass case was truly empty.

"The case is empty." Night Eye said calmly

"But how" White Witch was perplexed.

"I will lift the case open" Hassad spoke over the comms, telling the prince beforehand

He put his hand on the case and lifted it up. The case was empty underneath. But Wind frowned. Something was off

He started to make a light breeze aimed at the empty case.

As soon as the breeze hit the space above the case it stared to fluctuate and the statue started to appear

"An Ilusion!"

"Correct~!" The sing-song voice mocked from behind them. They quickly turned around to see a dozen Kaito Kid's surrounding them "Thank you for disabling the security measures. It would have been impossible to disable them one by one. See ya~" Kaito Kid slung his arm downwards


He threw down multiple smoke bombs. Engulfing the room with so much smoke that even Wind couldn't blow it all away at once as the only entrance or exit point was the door.

"Witch! Freeze him!" Night Eye yelled out as he was rushing to the door

"I need to be able to see him!" She screamed out as she ran as well.


A furious wind gale surrounded Hassad

He rushed to the wall and punched


He opened up a hole in the wall and started to chase after kid

"Get back Here! You Thief!!"

"Ohh~ Scary~" Kid mocked him as he rushed through the hallway's

"KID has the statue. He has an Ilusion quirk. He made the statue and himself invisible. The kid we saw earlier was a fake image of him!" Night Eye quickly explained the situation

~ Inside the Monitor Room

"Turn the traps back on!" The prince yelled at the people next to him. Everybody could hear it over the Comms

"Right away Sir!" The one responsible for the traps responded. Just as he was about to do it the screen started to bug.


A small Kaito Kid Face appeared on the screen and started to laugh.


*Blip. HAHAHAHAHI* x???

"SIR our system has been hacked!" Another person yelled out

"That's impossible! This is the best system on the market. it would have taken months for someone to even try and hack it. Unless?!"

"KAITO KID has an accomplice. Someone with a Qurik related to hacking. Quickly can you trace back where the hack happened?" The Prince was getting excited. They had a lead. A real lead that could lead them to Kid

The subordinate under him started typing like his life depended on it. Which it did.


The screen turned dark. The person slammed his fist in the desk " The hacker made the computers overheat and self-destruct."

The prince clenched his hands as his face turned red


~ Hallway

"Roger" Hassad replied as he sent air bullets and wind blades at Kid. Who comically dodged by moving in storage positions.

"Whoa~ That was close" He whipped his forehead as he ran. Causing the veins on Hassad's forehead to pop-up from the anger

Right before they reached a corner Hassad trust his hands out

"WIND BLAST!" A big wind attack hit the walls on the corner. Making ruble fall down and block the path. Kid was trapped. The wall Hassad broke led into a room but it was simial to the Statue Room. Only a single door in or out. Going in there wouldn't achieve anything.

"It's over Kid" Hassad yelled out.


Night Eye and Witch finally caught up to them.

" I got you now!" Witch pointed her hands at him

"I don't think so~" Kid waved his arms and an army of bees started flying at them.

"It's an illusion. Ignore them" Hassad ignored the bees. Keeping his focus on Kid. He couldn't use any more big moves. Otherwise, a wall might collapse and Kid would escape. He needed a small quick hit on Kid.

"Right" Witch started to gather white energy on her hands

But.. "OW!" She yelled out as her hand was stung

"What the.. OW" she started to talk when she was stung again.

"Wasnt his quirk just Illusion" Night Eye gritted out. Ignoring the sings

"They are HAAAAA" Hassad blew wind back at Kid. The Illusions faded leaving 5 or so tiny drones. Who flew back at Kid

" Well as fun as it was seeing you Great Heros, swat away at fake bees. I really do have to get going now. So Bye~" Kid waved his hand

"SORU! WIND DRILL!" Hassad used Soru to arrive in front of Kid, wind gathered around his hand as it spun like a drill.

Kid just simply smiled as he leaned backward. He phased through the wall. Stunning the Heroes.

"Hahahahaha. There is a reason I'm called the Phantom Thief! Till next time. Say thank you to the prince in my stead for this wonderful gift. Hahahaha"

Kid dodged the bullets shot by the snipers by flying on his glider as it slowly started to turn invisible. Leaving behind the snipers only to look at a clear night sky.

# A/N


It was a meh chapter I know. But i wanted to do one where he doesn't have to do anything. Like Kid who tricks the police to make mistakes that he can exploit

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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