
MHA: Code

Cover made by: Display. Thanks a lot man! Reborn in MHA, average family, Code quirk. This MC is a particularly ruthless, manipulative bastard. Quirk is Code, which allows him to use/change Binary & Genetic Code. There will be politics and economics involved. Probably no love, since he is a bastard. Plans to have an easy life full of debauchery. "We can expect great things from this one" I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] Remove the empty spaces

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

101Cavalry Battle

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There's a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] - [ dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t ]-

Word Count 1200


"The second round of the U.A Sports Festival is..."Midnight points at the screen which showed a slot animation

"Cavalry Battle with the top 42 of the Qualifier. Those at the top will suffer more. You will hear this many times as you attend U.A. This is what "Plus Ultra" Means"

Midnight looked at us and smiled "The participants can from a team of two to four people. It's the same as an ordinary Cavalry Battle, but based on the results of the last round, you will be given individual points based on your position. When you form a team those points will be added together which will be your team score which will be printed on a headband. The goal is to steal the other team's headband. The last four teams with the most points proceed to the next round."

The students nodded saying that it was easy to understand

"The points assigned go up by 5 from the bottom. So 42th place gets 5 points. 41th gets 10 points and so on. But the value assigned to first place is 10 Million!"

Everyone turned to me looking at me like I'm some easy prey.

"That's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the Top!" Midnight says sadistically she even had a blush on her face

But still, these guys are getting way ahead of themselves. Well time to remind them. Who exactly they are dealing with.

I unleash my battle intent " Don't get cocky you brats. Remember who you are dealing with"

As if cold water was splashed on them they all instantly cooled down and remembered who exactly was in the first place.

"Damn it. I forgot"

"Yeah its him, the one who decimated the Villians"


People started to talk about me.

I ignore them and look at the scoreboard

1st- 10M points

2nd- 205 points

3rd -200 points.


So Deku has 185 points. Wonder if he will even make it to the end.

I keep going down the list.


Mei the support girl is 41rd

And the purple midget is 42th

How the fuck did that happen?

"Hey who's the kid in the last place?" I ask out loud

"Him.. He grabbed on the girl in 41st place and didn't let go. She basically carried him all the way to the finish line. That Normal Course student is such a creep. I feel sorry for the girl from the Support Course" Itsuka Kendo answered me.

That little punk got in the Normal Courses and is still harassing girls.

"Well just spread the word. If nobody teams up with him, he will be disqualified." I casually mention to Kendo.

"Sure.Great Idea!" And being the social butterfly she was, the news was quickly spread to the other students

Midnight continues explaining the rules

"But remember it's still a Cavalry Battle. You will get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose. You have 15 minutes to form your team. Start!"


Mc and Momo.

"I'm feeling kinda lazy, so I won't be fighting this round." I yawn.

This is seriously boring. If I wanted to end this it would be over in a Flash.

Heh. Flash jokes.

So fucking stupid.

"What do you have in mind Sensei?" Momo asked politely, not even bothering with the event.

"Well, you will find out soon. Just get on my shoulders and I will take care of the rest"

She pauses at that but just gives me a nod while smiling.

I don't even need to read her mind to know what she is thinking. She is a closet pervert, focused only on me.

She gets to 'ride' on my shoulders.

Frankly, I don't mind this side of her. Is so much fun just to mess with her.


"BEGIN" Midnight's voice echoed across the stadium

The other students looked at me, deciding on whether to attack me or not. But I'm not sticking around.

Momo jumps and sits on my shoulders.

I unfurl my wings, kneel down and jump as high as my normal body can take me. Which was quite high.


"He is getting away!"

"Shoot him down"

I ignore the rest and take to the sky. I go right at the top of the stadium.

The stadium is Circular. So I fly to the edge put a spider web down and drag it about 30 meters to the left and put down the anchor there as well. So I got a line going from one spot to another. Then I just filled that in, and made a big ass platform made from spider webs.

Since I made it me and Momo can sit on it.

[It appears Team Kodo is laying around..] Present Mic was speechless

[Oi brat. Do you plan to stay up there the entire round?] Aizawa asks me while rubbing his forehead

I don't see how this is a problem for him. I calmly answer with a simple 'Yes'

Laser boy tries to shoot us down, but Momo counters him with mirrors.

Hmmm I'm kinda hungry. "Momo can you make me a piece of paper and a pen?"

She did it without asking about it since it was trivial to her.

I start writing down some shit and Momo looked over my shoulder.

"Want something to eat?" I was writing down my order, I plan to drop down a sign to the people from the Business Class

"Sure I'm feeling kinda peckish"

' Bring loads of food. Pizza, hotdogs, burgers, fries anything you got. Put it on my school tab. Signed: Shinichi Kodo.'

A Tab that All might is paying for

God that bet is one of the best things I have done. Paying for my own food would have made a serious hit on my bank account.

I look down and see the teams fighting and scrambling for the headbands.

Todoroki still uses his ice. Momo was on his team in the OG and was now replaced by TentacleMan(Mezo Shoji). They don't have the best synergy because Momo is missing and Kaminari can't use his full strength. But Todoroki makes up for it. The dude was freezing the ground below both of them and Iida was basically just pulling them.

Deku running around trying to get points. I really don't get why EdgeLord( Tokoyami) wasn't the rider. He would be in a better position to defend and get headbands if he was on top.

Bakugo was blowing shit up, as usual, raging because Monoma stole his headband. I'm glad that didn't change. Because it's freaking hilarious to watch it live.

Shinso brainwashed his team and the other teams. Sad. He has a lot of potential. Almost everyone responds back to trash-talk. If he trained his body he would have a guaranteed spot in the Hero Course. He has a better chance of becoming a hero than Koji Koda from my class. The guy is shy as hell and his quirk is talking and controlling small animals.

They brought the food and I just raised it up. Me and Momo spent the entire round stuffing our faces with fast food while watching down on the chaos.

Just as they were fighting to grab the last points

[Time's up!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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