

During what everyone believed to be the last battle, the one who would end all others, Duncan Endrik fought one on one against the Outsider, whenever their swords met each other, sparks would fly into the ceiling and the floor trembled with their power. But the outsider knew he was bound to fail, his dark and corrupted eyes could already see past the fog that tried to hide the future, he could see his death, his ending. But he wouldn't give up so easily, he was also a Caller, and he was willing to call upon that power to end everything not only for him but for Duncan as well. So he did it, he tapped into the void and brought it outside making Duncan frown and fasten his pace, he couldn't allow this demon that calls himself a god to use the calling, it could be his demise if he failed. What he didn't expect though was that the Outsider only used one word, chaos. When the calling began, Duncan's sword managed to finally pierce his heart and bring an end to his vile existence, but it was too late, the armies that clashed outside the tower could only stare at the ball of light that engulfed it. When it disappeared there was nothing there besides a giant hole at the base of the mountain. The Outsider was dead, but Duncan's fate was a mystery that no one could've predicted. ------------------------------- I don't own My Hero Academia. I don't own the cover, and I don't know who is the owner. Number of words per chapter: 1000 - 2000 Chapters per week: 4 - 7 If you see any grammar mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix it. [PAUSED] I'm having some problems with last chapters, and I need some time to reorganize my thoughts.

DreamSeeker_Lord · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Sorry for not publishing earlier, the last days I had a pretty difficult time to rest, couldn't even write properly.


Two more cracks appeared in the gate, but just as he thought it would give in... The gate started to shine slightly and fixed the cracks slowly on its own. But it seemed to be an arduous task because the blows that came from the other side created more cracks than the gate seemed to be able to fix.

This followed for 15 minutes, which was when the alarms stopped and the blows on the gate too, but the marks were still there for anyone to see, it was even bent and the claw and fist marks could also be seen on it.

Everyone sighed in relief and just watched as the gate regenerated on its own until it returned to its initial state.

Everyone slowly sighed and went back to their works, Duncan only watched as the armed groups left the place and the ones wearing lab coats went back to work. The General was still frowning, but he turned to Duncan and with a normal tone of voice, he said. "So, you saw it, what do you think? Do you have any questions?"

"What was that!?" Duncan couldn't understand what did just happen, he never saw metal capable of bringing itself back to a peak condition, nor could he comprehend what was on the other side of the gate.

"Well, Mr. Duncan this is why we need your help, it won't be long until whatever is on the other side manages to come here and kill as many as it can..." The General stopped for a moment and sat down on a nearby chair in order to catch his breath.

Duncan just stood there looking at him and sometimes looking at the door. He was still shaken for some reason, it could have been the nightmare or the experience he just had, but what he was certain about is that he now understood why the military was asking for help, but why him? How could he help them deal with whatever was behind the gate?

"Thinking about it, aren't you?" Duncan heard the General's voice and turned back to him, he was now holding a cup of coffee that someone gave him, his expression was much better and there were no more frowns on his face. "This happens exactly every thirty days... When we discovered this thing there was no door you know, we built one because of what our recon teams reported when they entered the rift. They spoke about a destroyed world, countless monsters walking around, and pure destruction in a land where the sky was green."

"Do you know what is even more interesting? There are exactly five rifts around the globe, each one being extremely protected by their respective country with all their might, but we are the only ones with problems to deal with the situation, not even our most revolutionary assets can detain whatever is inside... which is why we wanted your help."

"Why? How do you expect me to help exactly, and how are you going to pay me?" Duncan asked with a frown on his face.

"Well... To begin with, we know who you are Duncan. While we might not know much about your past, we know at least you're really far from home."

Hearing his words, Duncan couldn't help but look at him with wide eyes, how could that be possible, he asked himself...


"One of ours has a clairvoyance quirk extremely powerful, and we know what you need to fulfill both of your objectives, we can give that information for you, but in exchange, you must help us deal with this problem." The General spoke very rapidly, his hand was scratching his leg as he anxiously hoped for a positive answer.

"How can I be sure you aren't lying?"

"Well, the name Outsider means something for you?" Seeing how Duncan's face paled and he clenched his fist, the General knew he hit the nail. "Is that enough proof for you?"

"Fine! So, what do you need me to do."

The General nodded and stood up, he gesture for Duncan to follow him and they went towards the gate. He looked at it for a moment before turning to Duncan.

"We want you to change the properties of the Gate."

"How can you be so sure I can do something like that?"

The General laughed slightly and shook his head. "You're kidding? We saw you remove the quirk of a person sentenced to death using this magic of yours. The only reason we didn't capture you who has a god tier power to work for us is that we know we wouldn't be able to control you."

"God tier?" Duncan asked with confusion.

"I spoke too much." The General changed the subject. "So... can you do it?"

Duncan was silent for a moment, he analyzed the gate and touched it a few times, then after some time, he said. "Yeah, I can, what do you need me to change?"

"I want you to increase its density by 50% and its resistance to impacts and other types of possible damages by 50% as well."

Duncan looked at him with a frown, he was pretty sure he never showed he could change more than one property of anything that wasn't human. But, he should have expected. Not willing to waste any more time, he closed his eyes and touched on the anchor that connected him with the void and brought that feeling outside, giving life to the calling circle, then using his will he wrote everything he wanted to change about the gate when he finished he just let it go.

It didn't look like it had changed anything, but he knew that it was done, this gate now is probably one of the most powerful materials on Earth.

"Did you succeed?" The General asked.


"Good! I knew I could count on you!" He was ecstatic with Duncan's words as if the weight of a mountain had left his shoulders. "Now, for your payment, we need a month to conclude our part of the deal, the person you need to see is currently in a delicate situation."

"Okay, but know this, once I change something, I can turn it back to its origins or even reverse my 'blessings' no matter the distance, if in a month I don't get what you promised, I don't care how dangerous this shit is, you'll have problems."

Having said that, Duncan turned back and walked away, the General just watched as Duncan entered a portal and disappeared. He wasn't afraid of Duncan, he knew that once he gave him what he wanted, the Japanese self-defense force will gain a powerful ally. He just had to make sure that he could see that woman.

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