
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 5, Cop car and going home

So we're now 952 people who have seen the book. THATS ALMOST 1000 PEOPLE?!?. By now I thought "hey maybe it might slow down!" Nope! And I love it as much as I love every single one of you. Now I don't want to hold onto you people forever so enjoy the chapter!

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


Diran is on top of a car screaming at the horde of infected back down the street the horde is walking towards him intending on eating him. Diran jumps off the car and keeps yelling at the top of his lungs.

"YA COME THIS WAY! IM OVER HERE COME GET ME!" Diran jumps off the the car and starts walking backwards towards the police car, he's making sure the horde keeps following. As he's walking he sees another car and decides to fire a crystal into the window setting it's car alarm off.

The horde gains more interest and keeps following Diran, they are about half way to the car.

(If I keep this up I'll be able to get to the car and lead them away without any issues.)

Diran keeps walking backwards towards the car , when he's just 50 feet away he dash's towards the car, some of the infected start moving faster then the rest and dash after Diran. He opens the car door and gets in. He immediately grabs the key and turns it. Only to have the car not start

(Come on please work their literally about to get here!) he turns the key again to once again have the car's engine make strange noises and still not start

The infected start banging on the car door. Leaving cracks on the window

"FUCKING START!!!" He turns the key as hard as he can. The car starts making some extremely strange noises before spinning to life, the cars sirens start blaring as soon as she walks up

"HELL YA!" Diran immediately grabs the gearshift and changes it from parked to first gear, putting the gas to the floor the car starts spinning out before going forward. Diran turns it away from the sushi shop before slowing down to start moving just fast enough to keep away from the infected but not to leave them in the dust.

(God I missed driving, the feeling of moving faster then your own legs can take you, it has always just felt so right to me. I'll take all of these guys a couple blocks away and leave them there so they won't be a problem for us for now) and he does just that. He goes 12 blocks away and takes off going sixty miles per hour. He's going on a joy ride. He drifts the car around a corner and keeps going down the street. A small bunch of infected are in the middle of the road, Diran smiles and pulls Patel to the metal. 60,70,75,80,90


infected fly all around like Bowling pins, splattering against the roads asphalt, blood gush's all over the car with every impact.

"I love this to much" he says to himself as he turns the window wipers. He sees one more zombie on the sidewalk with nothing in the way, he pops his door open a little and Swerves off the road opining his door right before hitting the zombie to hit it with the door

[SPLAT] the zombie goes flying into the air landing on the front window of a car, the door flys closed now drenched with blood.

"Iv always wanted to do that!"

Eventually after thirty minutes Diran pulls the now blood Stained cop car into the alley in front of his home.

Diran turns the engine off and steps out of the car.

"I think I had a little to much fun doing that, let's see if they made it"

He climbs through the window inside the building to find all 4 people in the front room. Diran had moved the shelves to make room for other stuff, mostly junk he gets off the infected.

"welcome to my abode, your welcome to stay all long as you like as long as you listen to my rules." All of the people he just saved looked at him with curious expressions.

"Ok we'll bite, What's the rules?" Okabe asks

Diran smiles to him self. "One we're a family now, we work together to get out of this mess. It's going to take a lot of work but we can do it, two We help people In need. three I'm in charge but I won't be ordering you around all the time. And finally the most important one, four stay out of the attic. My personal stuff is up there and I'd prefer you don't mess with it."

(In all reality I don't want them messing with my comfy space, well I was looting houses I might have stole like a million blankets and pillows and maybe the ultimate pillow fort! I'd like to keep it to myself along with my not so innocent stash of comics I stole, also I'm trying to make a gun up there, probably should have mentioned that first.)

The fore of them, Shade, Thermite, Nara Hitoshi and all look at Diran and nod.

"These rules sound fare enough you did save our lives, the most we owe you is at least to listen. But if you try ordering us to do something stupid don't expect us to listen" Nara says As he reaches his hand out to shake

Diran grabs it and shakes his hand

"Let's get along"


Ok ok I know we're only 5 chapters in and Iv only mentioned Deku and kirishima but we'll meet more people as we go. And for the people who are here for the zombies! Trust me we'll get plenty more! Also if anyone has any ideas or anything like that I'd love to hear from you. Now then I love you all see you next chapter! (Sorry it's a small one)

Ps, updated to add more humanity to the characters and more other things.

Also sorry it's taking so long to update these Iv been very busy