
MHA: but the dead are walking [zombies[fanfic Category]

So I’m dead, it wasn’t a life wasted though. Now I have a chance to save a completely different world from “the walking dead” lol bad joke I know but it’s true. Now all I have to do is survive long enough to do that. With the power of blood red crystals to back me up it should be easy…. Hopefully… [I’ll try to upload a chapter on Monday and Friday’s but if I fall to put one out on those dates I’ll try to get one out on the weekends] If anyone can find who made the picture please let me know so I can properly ask Permission to use it! Also! I just made a discord for the server! If you want to help me by giving ideas or have any specific questions please join! https://discord.gg/ehkfQckz

TheZombie115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2 waking up in a pile of trash

[Ok so I'm going on a writing rant so enjoy]

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////START/////////////////////////////// (Owww my head… where am I?) we are Greeted by the image of a 16 year old, he's 5,8 with black hair and blue eyes he's wearing a gray no sleeve shirt, black Camo cargo pants and military boots. He looks like he's been beat up, blood on his lip and on his shirt and a black eye.

"Fuck me.. where am I?" His voice is deep but not extremely deep. As he looks around he realizes he's in a Pile trash bag next to a trashcan in the middle of a dark alley.

Putting his hand to his neck "is this my voice At least Its a good voice… fuck my head hurts..how did I end up here?" he Raises his hand to his head and feels something wet, moving his hand away and sees blood staining his hand.

(So this is how they want to explain how my Personality change. If I'm right this should Enable me to make some crystals…. God I hope this works) the boy in the try's to push something out of his hand but nothing happens.

"Of course it wouldn't be that easy [Sigh]" the boy looks around his Surroundings and she's the alley is right next to a bustling street.

"Ok so I'm not in the middle of the apocalypse just yet, I'll have to figure out what day it is but first~" the boy starts searching through his pants pockets and pulls out a wallet

"If I remember correctly the Orphanage gave everyone a Identification card to help everyone get h- HOW DO I KNOW THIS!?!"

He pulls a yellow card and looks it over "my body's memorys are probably starting to mix with my memorys" he starts reading it

"My name is Diran, for some reason my last name is cut out, age 16, birthday July 15. Ha I have to same birthday as Midoriya and the same day to. Weird, maybe we know each ot-" suddenly Diarn has a spike of pain in his head, the pain Ignites a memory. Almost like a vision he can see himself helping a kid with green hair out of a river and giving a blond kid a death stair.

(Ow ow ok I get it… so I do know them. But if I have the same birthday as Deku that means he's already in UA which means I somehow failed. Probably wasn't able to go because I didn't have parents) Diran puts the Wallet away and try's to stand up, he stumbles a little and gets his balance.

(New body, have to get used to it, the possible Concussion isn't helping) he feels something in his pocket and takes a large knife out, it's not a cheep one ether with Stainless steel blade with a wood finish handle. It's blade is 3 inches lon, the blade shrinks to a fine tip the farther it goes down the blade. On the handle is a small carving of a Wolf howling at the moon made of gold indented into it.

(If I remember correctly it was grandpas, I miss grandpa… again with the memories, you know what I'm just going to roll with it) he puts the knife away and slowly walks out of the alley to start his adventure. As soon as he walks out a person runs into him knocking him back onto the ground.

"OW WTF WATCH WHERE YO-" he stops mid sentence as he's sees something that makes him Terrified. Almost 50 feet down the street is a man in a business suit eating a woman. Blood Pours from her mouth and eyes before flowing onto the street. The more Diran looks at this the more he feels frozen on the ground.


Suddenly the man looks up at him and starts screaming. Suddenly it starts running at him. Diran starts trying to crawl backwards

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit!!!" It jumps at him and starts trying to bite him. Darin throws his hands up landing has hand on the dude's neck pushing his head back well the other is on the guy chest trying to push him off. Blood is flying out of the mans mouth onto Dirans face.

"GOD WHY ARE YOU SO STRONG!!" He pushes the man off to the side and giving him space to crawl back. Diran crawls back until he's against a wall.

(I HAVE A KNIFE!!) Diran starts frantically trying to take his knife out. When he gets it out the Businessman jumps at him again once again try to bite him. Diran throws his left hand up and holds the head of the man back.

"DONT MAKE ME DO THIS!!" The man doesn't stop so Diran shoves the knife into the mans temple. It stops moving. Diran lifts his right leg enough to get it on the mans chest and pushes him off. Diran quickly stands up.

(Ok.. I Guess this is the start. Why was that so Terrifying? I'm not usually scared of things like that.. I just need to get my knife back and..) a Loud Scream can be heard behind him followed by many more. He turns around to see a hord of infected running down the street chasing a large amount of people. People start getting out of cars and start running towards him.

(Fuck. My. New. Life.)

Diran ducks for the body, pulls his knife out and starts running away from the horde.

(If that horde Catches me now I'm dead I got to keep running. I'll run to the end of the block and duck into a alleyway, ya that should work!) he keeps running down the street until he sees a car driving down the side walk! Its going so fast that it hits something and it's front dives into the concrete and the Entire Vehicle is thrown into the air. Diran falls down and slides right under the car as it flys over him. Somehow he stands up mid slide and continues running. The car hits the ground and roles a bit into the horde and explodes throwing limbs and debris everywhere, the shock from the explosion sends Diran Forward twenty feet. Diran quickly gets back on his feet and looks around himself and Realizes he landed in front of a Alleyway so he runs down it, And he keeps running for what felt like for ever. After running at least 12 miles he finds a door in a alley way.

He quickly try's to open the door but it's locked, he looks around and sees a window.

(I'm so tired…. Maybe I could hide in here?) he try's the window and it opens up

(Unlocked, probably Abandoned) he climbs in to find that it's a very old store, very abandoned and very looted. There's police tape all over the entire store showing something bad happened here. Burn marks cover the Area where the Cashier would stand. The best thing about the place is there's a back room.

(I'll hide here. I'll just move a shelf in font of the door to keep people out and I'll find a place to sleep ) and he does just that. He grabs a shelf and moves it in front of the door and window

(Ok I'll explore the back and rest there)


(That just came from the back) "Hello? Anyone there?"

A girl with black hair walks out from the back room, Obviously limping. A large shard of metal going through her arm.

"Welp fuck me. Ok quirk please work!" Diran points his hand at the girl and try's to use his quirk. It doesn't work.

(If I remember correctly I read something that said that you have to try and push it out?" He try's that and it doesn't work.

"WHY ISN'T IT WOR-" his head spikes in pain as another memory starts forming. It's him at the hospital. The Orphanage is taking all the kids to the hospital to find out what their quirks were. Mis.Cala the manager of the Orphanage tells Diran it his turn. He quickly follows her as not to anger her like he always did. He followed her to a room with a large room that holds a large machine that was making lots of loud noises, After the machine scanned him he's Brought to another room where the doctor tell them about his quirk. it's called if he's hurt he can make crystals from his body to attack or defend himself. His quirk can only be activated when he snaps. When he snaps he will have 3 seconds to make as much crystals as he can related to the amount of damage he has taken but if he keeps focusing on his quirk he can continue for longer than that. The doctor even said with some training he should be able to shape That's crystals anyway he wants.

The vision slowly subsides and Diran takes a couple steps back and falls to his knees

(fuck my head hurts… at least I know how to do this now) he looks at the girl, blood stains her mouth and face. She's only 3 feet away now. Diran raises his hand and gets ready to snap…



A large red crystal flows from Dirans hand at twenty mph through the girls head hitting the ceiling behind her.



"This is going to be a fun~"


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm not the best at making acton scenes but i hope i did good. Anyway I'm Open to criticism, if you want to leave me a message to help me look for this and Comment on it and I'll read all of them. There should be one at the end of every chapter. (Or just write in the comments) Anyway have a good day and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Ps. Just updated this chapter to fix some writing, plot holes, ext