
MHA: Bungee Gum

Tanaka Horikawa, the prodigal CEO of Spamazon. At the age of 21 he had become the CEO of the worlds largest online retailer. Then he gets poisoned by his Board of Directors because he made a call that they didn't like. He opens his eyes, and sees that he's been reincarnated into another world. More specifically, the world of My Hero Academia! Read along, and find out what he does with his quirk, Bungee Gum ============= If you are expecting a OP MC then sorry to let you down but no. He will use his brains and tricks to fight. ==========> Check out my other story The Dragon of MHA Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2

Chopstiksman · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

The Sights Are Pretty in Hosu City

Meanwhile, in a dank bar in the basement of a building in Camino, three people are present, with a fourth person listening in, a dark TV screen being the only symbol of the presence of the fourth. A lanky light blue-haired man dressed in a black sweatshirt and long pants with a gloved hand covering his face sat at a barstool. A dark purple mist with yellow eyes in a dark blue waistcoat, over a plain white dress shirt, stood behind the bar. The third person had a rugged look, armed to the teeth with blades, a red bandanna covering his eyes and nose.

*General POV*

"Ah, so you guys are the ones who attacked U.A., aren't you," the Hero Killer: Stain, asked Tomura Shigaraki, and Kurogiri, "And you want me to join you."

Shigaraki replies lazily, "Yeah. As a villain, you have much more experience than us. C'mon man."

Stain ignores this, "What are you after?"

Shigaraki pauses before answering, "For now, I just wanna kill All Might. I want to break everything I don't like."

He shows a picture of a white-haired boy with gray eyes in a U.A. sports uniform, "Damn kids like this, too… Everything…"

Stain scoffs, "I was foolish to be interested. You're the type of person I hate the most."

Both Kurogiri and Shigaraki narrow their eyes, "Huh?"

Stain sighs and grabs two knives, placed above his hip, "You want me to go along with your childish tantrum? What meaning is there in killing without conviction?"

Stain completely draws two large knives, with each of their serrated blade lengths being around one foot long, brandishing them at the duo.

Kurogiri looks towards the TV, and voices out in a slightly concerned tone, "Master, is it all right to let this continue?"

An amused voice comes out of the speaker, "This is fine! There's no point if we just tell him the answer. He should think about where he still needs to mature. Spur on his growth! This is what it means to educate."

Stain's eyes move quickly to the TV, before going back to Shigaraki, "Master? I figured. You seem too childish," he points to Shigaraki, "and you seem to be like a servant. You're too docile," he says, gesturing to Kurogiri.

Stain then calls out, "Hey, "Master!" Why don't you tell me, what is your goal?"

The man behind the TV chuckles, "I am merely here to spectate and watch the growth of my student. For now, he speaks for me."

Stain narrows his eyes, "So? You're a coward, hiding behind the failure you call a student."

Something snaps in Shigaraki, "Bastard! Don't you dare insult my master!"

Shigaraki leaps off his barstool and charges at Stain. Stain, used to hand-to-hand combat, sweeps Shigaraki off of his feet with a kick and plants his foot onto his attacker's chest, sending him to the floor. At this time Kurogiri steps in and his purple mass moves to cover Shigaraki, but he's too slow.

Stain uses his knife, lunges forwards, and stabs into Kurogiri's main body, slicing into his left arm. Shigaraki pushes himself off the floor, and swings his hand forwards, intending to disintegrate him.

Stain leans back and kicks Shigraki's hand, his spiked boots impaling his opponent, and punches him in the chin. Kurogiri moves again, but Stain licks his bloodied knife, and Kurogiri suddenly stops, unable to move.

Stain then leaps on top of Shigaraki, uses his knife, and cuts down into the right trapezius, the area of muscle between the neck and the shoulder.

He then uses his other knife, and stabs it down next to Shigaraki's left ear, watching as the red eyes glare back at him, "Two of you, and you can't even take me out. NO matter what you want to accomplish, it is necessary to have conviction and desire. Those without it and those who are weak will be weeded out. It's only natural. That's why it turns out like this."

Shigaraki groans slightly, "Oww… that's too hard… Kurogiri, take this guy back."

But Kurogiri doesn't move, "I-I can't move my body. It must be his quirk…"

Shigaraki lays there, irritated by the knife lodged between his shoulder and neck, and Stain glares down at him, "You are merely a man child with a pitiful dream. You are no better than those other villains and those heroes that wave around their power aimlessly."

Stain pulls down the knife next to the hand covering Shigaraki's face, preparing to tear it off, when the latter growls and grabs his knife, "Not this one, bastard."

Shigaraki slowly pushes the Knife away and his eyes seemingly light up, "Pitiful dream?"

Shigaraki activates his quirk and within seconds, the knife begins to rust and disintegrate, meanwhile, an insane smile lights upon his face, "I just want to really crush this society, where trash like All Might gets worshiped. You can call my dream pitiful, but I could give less than two shits about what you think."

He then sweeps his hand out towards Stain, but Stain leaps back before he could make contact.

Shigaraki on the other hand stands up and lets out a groan, "You know we don't have a healer in our party. And just when I was recovering from that man's bullets too…"

Stain clicks his teeth in disgust, "So that's who you are huh… I guess our goals oppose each other."

Kurogiri silently watches on the side while All for One chuckles lightly behind the TV screen when Stain says something surprising, "However, we do agree on one thing, destroying the present."

Shigaraki growled, "Hah?! I thought I was the kinda person you hate the most? Go home. Die."

Stain grins, "People tend to show their true colors under the fear of death, I look forward to working with you, League of Villains…"

Kurogiri lets out a deep sigh, "Negotiations were successful, we'll inform you about our next attack."

"Good," Stain replies while nodding his head, "Now send me back to Hosu… I still have some business to attend to."

Kurogiri creates a gate for Stain and Shigaraki sits on a barstool, mumbling vague words like, "Shitty bastard," "Creep," and "Kill him."

Meanwhile, All for One nods his head satisfyingly.

*All for One POV*

'Good, good. The hero killer will be a major asset for this stage… but after that, I can no longer see him cooperating with us. I'll need to have that taken care of later.'

The "Overlord" of villains from the golden era let out a grin and turned his chair to another monitor, one showing a fight from the recent U.A. Festival. More specifically, the matchup between Shiro Hirota and Hitoshi Shinso.

'On the surface, this is one of the more boring fights, as all that happens is Hirota ignores Shinso until the former replies, most likely due to anger, and Shinso orders him to walk off stage. Hirota almost leaves but breaks off from the influence of his quirk, and this is where the fun starts.'

The video plays and Hirota turns around, an arrogant and smug expression on his face, and calmly walks toward his opponent.

'There are several things wrong with this. His gait, his attitude, and mannerism, it's not so simple to be that he is angry, but rather it's almost like a completely different person.'

The video continues, with Hirota muttering the words, "Too slow," into Shinso's eat before pushing him off the stage.

I frown slightly and playback that part, maxing out the volume, "Too slow."

'It wasn't much, but compared to how he talked before, the tone is completely different. Of course, it could be an act, a publicity stunt, but with everything else…'

I put my hands together and think deeply about the situation, analyzing various solutions. 'There are many far-fetched ideas that could work, but right now I need more evidence to find the correct answer.'

Leaning back in my chair, I hum excitedly to myself, "Oh… this will be fun won't it?"

*The Next Day*

*Shiro POV*

Sweat runs down my face and my bungee gum regulator as I do my hundredth something rep of diamond pushups, 'Thirty more of these, then I got two hundred reps of incline, and two hundred more of decline pushups.'

Before these, I had already done normal, wide grip pushups, as well as various leg, and core calisthenic exercises, with each individual exercise focusing on different parts of the body, guaranteeing a full-body workout. The regulator was a simple design, a mouthpiece that would wrap around my mouth and nose with slits to allow me to breathe but take in less oxygen.

'It's slightly different from my usual routines but since I'm not doing cardio or anything else, might as well make it harder by reducing the amount of oxygen my body runs on.'

Hypoxic training, or low oxygen training, makes even the most basic sets harder due to the lower oxygen intake. It can increase endurance, increase energy consumption efficiency, and decrease fatigue.

After finishing the last set, I lean against the balcony of the hotel room and nod satisfactorily as the sun begins to rise, illuminating the city in front of me.

Kuro yells excitedly in my head, 'I'M BACK BITCHES~!!!'

I let out a slight groan, 'Back to where you fucker? You've never been to Hosu.'

Kuro smirks and replies, 'Don't worry about it.'


The day before we had driven to Hosu, and checked into a hotel, the Todoroki's sharing a room, while Onima and I share another. By the time I arrived in Hosu, it was already evening, and Endeavor told me and Todoroki to get some rest, while he and Onima would check with the local police department and hero agencies for any information.

Kuro is bursting with excitement, 'Neh~ you think we'll find him today? Cuz that shit would be hella fun.'

Behind me, Onima is sleeping splayed out across his bed.

I turn around and walk into the bathroom and mentally sigh as I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror, 'As much as I agree with you, the chances of running into him today are quite low. Especially during the day. There isn't a lot of information on Stain other than, he always attacks at night, and he usually takes down a few heroes per city. Right now, he's only maimed Ingenium, so there's no doubt he'll be back for more.'

Kuro clicks his teeth, 'Tch, we should've snuck out last night. We're good enough to not be seen and definitely good enough to evade capture.'

I nod my head in agreement but still deny his idea, 'Yeah, but hero activity has increased now that people know that Stain is here, and if anyone sees us messing around at night, using our quirk and everything, there probably would have been some annoying legal trouble, and overall that would hinder us long term.'

Kuro sighs reluctantly, 'It's a pussy mentality, but you're right about this one.'

'Oh shut the fuck up.'

Kuro scoffs and is about to reply when someone knocks at the door, and I raise an eyebrow, "Wake up call is here."

I go to open the door and Endeavor is standing there in front of me, in a surprisingly normal outfit, consisting of black long sleeves and jeans, with none of his flaming facial hair.

"Oh Hirota, you're up already," he says calmly, staring down at me with his turquoise blue eyes.

I reply in a light tone, "Well even if I'm traveling, I can't slack on my daily training."

He nods with approval, and looks behind me to see Onima, still asleep, "Wake him up, and tell him to get ready in thirty minutes, we'll get something to eat and discuss the plan for today."

I give a lazy two-fingered salute, "Roger that!"

He looks at me strangely before heading back to his room, and Kuro snickers, 'He's so confused.'

I spin on my heels and walk towards the pro hero sleeping soundly on the bed, and get a piece of bungee gum and shoot it towards his forehead, making a powerful smacking sound.

Immediately the man sits up, and looks around in a panic, "Hirota, where the enemy!?!?"

I snap my finger and the projectile disappears, "There's no enemy, Mr. Onima. Endeavor came calling and said to get ready in thirty minutes, we will get food and then discuss our plan."

I step into the bathroom, and as I shut the door I hear Onima say in an amused tone, "Heh, Damn brat."

After a brief ten-minute shower, I spend the remainder of my time packing up my support gear and organizing my various amounts of poisons. Onima took a shower after me, but his preparation was a lot simpler, simply putting on his suit and happuri.

As I play with a deck of cards, I look up at Onima, "Say, what's your quirk, Onima?"

He grins at me, "It's pretty simple actually. I can harden my body and shoot out spikes. Nothing too complicated, but it's very practical."

I nod thoughtfully, "then is it an organic harden, like skin or calcium-based, or does your body turn to a natural or synthetic material, or-"

I was about to finish my question when the door gets knocked on again, and Endeavor's voice rings through, "it's time."

Onima lets out a sigh, and we both exit the room. Endeavor and Shoto are both fully decked out in their hero outfits, and Shoto is giving me a death stare. I meet his eyes calmly in return and we stare at each other until he backs off.

Endeavor notices this but says nothing about it, "Let's go. There's a nice izakaya I found that's open in the morning."

Five minutes later, we are in a Japanese-style pub, ordering food and drinks before stopping to talk about the plan.

"Right now, it's about 7:30 am, we'll be done in about thirty minutes, so at eight we'll start. Since there are four of us, we'll split into groups, and trade partners halfway. I'd say the end time is gonna be 9 pm. We'll meet somewhere for lunch and trade any information that we've discovered as well as make the trade-off. Any questions."

I nod my head, "What's the course of action if we do run into Stain. Do we have permission to engage?"

Endeavor thinks about it for a second, before replying, "Yes. However, only if you support."

Onima looks wide-eyed at his boss, "Endeavor, you're really gonna let them fight Stain if they find him?"

Endeavor looks at his sidekick with a cold expression, "This is an internship, a place where they can learn and further grow their abilities. You can learn various things through experience. Besides, I wouldn't have taken them if I wasn't confident in their individual combat capabilities."

Onima glances quickly at us, before remembering one was the winner of the U.A. sports festival and the other was his son, personally trained by Endeavor himself since he was a kid.

Endeavor cleared his throat briefly, "Alright, let's eat, and then we'll start. The first pairing will be, Onima and Hirota, while Shoto will be with me. Tomorrow, we'll switch the first pairing."

"Got it!"

*Meanwhile, in different parts of Japan.*

*Izuku POV*

'Not all of it at once. Maybe 10… no 5 percent for now.'

Lightning courses through my body as the energy flows through me, but unlike previous attempts, my body doesn't explode.

My eyes widened in realization and a grin broke out on my face., 'Shiro was right, by dialing down the output, and utilizing One for All on my entire body, I can increase my overall capabilities without injuring myself.'

Gran Torino also has a grin on his face, "Good job brat, but now let's see if you can fight like that."

*Momo POV*

I dodge a yellow spiral emission from a cherry periwinkle blue-haired girl flying around in a light blue-colored bodysuit. In response, I quickly create a light metal discus with a rubber edge and send it flying at my opponent, who dodges it by shifting to the side.

'The angle is right… it should be set.'

"Neh, neh, your quirk is pretty amazing, Momocchi, but you gotta try better than that!'

But behind her, the metal discus bounces off the walls of the training room, unbeknownst to her. She moves forwards a bit, and out of nowhere, she gets sidelined by the metal discus, and her flight becomes slightly unstable.

I take advantage of her instability and throw a black ball at her, which explodes and a weighted ent flies at her, entangling her.

She floats to the floor, her quirk keeping her from falling completely, but unable to fully control it in her panic. I walk over to my opponent with a satisfied smile when a female voice from the side announces something.

"Impressive, your skills are quite impressive, Yaoyarozu."

I turn to face the speaker and give a slight bow, "You're too kind… Ryukyu."

The Dragon Hero: Ryukyu nods happily, and walks over to my opponent, "Nejire, I know that you weren't taking her completely seriously, but to get this caught off guard, it's surprising."

Nejire Hado, my upperclassman, grins sheepishly, "How was I supposed to know that her frisbee would ricochet."

I help her out of the netting and she grins excitedly, "Hey, hey, did you know that would happen, or was it luck?"

I smile politely, "Must've been a lucky shot…"

Nejire seems to be convinced, but Ryukyu gives me a smirk, meaning she saw right through me.

*??? POV*

"All the other students seem to be progressing splendidly, no doubt encouraged by the anomaly in their class."

A silky and sly voice voices his thoughts as he stares at several monitors, before focusing on one screen. One that shows a tall silver-haired boy walking through the streets of a city with another man wearing a horned happuri.

"I am quite excited for this next part, after all, who doesn't love a bit of chaos.

The owner of the voice looks over to the side, to a shadowy figure working furiously away at a computer, "Isn't that right… God~"


Longish chapter to celebrate my return.

Long story short, I lost interest for a while, but I've suddenly realized that I want to continue this. I think it's been almost a year and a half since I last updated, but no matter. Your lord and savior has returned.

The next few chapters may be a little bland and off, but I'm trying to get back into the groove. It's weird, I have to re-read my chapters, and try to remember all the little foreshadowing and hint dropping for future things I had planned, as well as making sure that what I'm writing lines up with what I've changed.

I'll try to keep updates constant, but no promises. A Lot has changed, and I am somehow busier than before, why am I doing this even though I'm busier… Honestly, I have no idea, but whatever.

Also if you've seen my other fanfic, I've officially dropped that so, sorry if you were looking forwards to that. In the unknown future, I will most likely drop this too, but I hope to get as far as I can before I lose interest again.

I appreciate your support now and your support in the future.

Anyway, it's good to be back.

P.S. I'm editing this right now in Grammarly, and I had a initial score of like 68... god I'm rusty


Check out my other story

The Dragon of MHA

Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2