
MHA: Bungee Gum

Tanaka Horikawa, the prodigal CEO of Spamazon. At the age of 21 he had become the CEO of the worlds largest online retailer. Then he gets poisoned by his Board of Directors because he made a call that they didn't like. He opens his eyes, and sees that he's been reincarnated into another world. More specifically, the world of My Hero Academia! Read along, and find out what he does with his quirk, Bungee Gum ============= If you are expecting a OP MC then sorry to let you down but no. He will use his brains and tricks to fight. ==========> Check out my other story The Dragon of MHA Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2

Chopstiksman · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

The Obstacle Race

*Shiro POV*

'God damnit, Kuro! I thought you said you wouldn't do anything!'

He smiles and waves as he gets closer to the mic, 'Well, after Todoroki made that declaration, I can't just let that slide.'

'Fucking bastard.'

I try to forcibly take over, but Kuro pushes me away, 'You're not strong enough to take over, just sit quietly for now. Don't worry about the speech too much. I'll put on a good show.'

I growl, 'We'll talk about this later.'

Kuro clears his throat and the whole stadium goes quiet, "I am honored to have been chosen to represent my fellow classmates. Anyways onto the pledge."

Kuro stays silent for a bit before speaking, "I pledge…"

Another moment of silence, "I'll do whatever I can to take the top spot and beat the rest of you into the ground. I hope we have a good game. Thank you."



There is a long moment of silence as Kuro jumps off the stage and walks towards Class A and stands at the front of the line.

He puts his hands in his pockets and smirks while looking up at Midnight, "So, what's next?"

This moment snaps everyone back to reality and all hell breaks loose.

Students from the other courses start coughing blood from the sheer arrogance and others yell out in annoyance, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!"



Both of the Hero courses look at Kuro with mouths gaping. The person that had just spoken was completely different from the witty person they knew. The only exceptions were Bakugo, Todoroki, and Momo. The first two continued to glare at me with determination and Momo just shook her head.

The crowd is a mix of emotions and thoughts. Some thought that he was being too arrogant while others thought that he was just doing it for show. Some heroes judged it as a show of power and some just assumed he was extremely strong.

Either way, everyone was going to keep an eye on me.

Kuro grins as he switches out, 'Now you have the spotlight.'

I feel control return to my body and Momo looks at me with an expression that says, 'You ok?'

I give her a small thumbs up and look back at Midnight, who's trying to quiet the crowd and the students down, "Quiet, please. We need to start. Quiet. Quiet down."

A tick appears on her face as everyone ignores her and she flicks her whip making a loud cracking sound, "I SAID QUIET!!!"

The stadium goes quiet as Midnight clears her throat, "Now… let's get this started right away! The first game is what you'd call a qualifier."

An evil smile appears on her face, "Every year, many drink their tears here. Now, here is the fateful game!"

A large holographic screen appears behind Midnight showing a giant wheel spinning at extreme speeds.

"This year, it's…"

The wheel stops abruptly on one spot, "THIS!!!"

'An obstacle course race, huh? This will be easy.'

The screen changes again and now it shows letters A through K in small bubbles, "All eleven classes will participate in this race."

Once again, the screen changes to show a large circle around the stadium, "The course will be the outer circumference of the stadium, about four kilometers."

'A bit lengthy, but nothing I can't deal with. The recommended exam was shorter.'

Midnight raises her whip, "Our school's selling point is freedom! As long as you stay on the course…"

She likes her lips menacingly, "It doesn't matter what you do. Now, everyone take your places!"

We all move to the edge of the stadium where a large red gate stands, 'Nice… there are walls.'

I create two balls of bungee Gum and hold them in the palm of my hand, each of them connected to my wrist by another string of Bungee Gum.

The first green light goes out signaling to get ready.

I rub some Bungee Gum onto the soles of my shoes.

The second green light goes dark.

I crack my neck slightly and pull one arm back.

The last green light goes out in a flash and Midnight yells out, "START!!!"

I whip my arm forwards and latch onto the wall. Compressing the Bungee Gum, I easily glide over the heads of many other students.

From some speakers I hear Present Mic's voice, "Now, here is play by play. Let's get started right away, Mummy Man! What should we pay attention to in the early stages."

I hear a familiar drawling voice as Aizawa speaks, "This part right here."

I throw my balls and stick to each side of the wall, swinging between the high and narrow walls, 'How delightfully evil of you U.A.'

People pushing, elbowing, and trampling each other in order to get further to the exit. But the Narrow walls prevent a steady flow.

I smirk as I see Todororoki's angry face in the crowd, looking up at me, "Toodles!"

He grits his teeth and releases a cold mist. Seconds later, ice freezes the walls and the floor trapping a huge amount of people


I let go of one of my wads as it gets frozen over and prevents me from moving forwards, 'Whatever, I'm close enough.'

Swinging one final time, I fly out of the exit and roll to my feet, before looking back. Todoroki quickly emerges from the crowd, with the rest of Class A following close behind.

Momo flies over using a pole, "How naive, Todoroki.

Bakugo yells out, "SHIRO!!! I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY SO EASILY!!!"

Todoroki freezes the ground in front of me attempting to trap me, but I bounce over it, 'Hmm, the ice would negate the bouncy effects of the Bungee Gum after a while.'

I throw several wads of Bungee Gum out and bounce on each of them, staying in the lead while keeping the Bungee Gum on my feet unfrozen.

We reach an opening and I raise my guard while creating another ball of Bungee Gum for swinging, 'No way there isn't something here.'

I take another leap forward, and quickly duck to avoid a strike, "Tch."

Landing on my feet and looking back to see several large green robots with numbers on their mechanical plate armor, 'I wonder do they mean anything?'

I hear Izuku's voice, "The faux villains from the entrance exam!?"

'This is what they fought in the entrance exam?'

Present Mic's voice rings out again, "Now, for the first obstacles! Starting with… the first barrier!!! ROBO INFERNO!!!"

Seven larger robots that were several stories high emerge from the ground and tower over us, 'Intimidating… But clumsy as fuck.'

Many people voice their panic and shock.


"Isn't that too big!?"

"The hero course had to fight that?!"

I smirk, "Too easy!"

Throwing another wad of Bungee Gum, I swing underneath the arm of one of the giant robots and fly past another before rolling to a stop behind them, 'That was a piece of cake.'

Present Mic screams out, "Shiro Hirota! Elegantly swinging through the arms of the robots. He's the first one through!!! It's almost unfair how easily he did it! He sure can back up his words!!!"

Aizawa makes a side comment, "His actions and thoughts are logical and strategic. What he lacks in destructive power, he makes up for in ultimate versatility."

"As expected of someone who got in through recommendations! He has never fought them before, but he easily passes through Robo Inferno!!!"

I hear a loud fwish and crackling and I can tell that Todoroki froze the robots, 'How mean of him. Blocking the path for others like that.'

Seconds later the robots start crashing down to the ground, 'He timed it perfectly for when they would be unbalanced. Maybe I should try and create some obstacles of my own…'

I continue sprinting and leaping through the air using my Bungee Gum to pull me forwards, all the time while leaving several large blobs of sticky Bungee gum in various places.

'Because Bungee Gum is something created from my mind, the amount I can place is relative to my mental power and fortitude. In my case, my limit is pretty fucking high.'

I look back at the giant blobs, 'It may be easy to avoid as a person, but even if you barely touch it, you'll definitely get stuck in some way.

I get to the second obstacle and look at it before shaking my head, 'This will be even easier than the first one.'

A huge pit spanning several hundred meters with large columns and bits of rope connecting each one.

"If you fall, you're out! If you don't wanna fall, crawl! It's… THE FALL!!!"

Once again, I throw my ball of Bungee Gum and it latches onto one of the pillars, "Well, let's do this."

Jumping down into the darkness, I let the Bungee Gum swing for maximum propulsion before immediately compressing it and it launches me halfway across and I land on one of the pillars.


*Heros POV*

A male hero with a yellow mask narrows his eyes, "Damn, that kid is really good. He's way ahead of the rest."

Another hero looks impressed, "He's beating Endeavours son! That's impressive!"

"I wonder who he is? They said he was a recommended student."

Endeavor crosses his arms, 'Shoto…'

*Shiro POV*

I look back to check up on my opponents and Todoroki is glaring at me standing at the edge of the pit. He stomps his foot down and creates a bridge of ice, and immediately starts running.

"Wow, he must be pretty desperate to win if he's doing that."

Behind him, I see Bakugo flying using his explosions as propulsion, and even from here I can hear him yelling, "COME BACK HERE, YOU STICKY BASTARD!!!"

I throw my second ball of Bungee gum and swing around another pillar before shooting up into the air and landing on the last pillar away from the exit. I jump up and throw the ball again, and pull myself to the edge, clearing "The Fall."

I climb up the stairs and continue running and bouncing my way to the next obstacle, 'There should be a little bit more than one kilometer left, so whatever is up next will probably be the final obstacle.'

I ran for another two minutes before arriving at the next obstacle, 'Finally, I was getting worried that this might be too easy for me.'

Once again, Present Mic's voice rings out, "And now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier! The reality of it is… that it's a minefield!!!"

I look at the mounds of dirt that were scattered across the floor and gradually increased as they got further in while Present mic explains, "The mines have been set up so that you can tell where they are as long as you look closely! So you have to exploit your arms and legs! By the way, these landmines are for games, and aren't real… however."

I create another ball of Bungee Gum and throw it at one of the nearby mines.


A loud explosion occurs followed by a sudden burst of pink dust and sparkle, "They're loud and flashy enough for you to wet your pants."

I start running through the landmines easily slipping past each small mound. With my natural dexterity and athleticism, I maneuver my way through the minefield and when I reach the midpoint, Todoroki makes his way onto the field.

Once again he stomps his foot and creates a path of ice freezing over the mines and races straight for me.

'I have some time.'

I drop to the ground and dig into the dirt with my hands. Eventually, I managed to dig one up.

"Take this!!!"

Throwing it like a knife, the landmine flies through the air towards Todoroki. As I had expected he leans to the side and dodges it, but his eyes widen as he sees something covering the trigger mechanism.

"It's so convenient, being able to control Bungee Gum."

I contract the Bungee Gum and it presses the trigger.


The landmine explodes directly next to his face and Todoroki goes flying to the ground and triggers another landmine.




The landmines cause a chain reaction and Todoroki goes flying through the air and lands on the side.

"OHH MY GOD!!! What development!!! Shoto Todoroki, the son of Endeavour, a crowd favorite has been sidelined by the explosions, and it doesn't look like he's getting back up! WHAT A TWIST!!!"

'No hard feelings, but when the time comes, you will be the biggest threat.'

I continue making my way through the minefield and I see Bakugo closing in, or more accurately, I hear him, "YOU SHITTY BASTARD!!!"

I sigh and quickly weave my hands together, creating something. Seconds later, I throw a clump of Bungee Gum and at the last second, it transforms into a large net of Bungee Gum bearing down on Bakugo. Since he was propelling himself forwards, he was unable to dodge it and fell to the ground. He tumbles onto a mine and gets sent flying.




Another chain reaction and Bakugo lands outside of the course, disqualifying him.

'Same to you. With your explosion quirk and combat sense, you would make a fearsome opponent. It would be better to eliminate you in a dirty fight than struggle to do it fairly.'

By now, Present Mic is going crazy, "JESUS CHRIST!!! Both of the favorites in Class A have been knocked out of the race and it was all due to Shiro!!! "

I smirk and continue making my way to the end, when…


A huge explosion occurs in the back and I turn back to look at what caused it, 'Tch, that has to be caused by someone.'

"Was it an accident or did he do it on purpose!?!? Class A's Midoriya is in hot pursuit with that blast!!!"

'Midoriya, huh?'

I watch Midoriya as he gets closer and closer, 'He's not dropping… Oh shit, oh shit!'

He flies over my head with a green metal plate and continues soaring through the air, "THERE IS A NEW LEADER!!! IZUKU MIDORIYA FROM CLASS A!!!"

I grit my teeth and sprint towards the end, "The former leader has stopped playing around and is trying to catch up to the new head of the pack!!!"

I follow behind Izuku and trigger a few of the mines but not enough to throw me off balance, 'Gotchu now.'

Izuku starts to slow down as he loses his momentum and I pass under him, "Good try."

What I don't expect is for him to use my body as leverage as he swings down his metal plate again and activates the landmines below us, 'Shit!'

I leap to the side and narrowly avoid getting blown back, while Izuku gets launched forwards, "YOU BASTARD!!!"

Present Mic yells out excitedly, "Would you believe it!?!? He cleared the minefield in an instant!!!"

I leap forwards and detonate a mine, launching myself forwards and out of the minefield, 'Sorry, Izuku but you have to go as well.'

I start sprinting as hard as I can and easily catch up to Izuku. He turns his head to look at me and his expression morphs into one of absolute terror as he sees the wall of Bungee Gum I'm carrying.

"Sorry, but you're also a threat."

Wrapping it around him, he falls to the ground and struggles to release himself.

"Jesus, Eraserhead, that kid is brutal. Knocking three of his own classmates out of the running like that. What are your thoughts?"

Aizawa is quiet for a bit before he responds, "As a hero, it's a terrible thing to do. But as Midnight said before, as long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do. Remember what he said during the pledge, he'll do whatever it takes to take the top spot. From a strategic standpoint, this makes perfect sense. Hell, it's a genius tactic."

I almost reach the narrow walls before I see a huge column of wind from behind me, 'He must've gotten desperate and used his quirk to breakthrough. Although, he must've sacrificed an arm.'

Sprinting the last fifty meters, Present Mic speaks as I get closer and closer to the finish line, "U.A. sports festival, first-year stage! Who would've guessed that this could've happened!?!? Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man…"

I leap across the finish line, a big grin on my face, "Shiro Hirota snatches the position of first!!!"

AN: Just to clarify, this is what I would've done if I was in his position. Sabotage is allowed and it makes sense. He did it to eliminate and slowdown the biggest threats.

This will change the festival as well as events after the festival.


Check out my other story

The Dragon of MHA

Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2