
Chapter 65

" So what did he say? " Stain asked.

" He agreed, but I need to hang out with them for 2 hours every day. They just want to keep an eye on me. " Axel said as he looked at the missed phone calls and unread messages on his phone.

" I see. Well then, what's the next step? "

" We're taking a break. " Axel said.

" What? "

" Yep. Taking a break. Nezu already has the locations of all the facilities we need to destroy and who to kill anyway. " Axel said.

" When did he... "

" Get that info? He had already hacked into the government's security system and has been spying on them. We just need to wait for the right moment to do so. " Axel said as he shrugged his shoulders.

" Anyway, you got the rest of the day off. If you're hungry, I recommend eating Lunch rushes food. It is divine. See Yeah. " Axel said with a smile as he left Stain alone to do whatever he wanted.

" Well, I am hungry. " Stain muttered. " Let's go try some of is food. It can't be that good, can it? "

* a few minutes later *

' I'm in heaven. ' Stain thought as he ate Lunch Rushes food.


Axel walked towards the class 1-A dorms as he stared at the missed phone calls and unread messages. His classmates had texted him and called him multiple times but he ignored them to focus on his plan at the moment.

Mina and Kirishima were the ones who did this the most, worried for their friend. They had texted their parents to ask if Axel's mother was there with them and could tell them where Axelw as but they told them that she wasn't here.

Axel had just gone to reveal the news to their parents about his mother's death.


" She's dead. " Axel said in a somber tone.

Mina and Kirishima's parents stood there shook for a bit, as their brains processed the information. Tears started spilling from Mina's mother immediately as she began sobbing at the news.

" This has to be a joke, right? " Kirihsimas mother asked Axel. Axel said nothing as he stood there, staying silent.

" Oh, God. " She said as more tears dropped from her eyes.

The two fathers comforted their wife's as Axel stayed there for a few minutes, before turning around to leave. He still had to break the news to Mina and Kirishima as well.


Axel got into the elevator, waiting as rose to the common room floor.

" Hey, the elevators working. " Kaminari said as he heard the familiar sound.

" It's probably Axel. " Tsuyu said.

Axel stepped out of the elevator and walked into the common room, looking at his classmates.

" Called it. " Tsuyu said.

' Where have you been man? " Kaminari asked.

" Yeah. You haven't been answering our calls. " Sero said.

" Sorry about that. I've been busy with something. " Axel said with a calm smile.

Jaws dropped at that.

Axel can smile!!

Mina and Kirishima walked up to him. Axel looked at them and put up a barrier around them.

" I don't feel like finding a spot for the talk, so we'll just use this barrier for privacy. " Axel said.

" What happened? Why weren't you picking up and where is Ms.Black? " Mina asked.

" My mother is dead. " Axel said.

" De...Dead? " Kirishima asked with tears in his eyes as Mina cried.

Another person they cared about is dead because of the aftermath of that battle.

" Who killed her? " Mina asked.

" Muscular, but he's already been dealt with. " Axel said in a monotone voice. He honestly felt nothing in taking down Muscular.

" Is that the reason why you were avoiding us? " Mina asked.

" Nope. I had enough time to greave. After that, I started working on something with Nezu's permission. " Axel said as Mina and Kirishima listened to him.

" Hey. I never really had a chance to say this, mainly because I could never put it into words, but thanks for befriending me back in middle school. I don't think my life would have been better without you guys in it. " Axel said with a smile.

His face froze as he looked at Kirishima and Mina with weird, derpy faces.

' Was something I said wrong? Did I just fuck up? Why the hell are you guys looking at me like that?! ' Axel thought.

Mina and Kirishima put one of their hands on either of Axel's shoulders before looking at him.

" That was cringy as fuck and completely unnecessary," Mina said as Kirhsima nodded.

" Huh. " Axel said annoyed.

" What? No, bullshit! I had to go to a dark place to pull out that masterpiece! It was full of emotion that I couldn't express before.

Now come on, we're doing this again! " Axel said annoyed while Mina and Kirhisma chuckled at Axel's remark.

" Yeah no. The moments already passed. " Kirhisma said.

" Also, why are you thanking us? You don't have to thank us for being your friends. " Mina said with a smile.

She and Kirhiama hugged Axel who hugged them back with a smile.

" Yeah, but I want to do it anyway. I could never really express this before. So was it really necessary to laugh? " Axel asked.

" No, but seeing your face was worth it. " Kirishima said.

" Then I'm never telling that again. " Axel grumbled.

" Good. " Mina said. " Never thank us for being your friends. It's completely unnecessary. "

Axel smiled in response as he removed the barrier.

" Guess you resolved everything. " Shoto said.

" Yeah. " Axel said as they fist-bumped.

" What were you working on anyway? " Kirishima asked.

" I'll tell you when I finished. " Axel said.

" Well, at least you aren't a total idiot to go running off your own. " Bakugou said.

" What do mean? " Axel asked.

" Midoriya decided to leave UA to protect us. " Axel said as he gave Axel his letter from Midoriya to read.

' So that's what his quirk is. ' Axel thought. ' Well, no matter. Even if One for All existed, I would still find a way to kill him All for One. '

Axel then spent the rest of the day goofing around with his classmates to take their minds off the constant chaos outside. Even had a little cooking competition with Bakugou as the taste tester.


" Sup guys. " Axel said as he walked into the room with a bag in his hand.

" Hey, Axel. " Toga said with a smile on her face.

" Good you came. " Shigararki said.

" Yep. So what are we doing first? " Axel asked as he looked around.

" Uh, what? " Shigaraki said.

" Dude you invited me to your home to hang out. I thought you had something planned for us to do. You don't expect to just sit here and do nothing for the next 2 hours, right? " Axel asked.

" Yes actually. " Shigaraki said while Axel stared at him with a deadpanned look.

" Interesting, you showed up. " All for one stated as he stared at Axel from his seat.

" And you look... even uglier up close. " Axel said. Everyone stopped and just stared at the conversation. Multiple members tried to hold in their chuckles while others just laughed.

" These are just my scars from fighting All Might. " All for one said.

" Which makes you look like a potato. " Axel commented.

" Yes, I know. Why do you think I wore a mask? "

" To compete your Darth Vader cosplay. " Axel said.

" Exactly. " All for One said with a smile.

" Wait? You modeled your mask off him?! " Axel asked in excitement.

" Of course. Star war was one of the best franchises back in the day before heroes become everything in society. It was part of my childhood growing up. I still enjoy it to this day. Thankfully, you can watch the full series using an American server. " All for One said reminiscing about the past while Axel nodded in agreement as he used an American server to watch the series.

" Damn, that's pretty cool. " Axel said with a smirk. Shigaraki was surprised that his master had designed his mask off a villain from a show.

" Anyway, since you have nothing planned, I thought of something. Try these," Axel said as he tossed what was in the bag he brought to Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki, and the others.

" Burgers made Lunch Rush. " Axel said with a smile. " And no they aren't poisoned. "

" We didn't ask that. " Dabi said.

" I know, but I just wanted to say it just I case. " Axel said.

" What's so special about these? " Shiagraki muttered as he took a bite, before devouring the whole thing.

" Holy shot that's good. " Toga said after she did the same thing. " Though a bit of blood would have helped."

" It's good. " Dabi said.

" Yep. Which is why... " Axel said as he dumped all the burgers he had brought with him and distributed 8 to each of them and brought out a deck of cards.

" Well be playing poker. Our bets will be these burgers. " Axel said with a smirk.

"That sounds fun. " Toga said in excitement. Besides those burgers were delicious.

" I'm in. " Compress said.

" Same. " Dabi said with a smirk.

" Shigaraki? " Axel asked.

" Start dealing. " Shigaraki said.

" Okay then. " Axel said with a smile.


" Royal flush. " Toga said happily as he showed her hand.

"This is bullshit!! Hax! I call Hax! " Shigaraki said.

" I agree with Shigaraki! How the fuck did you win three in a row?! " Axel asked Toga.

" Hold her down while I search her. " Dabi said as he rolled up his sleeves.

" You're all sore losers. Besides Shigaraki was the one who shuffled this time. Thanks, Shiggy. " Toga said with a grateful closed eye smile.

" If I wanted to cheat, I would've made you lose. You cheated. " Shigaraki said.

" What can I say? I just believe in the heart of the cards. " Toga said as she wave her hand in front of them.

Cards then fell out of her sleeve.

" Eh? " Toga said as she stared at the cards that fell out.

They all stared at her as Toga stared back.

" Ignore that. "

" No. "

Toga had no choice but to use her ultimate technique.


" Toga get back here!! " Davi said as he chase after her.

" You think you can just cheat and get away with it! " Shigaraki yelled.

" But I didn't cheat!! " Toga yelled as she ran from them.

Axel sat back and drank his coke while running behind them with a camera. He had a smile on his face.

He put the cards in Toga's sleeves with his domain.

A bit of chaos wouldn't hurt anyone.

All for One watched all this occur from his seat. He knew that Toga didn't cheat at all. Those cards appeared in her sleeve right when she finished waving her hand.

' Interesting. If what Shigaraku told me was correct, he has gotten even more powerful. But he hasn't gone all out yet. I want it! I want his quirk!!'



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