
Mha: Aegis the Shield Hero

Axel Black doesn't like people coming close to him and likes to keep distance. He keeps secrets to himself and doesn't say much. Ironically, his quirk allows him to create barriers to protect himself and others from attacks. ... If you want extra chapters go support me on patre on. patreon.com/Asceanime

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Chapter 16

The villains that day were arrested by the police and taken into custody. The students were given a day off to recover from the USJ incident.

Everyone went home safely and most were not worried as they reassured their parents. After all the villains weren't that big of a threat to them.

Some though did have feelings of worry from the experience, but they got over it by the end.

Most others focused on the fact that Axel and Aizawa defeated a villain that was designed to defeat All Might. Asking Midoriya about the battle, he muttered how Axel's barriers could stop the Nomu's punches and reflect the damage on the Nomu.

The class was shocked, even Mina and Kirishima. They never knew that Axel's barriers were able to do that.

When they asked Axel, he told them he found out when he first got his quirk. When testing at training faculty for how his quirk works, they launched a tennis ball, which he then deflected towards a wall with the same speed it was launched at.


The teachers at UA sat in the meeting room at a round table.

" Alright the begin the meeting, the people who attacked UA was a group called the league of villains. The villains we captured and interrogated gave us the info that they were paid to join the raid.

This included all the villains. " Detective Tsukauchi said as he looked at the heroes present.

" I see. That means that the 2 that got away are the masterminds behind the attack. Shigeraki and Kurogiri i believe." Midnight said.

" No. It could be possible someone else was behind the attack. " Aizawa said.

" Who then? " Snipe asked.

" All for One. " All Might said.

The room became tense as everyone guard rose at the name. They know about him since All Might had fought him in the past. He was defeated but they didn't know if he was dead.

" Yes. It's possible. " Nezu said.

" How? All Might defeated him! " Vlad king said.

" It's because of the Nomu. " Aizawa said as everyone looked at him.

" Both me and Axel fought the Nomu at the USJ. "

" Wait! Aizawa you let a student fight against that villain. Didn't you say that the Nomu was designed to kill All Might?! " Vlad king asked.

" Yes. But no need to worry. The Nomu is dead. " Aizawa said.

" But how can a student... " Snipe started.

" I think you guys missed one key detail. " Nezu spoke. " Axel fought along with Aizawa to defeat the Nomu. Axel's barriers and Aizawa's erasure were enough to stop him. I don't want any confusion about Axel being able to beat All Might, like you all thought.

Anyway, Aizawa please continue. "

The teachers remained silent. They knew Nezu was right. They can't say Axel was already strong enough to defeat All Might considering he fought with Aizawa.

Besides, that can cause problems for Axel which in turn makes people put pressure on him and possibly even spark jealousy from classmates.

" Sure. The Nomu was created and had three quirks. Shock absorption, Regeneration, and enhanced physical attributes comparable to All Might. " Aizawa said.

" It could be possible that he is back. " Nezu said breaking the silence after Aizawa spoke.

" What worries me more is the villain Shigeraki. Just like how we guide our students to become heroes, he might guide that man to be his successor. " Nezu said referring to All for One and Shigeraki.

The teachers took a moment to process that before Nezu spoke up again.

" Well, questions for later. Now we should be focusing on something else. The UA sports festival. " Nezu said.

" But should we have it this year, considering what just happened? " Cementoss asked.

" Yes. The truth is that the raid was poorly planned. The students practically come out unscathed. The one seriously injured would be Thirteen but she will be fine after recovery.

Mentally, the students would try to be stronger mainly thanks to Axel and Aizawa defeating the Nomu. They will try to beat him.

The UA festival will be a great place for them to prove themselves There's also the fact that this shows the public that we aren't afraid of the league of villains. " Nezu said.

The teachers nodded as they left the meeting room. The UA sports festival will be where the students will fight with everything they have. It is also a great opportunity to get stronger.

While they did that, a man child was complaining to a television screen about the USJ plan failing due to the combined efforts of Axel and Aizawa.


Axel laid back on his bed as he stared at the ceiling. He should be asleep considering he had to go back to school tomorrow, but his thoughts were occupied on the USJ attack.

' That man Shigeraki, I don't know his quirk. His hand was stretched out as he was going to grab Tsuyu's face till Aizawa stopped him with his quirk.

Then there's the fact he is a man-child. He revealed everything to us and didn't hide the fact that I and Aizawa were right in our assumptions.

The only reason why they arrived at the USJ was to kill All Might. But at the same time what would they do after. It's possible he isn't the leader and there's someone else.

If that's true, what will try to accomplish when All Might is dead. '

" Sigh. I need to stop overanalyzing everything. They might try again at one point so I just need to wait.

I have school tomorrow anyway. " Axel muttered as he went to sleep.


Sitting in their classroom, the students of class 1-A were talking about the USJ incident when they arrived at school.

One of the main topics was Axel and Aizawa fighting against Nomu. They bombarded Axel with questions but Axel just spoke to them and answered. Kirishima and Mina did the same when they hung out with him.

Aizawa then entered the class as everyone took their seats.

" Alright, everyone. The USJ may have ended but your fight isn't over just yet. " Aizawa said.

The class panicked as they tensed up from his words.

" What? "

" We have more fights! "

" Why?!! "

" The UA sports festival is coming up soon. " Aizawa said.

The students were silent before erupting in cheers at the normal news.

" Shut up. " Aizawa said sternly as everyone sat down.

" As I said, the UA sports festival will be held 2 weeks from now. Classes will go on as usual however your hero lessons will be put on the back burner to allow you more time to train.

You are free to use any of the faculties for your training. However you must have your keycards on you at all times to access them, so we can keep track of who uses which facility.

That's it. " Aizawa said.

The class then cheered as they expressed their excitement for the festival. They claimed to do their best and some claimed to reach the top.

The discussions ended once the bell rang and everyone realized that school hadn't even started.



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