
MHA- Warana Midoriya Chapter

Superheros they trained to learn to save people and fight crime with their powers. Warana Midoriya and her brother Izuku Midoriya. Dreams of being able to be a superhero.

Sympin · Anime & Comics
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"SHE DID IT!" Screaming at the top of their lungs, "What's the point of fighting this much?" Putting her hands together, plants start to grow around the three kids. 

One thing that is always true. People aren't born equal. That's the hard truth. That's something he and I learned quickly. 

Chapter one:

In a place called Keikei City, there was a child. That child was born glowing. Soon afterward, many children were born with unusual traits. 

  Many of these exceptional children could do many different things, for example. One could make fire appear out of their hands; these talents emerged everywhere. 

The cause was unknown. There have been many theories. None of them stuck to much of our dismay. 

Soon, these exceptions became the norm. Some would say the "Imagination" Became "Actuality." 

Nearly the entire world was "Superhumans." Well, almost. Only 80% of the population had these powers. 

Thanks to these superhumans, the world was thrown into complete chaos. Many people died, and many people lost their entire families. This chaos- caused many invitations, as much as we lost. 

Now, we have a society where these powers will dictate our life choices. They will dictate what we do and how we live. 

That's the world you can say we live in. And in this world, we have heroes. They keep us from the villains.


In the sky, a fight engages quickly. 

"Woah, look at that, two flying people." "One of them turned into a monster to fly. That is an extraordinary quirk." "What did he do? Why are they fighting?" 

Moving quickly through the crowd, a young boy with green hair and a young girl with pink hair makes it through. "Who is he fighting?" Looking extra excited, the boy tries to get a quick look. Annoyed, the girl hits him on the head. "Can you calm down for a bit?" 

Looking at the two fights, the other citizens laugh at this. Getting fully to the front, they both get a full view. 

Appearing on a railroad, a man looking to be wood stands there. "Robbery and Assault? Not only that but the illegal use of your ability during rush hour? That's pure evil." 

"IT'S KAMUI WOODS!" Hearing the boy scream at the top of his lungs, the girl punches him again. "So I can assume y'all both are fans?" Entering the conversation, a man standing there with them engages with them. 

"Not at all." Looking at them with her annoyed expression, the boy rebuttals her. "Don't answer for me, and uh no sir." 

  Kaumi Woods' arms start to extend. Turning into a vast amount of wood, they aim for the two flying individuals. Only one dodges them, and the other flies straight to Kaumi. 

"Quick, Quick!" Yelling that out, a woman becomes a giant. Hearing everyone yell out it's her, the boy gets confused. Even his sister is yelling. "What a disparity in emotions." Looking at his sister's weird expressions, he turns back to the giant lady. 

"Today's my debut! Pleased to meet you all! You can call me Mt.Lady!" Hearing her booming voice, he looks at her, astonished. Noticing everyone's expressions-  he gets a good idea of why they are excited. 

Taking out his notebook, he writes down everything that has to do with gigantification. 

Noticing him taking those notes, "Stop being weird,  Izuku." Shooting down his writing, his sister looks at the time. "WE GOTTA GET TO CLASS!" Taking his hand, they both rush to their class. 

Getting to the class, they both take their separate seats.

"Ahem!" Getting the class's attention. The teacher pulls out a stack of papers. 

"You guys are all third years. It's time to start thinking about your future seriously." 

Looking at the classroom like they are all full of idiots. "I would pass out these forms... but heh. I think you all would want to be heroes. No?" 

Hearing some of the cheers from the class, the teacher smiles at this. Smacking onto his table, "Listen up! You all have wonderful quirks." Looking at specific people in the class, he took notice of the arrogant smile of a blonde-haired kid. 

"But we cannot use these quirks in the classroom." Noticing the blonde kid taking a higher stance, the teacher doesn't shut him down. 

"Heh, don't mix me in with those plebs... you said that as if I have their crappy quirks." 

  "Oh? What makes you different, Bakugo?" Waiting to hear his words, the teacher looks at him. 

"Yeah, what makes you different, Katsuki!" Yelling at him, the other students in the classroom ask him that question. 

"Shut up extras, stay in an extra's place." Leaning to the front of his chair, he responds to his teacher. "Because I can surpass All Might!" 

"What a huge goal. You have big shoes to fill." Looking over to another student, he frowns slightly. "Midioriya Izuku, what are your plans? You were talking about U.A.?" 

Coming to a stop- the entire classroom becomes eerily silent. 

"That kid can't be serious." Saying that out loud, laughing emerges. About to nearly cry, Midioriya stays silent. "He's only useful for grades." Getting up from his seat, Bakugo gets close to him. 

"Come on, Deku!" Throwing a punch with his quirk activated, he ends up on the floor. 

"Warana did it again." "Bakugo is going to be mad." "Oh lord, here we go." Chatting in the back, the other students prepare for the fight that's about to happen. 

Getting up from her seat, she walks close to Bakugo. Grabbing him from his collar, she starts speaking. "182 me, and one you. To think you only won one fight against me. And that was when we were 4; do I have to do it again?" Looking at him in her eyes, he feels immense fear. Like something is grabbing his soul. 

""Warana, stop!"" Yelling, the teacher and Deku try to stop her. Scoffing, she moves back to her seat. 

12:02 PM: 

"Let's leave." Hearing everyone speak, I get on my phone. The issue from earlier is still trending. Reaching for my notebook, Bakugo gets to it first. 

"We ain't done here, Deku." Walking around him, two other people surround me. "You're not much when your sister isn't around you." Listening to the insults, I can't do much against it. "Give it back!" Yelling this much is as much as I can do. 

Laughing in my face, Bakugo puts the book between his hands. It explodes. "WHY!" I watched my work get destroyed without saying anything; I held back my tears. "Did you know? The best heroes show greatness even as students. I'll be the first and only hero from this crappy middle school." Moving to my face, "Don't you dare try to get into U.A.- tell that to your sister too." Throwing my notebook out the window, I can't say anything. 

Walking past me, the three of them leave. "Oh, by the way. If you want to be a hero so bad? You probably have a quirk in your next life, so you should kill yourself." Saying that while walking out, I fall to my knees. 

"Maybe I should kill myself." Moving from the school, I went to the place where it fell. "This is a drag." Picking it up from the fish pond, I try to dry it first. "If only I had a quirk." 

Moving quickly from the place, I went to meet my sister. Wiping my tears off before she sees them, "Warana..." Walking to her, she turns around to me with her usual deadpan expression. "Bakugo tried to make fun of me, so I made a small gift for him and his mom." Smiling wearily. "I hope it isn't too bad." 

Opening her phone, her expression slightly changes. "I gotta go to the agency. I'll enroll in U.A. with you." "Wait, I don't think you have to..." Putting her phone down- her blank expression has a way of saying "why" to it. "Well, that's your dream." Thinking to herself, I wait for a response. 

"Your dream is my dream?" Saying that I feel a tinge sting from my heart. 

"Plus, I want to be a hero through traditional means. Though, I don't think I am fit for main combat. I want to support you, of course." Smiling at me, "Well, get home safely. That slime thing is still out. I will try to kill it if I see it." Hugging like we usually do, she walks the opposite way of me. 

"I have to keep going..." Thinking that to myself, something appears behind me. 

"A medium size body to hide in." 

Looking behind me, a sludge-looking figure appears out of nowhere.

Jumping at me, I dodge it. Backing away from it, I begin to run. 

Gaining up to me, I can only keep running so much, feeling my body's strength reach the end. The quirk user leaps onto me. 

Before it gets to me- "Fear not! I am here!" Coming from behind the quirk user, the man punches him. 

Feeling the strength leave me, I fall. 

"Hey kid, are you okay?" Slapping my cheek lightly, he keeps doing it. 

Gaining my consciousness back. "Thank goodness." Looking at the man, I only see Allmight. 

"You're okay! That's good. Also, sorry for a simple mistake like that." Posing in a style facing the sun, I feel my expression go down slightly. 

Moving quickly, he begins to leave the premises. Getting ready to jump, he lowers his body. 

Moving quickly to him before he launches himself, I grab his leg.

"Hey, now!" Yelling at me. I ignore him as my body gets dragged up into the air. Looking at the ground from up here, I only think of falling. 


  Landing onto a building rooftop, he gets me off of his leg. 

"You're done screaming?" Saying that to me, the strong man turns into a skinny man. 


"You're loud, aren't you?" Calming down after seeing Allmight, we stare at each other. 

"Listen here, you kid." Rushing to me and grabbing me by the collar, "Don't tell another soul this-" Vomiting up blood as he said this, he fell to his knees. 

Helping him up, he still has a mad expression on his face. Looking at me, he looks down and back up. 

"Well, this is who Allmight is now." Saying that to me, he laughs sadly. Moving to the railing of the building, he looks at it, reminiscing. 

"You saw the real me, huh." Saying that I don't move. Turning around to me. "You want to know what happened?" Saying that, I frown. 

"No, I don't." Walking beside him, I look at the area myself. "I just want to know how it is to be the number one hero?" Peering over to him, I wait for him to speak. 

"Hard." Smiling, he sits down beside me while I stand. "The thing is, anybody can do it. But not many can go through it." Looking at him, I can't say anything. "You can become a hero, but chances are you quit. Or you give up your family." Hearing him speak, I continue to look at the environment. 

"One more thing." Moving to the area to leave the top of this building. "You always put yourself last. And the person you're saving first. Always be willing to die over your values, or at least that's what I learned over the past 30 years." 

Taking those last words to heart, I leave the place. 

1:10 PM: 

"ARGH!!!" Hitting multiple buildings. A quirk user goes on a rampage, blowing up nearly everything. "We can't maintain him." 

"There's not much we can do." Moving as many people. The quirk user keeps attacking. 

Moving through the crowd, Warana Midoriya attempts to reach home. *BOOM!* Hearing the explosion, her body moves on its own. 

Getting to the site, she sees many things broken and also scorched. Looking for any bystanders, she decides to take the other side home. 

"Help!" Hearing a cry for help, none of the current emergency responders can stop him. Looking at the quirk user, she frowns. He's moving to an innocent child and getting one inch off from killing the child. 

*Sigh* Seeing everything in slow motion, she trades her body with the child. 

"What happened?" Confused- everyone in the crowd- sees a girl with pink hair and a school bag blocking the punch from that quirk user. 

Taking a full-on hit, she gets pushed back far. "Bakugo?" Saying his name, she notices his tears and eyes. 

"Okay." Moving her hands, she rushes him. "I gotta snatch him out of that thing." Analyzing what the villain does, she grabs Bakugo from the quirk user. 

Laying him down gently, he yells at her. "I didn't need your help!" "Can you shut up?" Moving her quirk energy to her hands, she heals him. Looking behind her, she saw the number one hero here. "Allmight, huh." Moving her body back up, "This will be great for practicing." Saying that she claps her hands together. 

"This might as well be paid work." Focusing on the energy in her. She moves it through her body, opening her eyes. A minus-plus sign appears in them. 

Moving at a speed inconceivable to the eye, she punches the quirk user, then proceeds to use her power to trap it. 

"Too easy." Saying that everybody looks at her in amazement. Turning around to Bakugo, she smiles. "That's the difference between me and you." Hearing cheering, she finally notices the crowd looking at her. 

Finding Izuku in the crowd, she smiles at him.

Warana's powers are from Naruto btw! No bullshit Baruto powers, I don't like it as much. Plus it's too much remembrance from me. I already memorized most abilities from Shippuden.


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