
Chapter 93:- Fulfilling Promises

[Flashback 3 months back]

While Izuku spent the 3 months training and deepening the bond with Kaina and Maki.

He also did something else

Under the moonlight sky of Kyoto, on a rooftop, cloaked in darkness, Izuku's voice was barely audible, as he transmitted coordinates and hero profiles into a tiny earpiece hidden beneath his hair floating with the small breeze that came in as the night caved in.

"Hero: Kitsune. Quirk: Foxfire. Patrols northern Kyoto districts. Prefers distraction tactics, avoids close combat."

All For One's voice, rasping and cold, crackled back, "Good. Send Dabi and Toga with Spinner for support. Kitsune's flames won't deter Dabi's heat, and Toga's transformations can create excellent diversions."

The symphony of orchestrated chaos had been playing for three months. Every three days, a meticulously chosen hero from the 25th to 50th rank would fall, their names carved onto a twisted mental monument Izuku had built under for All For One. No suspicion, no witnesses, just a growing unease amongst the hero community, a whisper of fear replacing their once unwavering confidence.

"Next," All For One prompted.

Izuku scrolled through the hero database, each file a potential domino in his master's elaborate game.

"Hero: Siren. Quirk: Sonic Scream. Operates around Kyushu Bay. Vulnerable to noise-cancelling tech. Spinner's webs could muffle her blasts, Kurogiri can provide a noise barrier."

"Excellent. Dispatch them tonight. We want to keep the pressure on Osaka's hero forces."

Izuku smiled, seeing the heroes falling under the strategic guidance of Izuku. Each name he uttered felt like a nail hammered into the coffins of heroes he admired once now victims of his venom, contrasting to the ideals he once cherished. 

Yet here he was destroying the very things he once swore to protect, clinging to the twisted logic and harsh reality that he was forced to face. 'This chaos is necessary, a catalyst to forge a better world from the ashes of the old. I am the necessary evil that brings this world to a new light,' these were the thoughts Izuku had constantly in his mind, as he truly believed this was necessary.

He continued, each transmitted location was like a tiny earthquake tremor that hit the very foundation of hero society.

Fukushima City:-Titan, a hulking hero with enhanced strength, brought down by a coordinated attack exploiting his blind spots.

Nagoya:- Flashpoint, a speedster notorious for his impulsiveness, is lured into a trap by Toga's shapeshifting.

Kumamoto:- Gale Force, a wind manipulator, neutralized by Mr. Compress's binding quirk and Dabi's searing flames.

Sapporo:- Aurora, a light manipulator, was lured into a warehouse under the pretense of a hostage situation. Kurogiri created a false image of civilians trapped inside, while Mr. Compress used his binding quirk to immobilize her once she entered.

Kanazawa:- Stonewall, a defensive specialist, was ambushed at night while escorting a high-security prisoner. Toga disguised herself as the prisoner, leading Stonewall into a secluded area where Dabi and Spinner neutralized him with combined fire and web attacks.

Hiroshima:- Skybolt, a lightning-powered hero, was targeted during a public event. Dabi orchestrated a fake power outage, plunging the area into darkness. When Skybolt tried to use his electricity to illuminate the crowd, Kurogiri warped in a metal cage, trapping him and amplifying his energy blast to disorient him before the League took him down.

With each fallen hero, Izuku felt a rush of thrill run over his body. The initial thrill of his "mission" had just been doubled with each fallen hero, replaced by a sort of psychopathic pleasure, an increasing lust for power. Each night, the faces of the heroes he'd got rid of tried haunting his dreams, but his madness had reached new heights as he even got rid of them in his dreams as well, giving them his version of death, something he wanted to do but didn't get the chance to.

One by one, the dominoes fell. Cities plunged into temporary blackouts, vital supply lines were disrupted. The Hero Commission scrambled, deploying elite squads, tightening security measures, yet the attacks remained uninterrupted, as the HPSC had to do a lot of leg work to make sure none of the attacks go public, which could create chaos which would be hard to handle.

Now it was Kyushu's turn

Moonlight bathed Kyushu Bay in an otherworldly glow, a contrast to the chaos unfolding on the cargo ship. Toga, disguised as a crew member, slipped through the shadows, her transformation quirk seamlessly replicating the sailor's gait and voice. Spinner, his webs as silent as moonlight, secured the ship's control room, after rendering the crew unconscious.

Kurogiri, engulfed in a vortex of darkness, materialized amidst the cargo containers. From his warped portal stepped Dabi, a smirk playing on his lips as he surveyed the scene. Siren, the sonic hero, lay unconscious, her sonic emitter deactivated.

Izuku, watching all this from the shadows, enjoying it all unfold through a stolen security feed, a thrill of satisfaction coursing through him. This was his plan, his masterpiece. He had meticulously studied Siren's patrol patterns, identified her vulnerabilities, and orchestrated the perfect trap.

Dabi, unleashed a controlled blast of blue fire, incinerating the ship's communication equipment. The bay, once alive with radio chatter, fell silent. This was their first part, ensuring no distress calls would reach the mainland.

Spinner, his webs swift and precise, secured Siren with the docking equipment, tying all of her limbs to the ship's helm. She stirred, her eyes widening in shock, but any scream was muffled by the thick gag in her mouth. This was the second part of the plan, neutralizing the hero's most potent weapon.

Toga, her transformation complete, approached Siren, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. With a touch, she switched faces, morphing into a perfect replica of the sonic hero. This was their third and final piece of the plan, ensuring their escape under the guise of their captive.

Kurogiri, his portal pulsating with dark energy, warped the incapacitated crew into his void, leaving the ship eerily silent. He then opened a larger gateway, large enough to accommodate the makeshift stretcher Spinner had fashioned for Siren.

Dabi, with a final flourish, ignited the ship's fuel tanks, painting the bay in a fiery sunset. The explosion served as their farewell present, a declaration of their dominance.

As the heroes, alerted by the explosion, scrambled towards the burning wreck, Kurogiri's portal swallowed the League whole. They vanished into the night, leaving behind only smoke, silence, and the chilling echo of their success.

Izuku, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension, watched the heroes' frantic search from afar. He had sown the seeds of chaos, and the harvest was just beginning.

The news of Siren's capture, the destruction of the cargo ship, and the eerie silence on the radio waves would send shockwaves through the hero community.

These series of successful missions served not only as a testament to the League's competence but also as a psychological blow to the heroes. It planted doubt and fear, chipping away at their confidence and unity. And from the shadows, Izuku, the architect of their downfall, observed, his resolve hardening with each passing moment.

He fulfilled his promises as well, with these many successful missions, league attracted lots of attention, they went from becoming a novice crime syndicate to a really well known one, it attracted lots of attention from heroes, villains alike, it became the UA for villains, as now all the budding villains wish to join League of Villains, seeing the number of recruits flowing, AFO was very pleased, as the lot had some of the most versatile quirks or quirks with lots of potential and promise, all at Shiggy's disposal, pawns that he can use to achieve his goals.

While he had fulfilled one of his promise, he still needed to fulfill his second, which Giran had started working on.

With the help of Giran Izuku bought all the other information brokers of the underworld, and those that didn't comply, let's just say they were never heard of again.

Izuku wiped them clean from the market, killed those that tried to oppose him.

Their families were taken care of as well, Izuku made sure to take care of them and all of their needs as well as their protection as well, as there is no point in punishing a kid or his family for his father's sins.

Of course they were made aware that they would get these privileges only till they decide to not enact revenge on him, and if they do then they will be killed instantly.

And to prove this, he actually killed one family who tried to get benefits as well as enact revenge against him.

This worked as a warning for all of them, as they were smart enough to know revenge isn't that important as their kid's life.

And a surprising thing was that many of those families were actually happy with the death of their fathers/husbands as apparently they either had affairs or were very toxic and abusive to their families and they wanted to get rid of them but couldn't.

They were really happy with the prospect Izuku had laid and happily complied and even taught their kids to become like Izuku.

Like that 3 months ended with shit ton of chaos that people of Japan didn't know what to do. 

[A/N:- Thank You All for the support you have given my work

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Raiden Allen


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