

In a white room with nothing to be seen, a floating flame can be seen resting in the center.

"Jack Carter, I'm God it pains me to inform you that unfortunately you have died."

The floating flame pulsed as if it had been brought to life.

"What? What…happen? Where am I?"

"You have passed my child"

"What? But I..I was fine just last night? What happen?"

"You had a heart attack and since you live alone, no one was able to safe you."

"That's…that sucks huh"

"Indeed, it's a shame, but I looked at your life, and you live a good life nonetheless. Now here's the issue, some of the Gods from other universes & I have an agreement of where we send clean souls there to be able to sprout new lives or help others. Here's some of the option I can provide you with.

First your souls can be use to heal a really worthy soul from another universe.

Second I can send you to a random universe, and let your soul to be born there.

Third option you use your soul to help strengthen your original world."

Jack took in all the information that the so called God gave him.

First he was socked and sad at his sudden death.

Then he heard the God say that his soul could be use for something else. That was a little of a sock but seen that he was a flame floating, he accepted the fact.

"Uhh… honestly I…I don't know what to do, is there anything for me in all of this?"

"The options are for you to make my child, if you had lived your life for evil, you would most likely wouldn't have even the choice. In the other hand, if had been pure through & through some soul could had been use to help you till you natural death. Now the options are for you to make, will you help a pure soul in need, would you like a new begin in a know what would, or would you like to help your world and increase even a speck of its vitality for future generations."

Jack again fell silent, he started to think about the options, help someone, an unclear rebirth, or strengthen the world.

Honestly he wasn't that interested in helping his world, like the God said, his soul will be just but a speck.

The only two options were truly just the first two.

And between the two, he was more inclined to chose the second option just because he still had some desire to live, but the fear of reincarnating in a hell of a world scare him a little.

For the first option he honestly didn't wanted to do it, and it wasn't because he didn't wanted to help someone but that the second one was more attractive.

After a couple of minutes Jack finally decided to go with the second option.

"Perfect, and don't feel bad for the other soul, there are countless souls that are willing to help them even if it's hard to believe."

While saying that God started to close his eyes & move his hands in an odd way.

A few seconds later.

"Okay I have open the channel to transfer your soul, I wish you lu…."

Just as he was about to finish, there was a loud noise, and it felt as if the space was trembling, a black crack started to spread on the side.

Form the inside of the crack a pair of slender hand and a angry voice was heard.

"******, you had been warned that the program was shutdown, what the hell do you think YOU ARE DOING?!?!?!?"

"********, you think that I will throw away all that I have created, just because those relics say so!!"

"How impudent of you. That's what the council decided, and that's what we'll do."

As she said that's a face appeared on the crack, or so Jack thought seems all he could see what a bright golden light.

"Screw them" The God then looked at Jack, and then at the crack, it was as if he had come to a decision "there no more time, you soul won't get that far if they chase it, so we can't use the gentle way"

Finishing saying that he grabbed Jack on his hand, bend his armed back, and with astronomical force he wanted to thrower Jack as far as he could.

"DONT YOU DARE" a bigger source of golden light said and tried to reach for his hand.


Just as Jack's soul was about to leave his fingers a 'S' symbol inside a diamond flashed and when inside Jacks flame.

"I wish you luck wherever you end up."

After that Jack started to travel at fast speeds, but he was able to see God throw himself at the being that was almost all out of the crack, thus stopping it on it's tracks.

Jack didn't know what had happen, but he was able to realize that this being that called himself God, help him and in a big way.

Even tho Jack couldn't see them anymore, he still shout it a thank you. He didn't know but his shout was heard by a being that was currently fighting other god as others walk out of the crack.

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