
MGQ. The Adventurer

One day, on the continent of Ilias, near Iliasburg in the village of Ilias, whose inhabitants worshipped the goddess Ilias, a boy was born... Ilias-Ilias-Ilias... If it were not for the dreams narrating the life of a great man that I began to see in my early childhood, the vision sent to me by this goddess would have made me piss boiling with happiness. The Chosen Hero that must slay the Queen of Monsters, of course. Anyway, let me introduce myself: my name is Luka and this is my story. I present to you a new fanfic. It will tell you about the adventures of Luca - the main character of Monstergirl Quest. True, unlike the original bashful shotakun-slobber, our hero will have a ma-ha-ha little feature that will make him a completely different person.

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Chapter 5: One (un)fortunate clone

When the Boss summoned me, I and my clone companion diligently carried out his orders to find Mammono. I was unlucky. The other me found her earlier and immediately dispersed, relaying her location to the original and me. I, like a good clone, waited. There was no order to disperse, which meant that I could live for now and, if necessary, rush to the rescue (gladly) or serve as a victim, substituting for Boss before the enemy attack (not so much anymore). And to ponder at your leisure.

We clones don't have an easy life. That in a suicide attack attack the crowd on a super tough enemy, to die ignominiously, while the original sets a sly trap, then throw around explosive tags, and, again, in a suicidal kamikaze-style jump with his head into the fire (how nice that the boss has nothing to make explosive tags, because chakropaperone, alas, brought up). Anyway, it's always us pathetic fakes who have to shovel manure for the inimitable original.

Fucking Tobirama Senju, why did you make us so that we don't mind it at all?

This time too, sensing the use of the replacement technique, I had already prepared myself for a heroic doom. I had a terrible enemy in the form of a slime girl, who was already hovering over me with an anticipatory (?!) smile, and my posture was clearly not a winning one - sitting, leaning against the trunk of a tree. It seemed obvious, but it was not.

While the cloud of white smoke accompanying the equipment had not yet dissipated, I habitually studied the surroundings. I found the words, scrawled in a rough handwriting on the ground: "Feed her. And don't hurt her, it's our deal"!

What's that supposed to mean?! Can't you do it yourself? What do you think I am, some kind of gigolo?

I'll make the most of it, because I've got about an hour's worth of chakra left if I'm careful. I was also thinking, "Oh, I'm going to go with you," Edward said, and then he was going to take my memories, and he was going to have to live with them.

"Cloudy..." - A sweet voice came from the mousy girl, and she recoiled in surprise as she spoke. - Well... are you ready, honey?

Her interest quickly returned to me when the smoke was gone.

"I'm all yours!" - Spreading my arms wide, I invite her to begin.

"Sweet boy..." - Mammono stretched out, slowly swimming up to me, only to jump in a moment with her jelly-like body. I was afraid, for a moment, that I would be scattered by the impact and unintentionally fail my, sorry Kami, "A-rank mission," but the collision was surprisingly mild.

In a second I was encased in the tight embrace of a slime, immobile and helpless. I could break free with ease, of course, but that would also be a failure, wouldn't it?

The wet and cool slime immediately seeped under my clothes, pleasantly vibrating and caressing my skin, paying particular attention to my groin. It was as if I had been placed in a massage bathtub, and the sensations were very similar, though different, and not for the worse.

My body naturally began to respond, my buddy getting stronger, causing a contented gurgle from the mass covering me, which slowly changed, taking on a girl-like appearance. The clothes slowly dissolved, releasing more and more of my exposed body, and soon disappeared completely.

By this time, Momono had finally moved into her new position, settling on my groin in the horsewoman position, and I could see my cock penetrating her body. Slime began to wiggle her pelvis like a normal girl, while her mucus continued to tremble, massaging me on all sides.

My original is still a virgin and carries only a theoretical knowledge of sex, hence, so am I. Admittedly, I was very excited about exactly how my first experience turned out to be, I even felt somewhere deep inside a sense of superiority over the Boss, because he wasn't experiencing everything the same as I was.

In any case, he would still get all of my experience. Weird, but very enjoyable. So I almost don't feel sorry for him.

For a few minutes I lounged around, enjoying the monster girl's diligent caresses, until at some point the tension in my groin reached its limit and a stream of white liquid shot inside the slime, stirring and dissolving into it, and I, along with my pleasure, felt a quarter of the chakra invested in me evaporate in one fell swoop.

"Mmmm!" - Slime mumbled with pleasure, dropping her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around my neck. Her breasts enlarged, pressing pleasantly against mine.

It turns out I'm literally getting fucked to death! Death by snu-snu-snu-snu, not even in Jiraiya's books... I also had no idea that we clones could cum like normal people. That would be useful information for the original...

"It's delicious..." - Mamono said after she came back from her orgasm, her eyes burning with enthusiasm as she hovered over me. - "I've never tasted anything like this before! More! I want more!"

She kissed me on the lips, shoving her tongue into my mouth. It tasted very strange, but just as satisfying. Along with that, her hips started moving again, and much faster than before, and the throbbing around my cock became much more intense.

She was seriously determined to milk me dry!

That kind of dedication just couldn't help but impress me, so I decided to give it all I had and give her heavenly pleasure before I got divorced.

If she's that excited about a quarter, what happens when she gets the rest all at once? I hope I get a glimpse of that.

"Honey..." - The girl purred, swaying on top of me. - "Give it to me! Give me all of her!"

Who am I to say no?

I concentrated on my own sensations, feeling the second orgasm coming on, and when it came, I put all my remaining chakra into it in a single rush, flooding my mammon with power.

I was able to hear the girl's deafening, voluptuous scream of pleasure that she would never forget me now.

That's how the valiant clone of the novice adventurer ended his life. This story will not be written in any book, and no one will ever tell it aloud - the original would be too ashamed to do so.

What no one knew or could have even imagined would happen was that after the sublime act of love, something more than a drowning mammono in reveries of négo would be left in this place. The fact is that she hadn't tasted human seed in a long time, and had weakened so much that the total supply of demonic energy in her was far less than the chakras in her partner. This difference, as well as the nature of the girl herself as a slime, yielded a very unexpected result: a tiny but fully working hearth of water-directed chakra had matured in the body of the slime.

And when she wakes up, she will surely go in search of her husband.