
Mew In One Piece (hiatus)

The straw hat crew finds a strange egg. The egg had strange cat-like ears and weirdly enough a tail. A man finds himself trapped inside of an egg, once out he learns his not human anymore! \_/ / \ On hiatus cuz I’m bored and lost motivation

TheMotherLand · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3, Surprised Straw Hats

Mew floated down to Chopper's eye level and started speaking, "Mew Mew Mew Mew!" Chopper nodded continuously for a few seconds before turning towards the rest of the crew and translating what Mew told him.

"Mew said, 'I just did it, I don't know how I did it but I just did it. I got the feeling that I could do more, though I gotta practice more.'" Chopper translated excitedly surprising the crew. "Mew Mew Mew!" interrupted Mew, getting the attention of the crew again.

The crew looked towards Chopper waiting for him to translate again, "Mew said, 'I have an Idea I want to try!'" said Chopper again translating to his clueless crewmates. Mew slowly floated down to the deck, landing successfully, suddenly his body started transforming, and his whole body got covered in a light blue glow. His body started melting and getting shorter.

"Mew what are you doing? are you alright?" asked Chopper concerned, with a horrified expression on his face. The rest of the crew wasn't much different, they all had a concerned expression on their face.

A few seconds later Mew's previous form was gone and in his original position stood a purple limbless blob with dots for eyes and a wide smile on its face. Its body stretched a little forming "limbs".

"Mew what happened to you?" asked Nami getting out of her initial shock. She slowly walked towards Mew before lightly touching his body immediately her finger sank into his body. "Amazing! your body looks slimy but it's soft and comfortable, I might get addicted to this," said Nami with sparkling eyes picking up Mew from the deck and into a hug.

"So what happened to you?" asked Sanji with slight jealousy in his voice. Mew looked toward Sanji and started speaking, "ditto ditto ditto ditto!" Sanji obviously, not understanding, looked towards Chopper for translation, the rest were also looking towards him for answers. Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp were the most excited by Mew's transformation.

"Mew said, 'this is one of the abilities that I mentioned earlier, also Nami could you put me down? I have more to show.'" Translated Chopper, Nami hearing Mew's request put him down albeit hesitant.

Mew was once again covered in a light blue glow, his body started transforming into a humanoid shape around 172 cm. When the glow dissipated stood Mew looking exactly like Luffy down to the last detail, he even had his straw hat.

"WHOA! WHAT?!" exclaimed Luffy appearing right in front of Mew in an instant and started inspecting him all around. Chopper was the second person to run to Mew-Luffy with his excitement over the top, followed by Usopp.

"This is unbelievable, he looks exactly like Luffy," muttered Nami standing motionless for a few seconds before also walking towards Mew-Luffy, soon followed by the rest. "how?" She asked stunned.

"In my Ditto form, I can transform into any living organism plus replicating some of their traits as well, or at least that's what the info that entered my head explained," answered Mew-Luffy with the same exact voice as Luffy, once again surprising the crew with this new development.

"Wow...just...wow," was all Nami could say in this situation. "DO ME NEXT! DO ME NEXT!" said Chopper excitedly raising his little arm in the air whilst hopping around.

"wait..wait..wait what traits did you copy from Luffy?" asked Zoro, who woke up a while back from the loud voices of surprise when Mew transformed into Ditto, with interest.

"Well, it's best that I show you," answered Mew-Luffy walking a few feet away from the rest of the crew before getting into a familiar stance. "wait isn't that my..." asked Luffy shocked.

"Gomu Gomu no..." exclaimed Mew-Luffy whilst thinking, 'this should work, Ditto could copy other pokemon's moves so this could work.' "PISTOL!" Mew-Luffy's arm started stretching a few hundred feet before retracting at a faster speed, the recoil caused Mew-Luffy to collapse on the ground with a loud thud.

"WHAT!" exclaimed the crewmates shook by what Mew-Luffy had just done. "Did he just copy Luffy-san's devil fruit?" asked Vivi with a loud gasp and widened eyes.

"Im sorry that's all I could do since this was my first time using this ability," said Mew-Luffy before automatically transforming back into his original form, still laying on the deck.

-To Be Continued...