
Metro 2013: Lost in the Ruins

In a post-apocalyptic world devastated by a global catastrophe, the society we once knew has vanished. At the heart of this desolation lies an underground network crucial for the survival of the few remaining people: the Moscow Metro. The story takes place in 2013, as survivors strive to rebuild their lives in the dark and claustrophobic tunnels of the metro. Among them is Ilyas, an major of the army who has become the leader of a small sector. Tasked with maintaining order and protecting his people, he faces ruthless challenges and heart-wrenching choices. In a world where resources are scarce, food is a luxury, and peace is fragile, Ilyas must confront internal conflicts, power struggles, and external threats. His goal is to ensure the safety and survival of his group, but obstacles stand in his way. As Ilyas explores the depths of the metro, he uncovers rival factions, mutant creatures, and long-buried secrets. He must make crucial decisions that will shape not only the destiny of his sector but also that of humanity. Metro 2013: Lost in the Ruins is a captivating tale of resilience, courage, and the fight for survival. Immerse yourself in a dark and inhospitable world where every choice matters, and hope can be found even in the most unexpected places. All major elements belong to the 4A Games company. Even the cover belongs to the 4A Games company.

LifeEngineer · Video Games
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Chapter 2: The Moscow Metro

(There's a lot of description in this chapter, it's the only chapter with a lot of description.)

Sadness, misfortune, despair, love, and an ever-recurring cycle of sadness and despair... Death. Ilyas has become intimately acquainted with these emotions, embracing them to fortify himself. They serve as a reminder that he still breathes, that he is merely mortal. Ahaha, why did he enlist? Perhaps a yearning to draw closer to his dearest companion? Death.

Why depart when he has a charming girlfriend at home, who vowed to kidnap him to prevent his enlistment? He does not know, he does not wish to know, yet he concocts reasons nevertheless: "I am envious, as she speaks of her attractive former crush," "I yearn to demonstrate something to the motherland, rather than spend my days behind a desk." But the truth eludes him.

"Ilyas! Ilyas! Ilyas! Captain!"

"Yes! What? What is it?"

"Captain! I am aware of your status within the elite special forces! Yet you have no right to disregard me. I bear orders from General Alexander!"

"Ah, he's annoying, why is he shouting..."

Ilyas responded irritably, "No, comrade, my thoughts were elsewhere. What are the general's orders?"

It was evident that Ilyas had not been attentive, and the individual before him recognized it. Yet weariness enveloped him, draining him of the will to argue. After all, 99% of the populace had recently perished... Are we not entitled to some leniency? Who shall pass judgment? Ah yes, the remaining 1%.

With a sigh, "You are commanded to proceed immediately to D6 (Metro-2), submit your report, and receive your orders! Waste no time."

"Understood, comrade. I shall depart without delay."

"Ah... where is the world heading... Lord... is the deluge you have unleashed not excessively cruel? To cleanse the planet of all humanity, I comprehend. Yet to poison the very earth you created? Are we mere playthings to be swiftly discarded or abandoned pets due to our aggression?... Indeed, I understand... we understand."

Escorted by two of his closest comrades, guided by the general's soldier, he traverses the metro corridors until they reach a carriage that will ferry them through a secret passage to D6.

"Just a dream, a fantastical tale, but not reality? Right?" That is the naive thought of the majority of people…


Despite the limited time for evacuation, the metro was overwhelmed with people seeking refuge.

As Ilyas ventured deeper into the tunnel, he was met with a scene of pandemonium and desperation. The dimly lit corridor stretched ahead, adorned with worn-out tiles that had seen better days. The air hung heavy with the scent of perspiration and fear, intermingled with the faint dampness that permeated the underground expanse.

Once a bustling hub of activity, the metro station had now transformed into a hive of survival. The sound of hurried footsteps reverberated against the walls, blending with anxious whispers and occasional cries of distress.

The flickering fluorescent lights above cast eerie shadows on the faces of the weary crowd. Ilyas caught fleeting glimpses of anguish, desperation, and determination etched upon their features. Their eyes bore the weight of uncertainty, searching for a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

The air felt thick and suffocating, as if the crowd's collective anxiety had permeated every particle. Tension hung palpably, a foreboding sense of impending doom. Ilyas could almost taste the mixture of despair and resolve that lingered, a bittersweet cocktail of emotions.

Navigating through the throngs of people, Ilyas couldn't escape the weight of responsibility upon his shoulders. The tunnel, once a mere conduit for transportation, now sheltered a diverse array of individuals from all walks of life. Together, they huddled in the darkness, seeking solace and safety, bound by their shared struggle to survive.

With each echoing step along the tunnel's expanse, Ilyas couldn't shake the realization that this metro, with its crumbling infrastructure and overcrowded passageways, had become a microcosm of the outside world. It served as a stark reminder of life's fragility, where humanity fought- for survival against the backdrop of a decaying civilization.

In this tunnel, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Ilyas forged ahead, driven by his determination to protect those in his care and discover a glimmer of hope within the encompassing darkness.


As Ilyas emerged from the tunnels, he arrived at the platform of the station. The once orderly and polished train cars stood battered and worn, their doors ajar and windows cracked from the forceful entry of desperate individuals seeking refuge in the metro.

Inside the damaged wagons, people and families were crammed together, their weary faces etched with exhaustion and fear. Their possessions, reduced to meager bundles, were clenched tightly, representing their only connection to the world they left behind.

Amidst this disarray, a commandeered military wagon awaited Ilyas with an air of solemnity. It stood out from the rest, its sturdy exterior and reinforced doors a stark contrast to the compromised state of the civilian compartments. Soldiers patrolled the area, their vigilant presence a reminder of the fragile peace that hung in the balance.

Ilyas had to wait patiently, for the process of reorganizing the trains, clearing the civilian compartments, and creating a passage for the military took time. The weight of this wait pressed upon him, as every minute carried the weight of uncertainty and the urgency to ensure the safety of those under his charge.

The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation and a mixture of emotions. The sound of shuffling feet, muffled conversations, and occasional cries of children merged. The scent of sweat mingled with a faint hint of fuel and metal, permeated the air, a testament to the enclosed space and the multitude of bodies packed within.

Ilyas stood at the precipice, peering into the wagon that beckoned him forward. Its interior, transformed into a makeshift haven, had been stripped of its original purpose. Equipment and supplies lined the walls, organized with military precision. The soldiers, stationed inside, stood ready, their disciplined posture a reflection of their commitment to protect and serve.

Despite the hardships and the unknown that lay ahead, he knew he had a duty to fulfill. With one last glance at the sea of faces, a mixture of hope, exhaustion, and resilience, he stepped onto the requisitioned wagon, ready to face the challenges that awaited him in the uncertain depths of the metro.


Ilyas arrived at D6, a colossal installation dominated by a massive central shaft. The sheer scale of the structure was awe-inspiring, as it comprised two primary sectors and one smaller sector, each further divided into four sub-sections: A1-A4, B1-B4, and D2. The perimeter of the shaft housed the Metro-2 automated monorails, gliding silently along their tracks, while the control station stood as the nerve center, overseeing the flow of electricity and managing the intricate air recirculation system.

To access the facility proper, two rail carts awaited, ready to transport individuals on a spiraling descent through the depths of the shaft. The rhythmic clanking of the carts reverberated through the air, echoing the anticipation that filled Ilyas' heart as he prepared to venture into the inner workings of D6.

As Ilyas boarded the rail cart, he couldn't help but marvel at the engineering marvel that surrounded him. The metal framework of the shaft seemed to converge and diverge in intricate patterns, forming a complex web that supported the weight of the entire installation. It was a testament to human ingenuity and the determination to create a haven in the midst of chaos.

With each spiraling rotation of the rail cart, Ilyas descended further into the depths of D6. The cool, stale air enveloped him, carrying a sense of isolation and mystery.

Finally, as the rail cart came to a halt, Ilyas stepped out onto one of the four main floors of the shaft.

In this vast and intricate installation, Ilyas knew he had entered a realm that held both immense power and profound mystery. It was a place where survival and the fate of humanity hung in the balance, and he was determined to play his part.

I am not fluent in English, and I am using ChatGPT to translate my novel, so sometimes it may sound strange as the AI is not perfect.

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