

Where bullying takes its toll on the young and vulnerable, one boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon a mysterious system that promises to change his fate. Meet our protagonist as he embarks on a transformative journey from being a victim of bullying to a charismatic and charming individual. With the help of the enigmatic system, he gains the tools to stand up against his tormentors, both in and out of school. To what extent can he conceal the darkest secrets of his previous former self? [System Integration in Progress... System Integration Completed] He grappled with the bewildering reality of what had just transpired. As Liu Yemei's vision bathed in an enigmatic shade of cerulean, a profound transformation surged within him. What lies ahead? Is this the beginning of a new journey for Liu Yemui?

SoldierOwner · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Rising Shone

Liu Yumei found himself on all fours, struggling to rise as the boy's foot lifted off his back. He staggered to his feet before collapsing once more, his vision blurred. Breathing became a distant memory, and the brink of death seemed imminent—but, mercifully, it did not come to pass.

"You're such a PIG!" the boy sneered.

As the boy moved away, another assailant seized Liu Yumei by the neck, hoisting him aloft like a gruesome trophy, holding him suspended by one arm. Upon touching the ground again, a brutal kick to his side induced him to cough up blood.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Liu Yumei attempted to rise and resist, but his efforts were swiftly thwarted as he was overpowered and hurled against a wall. When he endeavored to stand once more, the boy slammed his head against the unforgiving tile with bone-crushing force. His nose erupted in a crimson gush, staining the surroundings, leaving Liu Yumei gasping for air, heart pounding. He clutched his nose with trembling hands, fingers squeezing as if to crush his anguish between them.

"Don't you dare look down on me!" the boy raged, gripping Liu Yumei's hair, his wrath evident.

Desperation drove Liu Yumei to pull away, but the boy's grasp tightened, as though he might rip an ear from its socket and cast him to the ground.

"You're nothing but a pathetic loser!"

Seizing an opportune moment, Liu Yumei mustered the strength to tackle the boy's leg from behind. The bully lost his balance, and with a swift kick to the stomach, Liu Yumei forced him to bend forward. In this precarious instant, Liu Yumei capitalized on his advantage, hurling the boy forcefully against the wall, his knee pressed against the boy's midsection.

Before Liu Yumei could strike again, the boy retaliated with a vicious kick aimed directly at Liu Yumei's groin. A searing pain engulfed him, and he gasped audibly, the world fading to darkness as he collapsed, unconscious, onto the cold, unforgiving floor.

A girl rushed to Liu Yumei's aid upon hearing the tumult. She scanned the scene with wide, frantic eyes until they locked onto the boy standing atop Liu Yumei's fallen form. With a surge of determination, she approached the group, pleading for an end to their torment.

"Stop this! This boy hasn't done anything wrong! Let go of him!"

Her impassioned pleas fell on deaf ears, as the bullies continued their ruthless assault, indifferent to her presence or the horrified onlookers.

Yet, in the midst of this turmoil, Liu Yumei's vision abruptly transformed into a brilliant shade of blue, and a mysterious proclamation resounded:

[System Integrating Proceedi...System Integration Completed]

He struggled to understand what had just transpired. As Liu Yumei's vision bathed in an enigmatic shade of cerulean, a profound transformation surged within him. The words echoing in his mind hinted at something extraordinary, a fusion of human and technology. It was as if a dormant power had awoken, shattering the chains of his vulnerability.

In an instant, his senses sharpened, and a newfound clarity enveloped his consciousness. He became acutely aware of every detail—the uneven texture of the floor beneath him, the shallow breaths escaping his pursed lips, the cruel laughter of his tormentors echoing like a grotesque symphony.

Liu Yumei's physicality felt different as if he had tapped into a wellspring of hidden strength. He drew upon this newfound resilience, surging upward with astonishing swiftness. His movements were fluid and precise, a stark contrast to his previous vulnerability.

With unparalleled agility, he darted forward, swift as a gust of wind, and intercepted the bully's incoming kick with breathtaking precision. The thug's leg froze in mid-air, disbelief etched across his face. Liu Yumei's grip on the assailant's foot tightened, immobilizing him completely.

The remaining thugs scattered immediately, fleeing in disarray. One turned tail and fled outside the school building, while two others dashed through the open doors leading to the courtyard beyond. Yet, when faced with the possibility of losing control over their quarry, none hesitated; instead, they pursued after their fellow assailants.

Liu Yumei watched each escapee vanish out of sight, only then turning toward the young woman who'd intervened on behalf of his plight. Her gaze remained fixed upon him, and her expression conveyed both shock and admiration.

"Are you alright?"

His response came without thought, delivered in a tone that surprised even himself. But it seemed that her question struck home, eliciting some measure of confidence from Liu Yumei.

"I'm fine."

She nodded silently, offering no further comment. Then, taking pity on the injured student lying prone before her, she stepped forward to assist him. Together, the pair slowly rose to their feet. Once upright, Liu Yumei looked around curiously, trying to take stock of his current situation.


Liu Yumei found himself in an apartment designed with warm wooden panelling and large windows that allowed ample natural light to flood in. The view from the windows, especially the one above the sofa, offered breathtaking cityscape views. During the nighttime, the city transformed into a dazzling spectacle with its vibrant lights.

As Liu Yumei continued to ponder the mysterious incident that had unfolded earlier, he paced in circles within his bedroom. Questions swirled in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder about the dimly lit screen and the sudden martial arts skills that had become at his disposal.

Finally, he sighed and settled onto his bed, gazing up at the ceiling. He allowed a few moments of silence to pass before he spoke aloud, almost as if he were in conversation with himself.

"It has always been said that we should not be too reliant on our gadgets."

He briefly closed his eyes, recalling his childhood memories. He reminisced about the days when life was simpler and the bonds he had formed with his childhood friends. They would gather together, engaging in conversations about life and love, sharing their thoughts and opinions openly. These discussions often led to passionate arguments or playful teasing, and laughter would fill the room.

However, there was one girl among them who remained silent, especially when the conversation turned to matters of romance. She appeared shy, holding back her thoughts and feelings. Eventually, the topic would shift, and the group would become engrossed in a new discussion.

As Liu Yumei drifted off to sleep the previous night, his subconscious mind seemed to replay this memory vividly. He missed those moments with his old friends dearly.

But upon waking up in the dimly lit room during the night, something extraordinary had happened. A new sense of awareness and strength had awakened within him, allowing him to move with remarkable speed and power.

He left his bed and made his way to the bathroom door, hesitating briefly before opening it. What he saw inside left him stunned. A large tub filled with water was positioned next to the sink, and a small diagonal mirror reflected his image. However, the person he saw in the mirror was not the Liu Yumei he knew, placed diagonally facing its surface. With his body trembling slightly due to surprise and fear, he stared closely at the reflection.

"Ahh! Who is that?" he whispered to himself, his disbelief palpable. The reflection displayed a handsome man in a black robe, his hair cascading past his shoulders. The slender, graceful neck gave his appearance a striking allure. Giving his physique a rather attractive look.

Suddenly, a message appeared in front of Liu Yumei, a vibrant holographic display projecting text and graphics that seemed to hover before him.

[System Message - You have been chosen as a new subject in the Quest Sight Project. Your visual data will be uploaded shortly and stored in the server system.]

Liu Yumei's world had taken an even more unexpected turn, and he was now confronted with a surreal reality beyond his comprehension.

Amidst the narrative, Liu Yemui encounters an enigmatic system, the nature of which remains shrouded in mystery, casting a dynamic shadow over the unfolding plot. How will this newfound system influence Liu Yemui's journey, and what implications will it have for the tale's development? As a reader, if you seek more insights, feel free to reach out to me on Discord, where we can delve deeper into the intricacies of this evolving storyline.

Your support and engagement serve as a valuable source of motivation in this creative process. Crafting a compelling narrative is no easy feat, and your encouragement fuels my determination to breathe life into this story. I've included a tag for the book, so do lend your support with a thumbs up!

Speaking as CalledFroggy, I assure you that this chapter is just the beginning. Where Lord Froggy may falter, I vow to elevate this narrative to new heights, infusing it with a richness that will captivate and enthrall readers. Your contribution in the form of power stones is greatly appreciated, as it bolsters our efforts to create an even more immersive experience for you.

Lastly, I leave it to the readers to decide: who reigns supreme, Lord Froggy or CalledFroggy, in the first volume of this enthralling tale? Your comments and feedback will guide us on this transformative journey.

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