
Meta Ghost

Cai Yokai was killed and reincarnated as something not even living. a ghost but it had a few more abilities than the ghosts he heard about from his world. this world is full of different powers and people and He's the most unique out of them all...

Oaks_lad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

The unnatural awakening

Cai opened his eyes and stared up at the grey sky that was covered in clouds. He raised his head to look at himself to notice that he didn't have a body or rather his body wasn't as it was before.

"What the hell happened " his voice sounded normal but at the same time, it sounded as if his words came from elsewhere.

He got up and noticed his body was a blue misty substance that flowed in the air but never broke from his being.

Cai looked down to see he had a cloak wrapped around him it looked very clean and going up the opening of it were white stripes on it that lead to the color part where his neck would be. Cai turned his head that was just two glowing balls of energy that were black in color with blue pupils.

On top of his head was a hat in a samurai fashion that had a white clean blade that went around the edge of it the fabric that it was made with was very clean and sturdy and wasn't loose at all. Cai really liked the look of it but the more he thought the more the realization of his situation dawned on him.

"Ah shit. What do they call it again? Transportation? Reincarnation? Incarnation? Isekai?Ah doesn't matter!" he said to him self as his eyes bounced and looked to the side in confusion.

Even though his eyes were only balls of energy they held lots of his emotion just like that of human eyes.

He looked around to see graves and broken swords and shields, can see some staffs every now and then but it was mostly swords and tombstones as far as the eyes could see.

'What the hell even happened here?' cai thought in his head as he walked over to one of the tombs that had a sword in the middle of it and touched it. As he touched it he noticed he had a hand that was made out of the same blue stuff as his body was made from it looked like smoke and it also didn't look like a human's hand.

The hand was long and skinny and the fingertips were sharp it looked like the hand of a person who hasn't eaten for many months on end or the hand of a monster. He noticed the hand stayed the same shape but the arm it self would keep changing. It wasn't changing much but it had a faint mist that came from it as he looked at it.

"Jeez, what the hell man?!" Cai said out loud as the hand disappeared into the cloak as if it was fog. He stared at the grave a little more before he reached his hand back out and wrapped it around the handle of the blade and pulled it out.

"Oh, I can pick it up huh?" as he was talking a hand reached up and grabbed the handle of the blade that he was holding. The hand was rotten and it had more bones showing than flesh it had a few pieces of old flesh still hanging onto it's torso but other than that it was a complete skeleton.

"How the hell?!" Cain backed up as he let go of the sword. As he let it go he regretted his decision as he no longer had a weapon. He stared at the creature as it marched towards him. It's bones clicked together as it slowly moved towards him when it got to a certain range it took a quick dash at him.

When it dashed the speed shocked cai as he was then frozen in fear. As Cai was frozen the Skeleton swung his sword and missed him as it swung too early the Skelton sword hit a rock and a crack could be heard as sparks shot out from the clash against the rock.

The skeleton dived into cai while still holding the sword in its hand but the skeleton went right through Cai and slid across the ground losing an arm and cracking its skull.

It picked itself up off the ground as Cai turned around to face it Cai went from a face of fear to a face of confusion.

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2 are now left for the remainder of the day]

"Eh uh, what?" cai looked up and down at his body and at the skeleton before looking back at the panel that appeared in front of him before it disappeared. Cai pulled out both his hands that were in his cloak and looked at him.

'Ok, he has no arm I'm sure I can take him on if I still have two more of what ever I just used!' Cai said as he looked at the skeleton on the ground the purple flames within the skeleton's cracked skull flickered as it looked up at the entity in front of it its looming figure with its glowing eyes that peeked just slightly out from underneath the samurai hat made the bones of the skeleton chatter as the first in its eyes ignited once more as it stood up with its sword in its hand

The skeleton got into a stance as it pointed its sword toward Cai. Cai's hands stuck out from the coat as it fluttered in the wind still connected to his fogy and misty body.

"All I gotta do is catch you! Right!" the words came out of Cai's figure as he stared at the skeleton that dashed at him with its one arm that was still holding a sword.

The skeleton flames within its eyes burst out from its skull as the purple aura ran down its arm and coated its sword as it got ready to swing.

Cai jumped back as it was getting ready to swing from the side. As he jumped back the skeleton twirled toward the ground before dashing forward again and slicing up at him.

The force from the slice launched the skeleton up off the ground along with a blade of energy. But something was off the skeleton didn't feel like he hit anything.

It slowly turned its head down to see Cai standing there with a red eye peeking from under the hat up at him but what made the skeletons bones shutter the most was a smile filled with sharp teeth that was made from the essence of cai showing his emotion at that moment.

"I enjoyed the fight champ. But I think this is the end now for you and I!'