
Meta Essence Gacha In DC

A simple girl wakes up in the dc universe, well… at least she had Gacha?

DrGrimly · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Odd


That is the best way to explain my current situation. The color of my walls are odd. The arrangement of my plushies are odd. The feeling of my covers are odd.

It's nothing too obvious, just little things that make me feel uncomfortable in my own room. Like the shade of my pink walls being just a tad darker. My plushies are arranged from cutest to cuter instead of by date of acquisition. And my covers are made of silk instead of polyester.

You know the small things that make you feel like you're just misremembering things. But then there is the big thing. Something so obvious and out there that you simply couldn't ignore or brush it off.

My poster wall which is supposed to have various posters from what I found interesting at the time. Like Justin Bieber during my Bieber Fever or Bully Maguire from spider man three (I had a bad boy faze, bite me). Yet instead of having Kafka plastered all over my poster wall, I have a bunch of newspapers.

Not just any newspapers but newspapers published by the Gotham Gazette. Gotham… a fictional city with higher crime statistics than Detroit. There's no way I'm in Gotham, right? I merely took down my HSR posters and replaced them with Batman paraphernalia while sleeping, right?

Getting up I approach the wall, looking over it, I find that it is all about a certain myth or rumor of a demon, phantom, or person beating up criminals. Reports on just how badly the criminals were beaten, crimes that have been allegedly solved by this phantom, and over option of it. This just has Batman written all over it.

Moving on I check my calendar, finding it to be the day after I went to sleep. The first day of February and my daddy's birthday. I check the time, finding myself oddly late into the day, despite waking up at 4:00 Am on the dot for as long as I remember. It's 8:00 pm right now, so I slept in but why?

I walk over to my mirror, finding myself standing before it. Though I look more confused than normal, everything else seems to check out. I still have my long brown hair, my bright blue eyes, and my fair skin. Though I do have some red on my face due to how flustered I am. Pulling up my waistband I nod "yep, it's still there" letting go I let snap in place as I ponder on what exactly happened to me, trying to remember if anything happened yesterday.

I gasp, because suddenly and without any warning. Memories start to emerge from the depths of my mind. They are vaguely similar to my own, the only difference being the places. Other than that, it was all hauntingly similar to my own life.

The emergence wasn't painful, if anything it felt soothing. Like cold water on a hot summer day. I slowly walk back, my hand on my head as I slowly digest what I have just learned. Good news: I am still Evelyn Shine, the sixteen year old daughter of a rich family of generational wealth. Bad news: I am now smack dab in the middle of Gotham.

I fall back onto my bed, running my hand down my face in irritation. "The DC fucking Universe" I groan as I stare up at the ceiling. Why?… why motherkucking, goddamn why?!

I take a deep breath gritting my teeth as I try to keep calm, to think clearly. But how am I supposed to do that when mommy, daddy, and Elise are all here too. Sure alternate versions, but versions who showed me just as much love and care as my own.

How am I supposed to protect them from the sheer fuckery that DC deals with in every other storyline? How am I supposed to even survive mischief less thrive in this situation? Who or what decided it was a good idea to stick me into this place?

Huffing I get up fully intending to talk to mommy and daddy. To try and convince them to move from Gotham. Sure it won't save us if a planet buster or universal threat decided to take an evening stroll past earth. But it'll at least get us away from Gotham and it's bullshit. We have a branch in New York which I'm sure is quite safe.

Just as I'm about to walk past my bed I notice something. Something that by all means shouldn't be here. This isn't the first time that I have noticed it, but haven't really understood just how out of place it was till now. At first I thought this variation of myself bought it since I certainly didn't but no. From my memories I can understand that this thing is an anomaly.

Looking it over, I find that I recognize it. How could I not? A bottle containing a mysterious rainbow colored liquid that swirls.

'This… I'm being optimistic, right? This is just a lava lamp or trinket I forgot about, right?' Taking a deep breath I march over to my bed stand and snatch up the bottle. Opening I smell it finding no particular scent. So with a bit of hesitation I chug it down.

The flavor is indescribable, as the texture melts on my tongue. Somehow the liquid mangages to be hot and cold, sweet and bitter, I can even taste love and hate. Love is very, very sweet and gentle while hate is intense and overwhelming.

I gasp as I finish the drink, feeling a subtle yet powerful change in my being. It's hard to describe, it's like my existence has merged with Gacha. The Gacha is I and I am the Gacha. You know, some weird conceptual shit.

Wait… I'm right? I'm right! It is {Essence of The Gacha}, oh I'm going to become so OP! Hmmm~ should I do in universe pulls or normal pulls? Eh, getting more pulls is better than getting the chance for something like a mother box or my own lantern ring.

Looking at the single point I can spend I frown before going over to my drawer. Digging around I pull out a hundred dollar bill exchanging it for a hundred points, watching as it just vanishes into thin air. Unsettling… but at least I have three ten pulls! Four if you count the free daily.

Now… how should I set the visualization? Looking down at the bottle in my hand my eyes widen as an idea comes to me. Looking at the screen I invision a sphere, filled with a rainbow liquid and swirling in a hypnotic way. Under it are the optional Gacha modes I could use.

On my right is a small bar with all my points. Under it is an inventory-like display titled unused. On my left is my name, race, and age. Under that is another inventory display now titled used.

Now finished I toss my bottle onto my bed and rub my hands together. Excitement bubbles within me, springing to the surface through my smile.

"Let's get started"

I’m back, Eve’s back and we’re going to fucking stay!

DrGrimlycreators' thoughts