
1 The beginning

It was a bright and warm day like it usually is in LA. I decided to go to the park for a little exercising and relaxing maybe read a few chapters in my book. At first I was exited but when I took out my leggings I noticed a hole. "Crap!" she said angrily. 'Maybe I'll have some shorts in here' she thought to herself.

She looks around and after about one minute of searching she finally found a pair. She took them out and she slides her pants off and puts the shorts on. She walked over to the Meer and looked into it at her perfect face. She had thick brown hair and a stunning yet mature body. She knew she had a good body, face, and hair but even then she didn't feel complete.

She took a good look at those shorts. They obviously were to short but she had no other pairs. she sighed as she pulled her shirt over her head and onto the floor. she slipped a white short sleeve shirt over her head and onto her body. It fit comfortably and was the perfect size and shape for her body.

She walked into the bathroom and pulled out a hair tie. She bent over and gather her hair she put it in a pony tail and stood up strate once again. she got her running shoes which were black van high tops. she walked out of the bathroom and into her room to grab her phone, wallet, earbuds, and a flannel just incase it gets cold. she ties the flannel around her waist and put her phone in her shorts pocket and her wallet in the other pocket.

she also puts the earbuds in her ears. she walked out of her room into the living room then the hallway and she finally opened the front door. she walked outside and closed her door. it was a nice neighborhood so she didn't lock it even though anything could happen. she started running down the sidewalk and ended up seeing the park.

she was stunned when she saw him. he had a handsome face and jawline. he had shaggy brown hair and a muscular build. she slowly walked into the park and sat on a bench. she took out her book and started reading just then he stated walking toward her.