

Date August 18, 2019, Thursday

I just got up and checking my phone, and my song Freshen Up is now top 1 on the Billboard, 210mil views on youtube, 190mil streams on Spotify. 4 Horsemen is now top 35 on the Billboard, and currently have 150mil streams on Spotify. Till we Meet Again has 70mil streams on Spotify and ranked 57 on Billboard. Fight and Kill has 85mil streams on Spotify and ranked 53 on Billboard.

My socials like Instagram have now 16mil followers, Twitter 10mil followers, and lastly for TikTok have now 35mil followers, though I didn't dance on TikTok I did some content, for Instagram, I just posted some the pictures of BTS of my music video and pic of me modeling for Vogue, and for Twitter, I just twit some other celebs as I am trying to collab with them.

Then I got up from my bed changed my clothes to workout clothes that's why I went to the Nike store and workout and for about an hour and then did my morning routine stuff and go to the dining room and eat what my assistant cook for me.

While I am eating I asked Larry if it's better if I hired some helper to do some cleaning the house, cooking for us, and just household things, and he said it would be a great lift off his chest so I tell him he can hire whoever he wants as long as he doesn't hundreds or thousands of people and I said 3-5 of helpers are enough.

Then after that, I went to hang out in my backyard as it's super huge and I can play football or golf in there. Dale, Lawrence, and Luke are also there just chilling and hanging out and I just joined them, and we hang out.

While talking to the boys I got a text from David thanking me for introducing him to Robert Downey Jr. and he told me his coming to my house with the whole vlog squad and of course for me I don't have a busy day I just let them in.

Like 6 Tesla are outside my house but my garage can hold up to 15 cars, and we then just hang out in my backyard and do some filming while I got an idea, I then go get my key for my Ferrari 812 Superfast and asked David if he wanted a tour and he just stands up like a kid excited to go to a field trip.

Then I drove my Ferrari 812 while being followed by 6 Tesla, we tour and drive fast into the neighborhood, while also driving around downtown and going to the pier, and filming.

We then watch the sunset on the pier, though I had to cover my face the fans still recognize me because they know that I am a friend of David.

Date August 29, 2019, Monday

New York

I meet Anna Wintour last week to get my permission to wear my suit, which is kinda scared of my suit getting rejected.

Update for my career, my song Freshen Up is still at top 1 on the Billboard, 436mil views on youtube, 417mil streams on Spotify. 4 Horsemen are now top 2 on the Billboard, and currently have 302mil streams on Spotify. Till we Meet Again has 250mil streams on Spotify and ranked 3 on Billboard. Fight and Kill has 254mil streams on Spotify and ranked 4 on Billboard.

My song literary topped at the Billboard, the times square is full of my face for Vogue and music being 1,2,3, and 4 on the Billboard. I was an international model and singer I guess, though only the US, Canada, and Europe only play my music I don't know if it's played around the world.

My face and music are literary everywhere you go to a mall my music, go downtown my face, go to Vogue any store my face and body like it's everywhere.

For my suit for the Gala, I wore WW1 officer clothes but customized some small details into them, while I wore a helmet, though I think this time I got a little bit too far as I will be going into the Gala while wearing my WW1 officer chlothes with helmet and now I will be riding a horse going to the Gala.

I am currently being escorted by 5 police cars going to the Gala, just next to me is the Kardashians, though I don't interest them it's still cool to see them. A lot of fans and photographers are like taking a picture of me riding my white horse.

Then we arrived at the red carpet and of course, I went there riding my horse as lots of flashes go on every second, then, of course, I can't force a horse to go upstairs so I went down and gave the horse into Larry my assistant to handle the horse as I go to the stairs though of course I got escorted by some manager for today she tells me to at least get to know or talk with some of the photographers or at least I get to pose for them.

So I did stop 3 times to take a picture and went inside.


The Gala just started and fuck me I don't even know one person here though I do know Anna Wintour, so as a little kid at the Gala my chair is next to Anna Wintour, and I just talked to her answer some of her questions and I share some of my thoughts about the event.

Anna Wintour and I did talk for a while and then she asked me why do I not get to talk to other people and I just said I don't even know some of them and the only person I know at the gala is her, she just laughs.

Though I did try to meet other celebs unfortunately for me, it's not really for me and kinda weird, like I would go there and say hey I'm the famous new kid, like wtf so I just went back to my table as Anna Wintour is sitting.

Then while sitting and talking to Anna Wintour a woman came to our table and introduce herself and it's Dua Lipa, and I just introduced myself and say how thankful I am to meet her and love her music.

Then talked for a while asking questions and answering, then I said to her I want to have a collab with her, which she agrees so we exchange some socials and numbers and be in touch to plan the collab.

She was kind to me though she was treating me like a baby because of course of my age 17, then I didn't even notice it's like the Gala is like almost over so we said goodbye and I went to Anna Wintour to also say goodby and say thank you.

Then the Gala ended with Rihanna performing and then I got to my car and went to my hotel.


Date August 30, 2019, Tuesday

New York