
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Reincarnation And Wishes (Prologue)

"So we are getting reincarnated with five wishes each, but for some grand reason, we can't have our original powers?" That was the only thing I could ask.

"Basically, your powers were, hmm, how should I put it..." The 'ROB' pondered for a few seconds. "Too dangerous for most worlds. Coupled with the fact that they fall more into the 'scientific' side, there aren't many ways to counter them, especially in the lower and mid-tier worlds, which are the most prominent right now."

I looked to my right and saw my girlfriend looking at me like I was stupid. 'Hey, didn't your mother teach you not to take things from strangers? Oh, she's dead because you killed her.' I joked internally. Not wanting to imagine what she'll do to me if I said that out loud.

"Alright, now choose your wishes and be done with it. I have work to do." The ROB said.

"Fine, but at least tell us which world are we going in?" My girlfriend asked before I could.

"The world of Naruto, so only wishes from that world are acceptable, and don't wish for absurd things like Otsusuki Bloodline, Kaguya or Hogoromo level Chakra reserves, that'll just be boring." The ROB answered.

'I guess that explains why we can't have our original powers. It'll be like bullying Naruto verse. Nah, it'll be worse than bullying, it's almost rap-'

'Forget it.'

"I see, but can you at least make it so that we won't feel the discomfort of using bodies belonging to normal humans? Otherwise, it'll take a few months, years for this guy," My girlfriend pointed towards me with her thumb. "to just adjust to our new bodies. It'll be pointless to waste a wish on that."

That's certainly a problem. It'll certainly feel uncomfortable to have our brains' processing power reduced in an instant, so that everything will be different for us, from the flow of time to our perception, and it'll be inconvenient. Not to mention that it'll be worse for me, since my powers were far stronger than hers.

"Hm? Fine." The ROB shrugged. "Now, start with your wishes."

"My first wish is for our chakra manipulation talent to be top of the world, literally," I said my first wish.

"My first wish is our chakra reserves to rival that of tailed beasts when we are in our prime, whatever the highest one you can give us, that should be doable, no?" My girlfriend said her first wish.

'That's the best we can ask for after Kaguya level chakra reserves.' I thought, agreeing with her wish.

"It won't be Ten-Tails level, though, probably somewhere between 7 to 9 tails depending on you, or maybe even more. Anyway, go on." The ROB said.

"My second wish is for us to be immortal," I said as ROB shook his head.

"True immortality is something you will have to achieve on your own. I can make it so that you won't age past your prime, but you can be killed by someone. Regeneration for minor wounds is also included, but not something life-threatening."

"Deal," I said.

"My second wish is for us to have all elemental affinities including natural energy, along with yin-yang release by birth. It'll be a hassle to train for them." My girlfriend said.

"Okay. But just so you know, when you guys wish for something that applies to both of you, the effectiveness of the wishes is divided between the two of you. And if you wish for multiple things, the efficiency is divided among them, too." The ROB said.

So like, if a wish is 100. When we wish for the two of us, 50 will be given to me, and 50 to my girlfriend.

"I see. Then, my third wish is for talent in kenjutsu (sword techniques) and fuinjutsu (sealing techniques) for myself." I said.

In this case, 50% of the wish would go to Kenjutsu and the other half would go to Fuinjutsu if I am not tripping.

"My third wish is for talent in ninjutsu and medical Jutsu for myself." My girlfriend said with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Very well. The less you ask for in a wish, the more effective it will be." The ROB told us with a smile.

So I wasn't tripping.

'So the first four wishes that we shared need us to work harder than the others, huh.' I thought, looking at my girlfriend.

"My fourth wish is to be born with the strongest Kekkei Genkai of the Kurama clan without side effects and full control over the ability." I said, thinking about what was practically the most broken genjutsu and how it can be used.

"My fourth wish is to be born in the Uchiha clan without the bloodline restrictions and the side effect of mangekyo users going blind," My girlfriend said.

'Smart choice but predictable.' I thought.

"Give me your last wish," I said while looking at my girlfriend.

"Sure." She shrugged.

"Can I combine these two wishes and use them for both of us, raising the efficiency?" I asked ROB.

That way, whatever I ask for, both of us will be given 100 rather than 50.

"Very well." He said like he was expecting something like this.

"I want a system for both of us that'll have a quest section, inventory, and shop with status window and will allow us to communicate long distances while allowing us to borrow talents and skills from each other." I said. My main goal was the inventory and borrow function, the other two were kind of useless.

"Hmm." The ROB thought for a second before saying, "Very well, but you can only borrow lesser versions from each other for a certain period."



"Now for the final part, which era do you want to be reborn in?" The ROB asked, somewhat curious.

"How about the same year when Minato and Kushina were born?" I asked, turning towards my girlfriend with a smile.

"Don't tell me you want to bang Kushina?"

'She saw right through me.' That's certainly not good.

"Maybe a little."

Since no excuses came to my mind, maybe because of how I lost almost 100% of my brainpower after dying, I decided to be honest.

"You won't change no matter what I do," she sighed, looking helpless and said in a commanding voice, "We will talk about this later."

"I will take that as a yes."

ROB who was watching us with interest finally decided to stop us and said, "Since the era is decided then what about your appearance?"

"We can't have our original appearance?" I asked, curious.

"No, that'll be bothersome. With your bodies destroyed, and I'll need to recreate them from scratch, something I'm too lazy to do, and how do you expect her to be an Uchiha with white hair? You can choose any character you want for your appearance." ROB said.

Talk about being lazy.

"I will go with Mikasa from the anime Attack on Titan." My girlfriend decided.

"Why her?" I asked, curious.

"I wanna be a fighter, so any bigger bust size would get in the way." She replied.

I see.

"I will go with Tatsuya Shiba from The Irregular at Magic High School." I decided after some time.

"Very well. Just in case, you are forbidden from revealing the fact that you were reincarnated to even those you trust. I'll be putting a seal on your minds so that if someone tries to read your memories, they will only be able to see what happened after your reincarnation." The ROB said while emphasizing the part about us not revealing anything.

"We will be careful."


"Oh, while you're at it, there will be some tasks for you to complete. It might be a bit hard but you'll be able to do it." The ROB said with a smile, and for some reason, it gave me a bad feeling about what this guy is up to.

As if reading my mind ROB continued, "Don't worry, it's not yet set in stone. As far as you guys are concerned, it might never happen, and who knows, this will be the last time we see each other."

"So how will you inform us if that happens?" My girlfriend asked, curious if someone like ROB can just pop up in the world at will.

"I updated your system for that, so you don't have to worry. And even I can't just pop up in any world unless the world itself doesn't allow it." The ROB said as a matter of fact.

'That's interesting."

"Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why us? There shouldn't be a shortage of kids our age who wants to be reincarnated or something like that, right?" I asked, my voice cold.

The ROB simply shrugged his shoulders saying, "You guys were the most interesting to watch. Be it your life, or personality, it was fun to watch, but since you decided to commit suicide out of nowhere, here we are." The ROB said with a look of amusement.

"You like killing that much?" My girlfriend said with a smile.

"I doubt he likes it as much as we do," I said with a smirk.

"You won't understand how valuable entertainment is to a ROB." The ROB sighed. "Okay, enough about that. Now I'll be sending you off to your new life. Be sure to entertain me." He looked as if he was looking forward to a new movie or something.

'So he'll be watching us, huh.' I thought, not caring about the fact that an actual ROB will be watching us like some creepy stalker. Not like I can do anything about it anyway.

"Until next time, mortals."

That was the last line we heard before the white light flashed through our eyes, making us both lose our consciousness.

After what felt like an eternity, I heard a mechanical voice inside my head, the voice was devoid of any emotion.

[System activated]

[Welcome host, to the Naruto world]



This is my first fanfic so don't expect something too good.

There are grammar mistakes but I'll try my best to reduce them.

"Have a nice day~"

Edited this chapter.