

3rd Person Pov-

[Ding! 'The Last Judgement' has joined the Chat Room]

[Ding! 'The Worst Spirit' has joined the Chat Room]

[Ding! 'The Queen of Nightmares' has joined the Chat Room]

[Ding! 'The One Who Loves Despair' has joined the Chat Room]

[Ding! 'The Immortal Loli' has joined the Chat Room]

[Ding! 'The Strongest Esper' has joined the Chat Room]

[Ding! 'The Divine Prophet' has joined the Chat Room]

*Awkward Silence*

"Maybe we should say something, it's already been half an hour since the Chat Room started." Mikasa said while looking at the hologram in from of her. She was sitting on Tatsuya's lap with her chin resting on his shoulder, her legs wrapped around his waist.

"Maybe?" Tatsuya muttered, looking at the hologram in front of him. But before they could text anything, someone else texted first.

[The One Who Loves Despair- Hello, does anyone know how I can change my nickname? It's kinda weird and there's no option to change it.]

[The Worst Spirit- I would like to do that as well.]

[The Queen of Nightmares- Wait. A Spirit? Do you work for that annoying fairy?]

[The Immortal Loli- In case you forgot, we're from different worlds.]

[The Divine Prophet- So why are we here exactly?]

[The Last Judgement(Admin)- I'd like to know that as well.]

[The One Who Loves Despair- Wait, there's an Admin here?]

[The Queen of Nightmares- What's an 'Admin'?]

[The Worst Spirit- Admin is like the boss of a chat group.]

[The Queen of Nightmares- I see. Were you the one who invited us?]

Tatsuya was about to answer but something he had never expected happened. Someone silent throughout the conversation decided to speak up.

[The Strongest Esper- So you're the one who invited us. YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH. I challenge you to fight me. How dare you call me a runt and say that Fubuki is my older sister. I have a perfect figure as well. Who were you calling flat-chested you fucker? Apologize right now.]

There was a strange silence for a few minutes before everyone got a notification.

[Ding! 'The Strongest Esper' has been banned by 'The Last Judgement(Admin)']

[The Last Judgement- Anyway, as I was saying, I have no idea what's going on or why am I even the admin. So let's talk like civilized people and introduce ourselves.]

All of the members agreed with his approach, except for one.

Tatsumaki was sitting in her sister's room as everything around her was floating.


The table fan floating behind her broke as her little sister, Fubuki, yelped in surprise.

"That bastard. Not only did that bitch of an Admin ignored me, but also banned me." Tatsumaki was so angry that she almost destroyed Fubuki's house along with the neighbourhood.

'Maybe she has finally gone mad?' Fubuki thought, looking at the excuse of an older sister in front of her. 'She's scary.'

[The One Who Loves Despair- Then I'll go first. Hello, my name is Junko Enoshima, 16 years old. I don't have any superpowers like you guys, and my world is also normal without any kind of superpowers. Well, my invitation told me that other members will have superpowers even if it's kind of unbelievable, the only reason I believed it was because of the floating screen in front of me. I accepted it since I was curious so I don't know what else should I do, sorry about that, I know I talk too much. I like making friends so I hope we get along.]

Junko's introduction left a good impression on most of the members. Her impression was that of a friendly, nice and clumsy teenager that one wouldn't be on guard against.

"So she's going with the friendly high-school girl approach, huh?" Tatsuya muttered, looking at the chat room.

"Well, it'll be interesting with her tagging along." Mikasa said with a smile.

They knew about Junko's real personality, so there's no way they'll ever believe her.

"But she's good. With just a single introduction, she said the basic things she'll require to analyze everyone within the chat room. Their world, age, and most importantly their powers." Tatsuya said, his compliment was genuine. With Junko's introduction done, the others would have to at least say what she talked about, otherwise, it'll seem like they're being secretive. But it wasn't that big of a deal even if they didn't.

This was also noted by the others as well, but they didn't mind it. Of course, there was one who failed to notice it as she was too busy breaking stuff in her sister's house.

"Guess I'll help her a bit." Mikasa said before she thought about her next message.

[The Divine Prophet- It's nice to meet you all. My name is Mikasa Uchiha, 16 years old, I am a Ninja and as my name suggests, I am a Prophet as well. I can look into one's future and past as long as they wish for me to do so. I can also find certain information if one is willing to pay the price, but the price varies depending on what the information is.]

Kurumi's eyes widened at Mikasa's introduction. 'Maybe she'll be able to tell me about the First Spirit.'

[The One Who Loves Despair- Ninja as in guys who wear black clothes and hide their identities to assassinate people in silence with cool weapons and techniques, right? That sounds so cool.]

Both Mikasa and Tatsuya were thinking that after reincarnating, they have forgotten that an actual ninja isn't supposed to go around and destroy things while shouting the names of his techniques.

[The Last Judgement(Admin)- I wouldn't be so sure about the identity and silence part if I were you.]

Junko was surprised by the Admin suddenly cutting in their conversation. And from the looks of it, the Admin seems to know this Mikasa Uchiha even before the chat room.

But what interested her was the Admin's nickname. 'The Last Judgement'. It's the name for the day when God judges humanity about whether it was worthy of survival or not. The nicknames, although they sounded random, were quite accurate. The only one she wasn't sure about was 'The Immortal Loli'.

Junko had a feeling that she'll get along with the Admin no matter who it is.

[The One Who Loves Despair- Do you guys know each other? I mean, like before the chat group even started?]

[The Last Judgement(Admin)- Yeah, we've been together since childhood. Anyway, let's continue with the introductions.]

Yue, who was missing Tatsuya very much, was barely able to control herself from cursing when she heard that Mikasa has been with Tatsuya since childhood. But she remembered what he ordered her to do, so no matter how she felt, she'll do it.

[The Immortal Loli- My name is Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl, the former and the last Queen of Vampires, you can call me 'Yue'. It's a pleasure.]

And that was the best she could muster without mentioning her missing Tatsuya. She wasn't repulsive about using her old name once in a while after realising her uncle's motivation in sealing her. But she still likes the name Yue more, since it signifies her belonging to Tatsuya.

"I guess she doesn't know about private messages or she would've started abusing me already." Mikasa giggled, looking at the screen.

But Yue's title, 'The Queen of Vampires', grabbed someone's attention.

[The Queen of Nightmares- Yue, was it? What do you mean the 'last' queen of vampires?]

[The Immortal Loli- And you are?]

[The Queen of Nightmares- Just answer the question first.]

[The Immortal Loli- Exactly as it sounds like. I am the only survivor of the vampire race in my world.]

[The Queen of Nightmares- I see. My condolences.]

This wasn't a formality on Luminous's part, she lost a large number of her people, not to mention Yue's position was more or less the same as her. So she was able to relate to what Yue must've felt.

[The Immortal Loli- Yes, very sad. Anyway, who're you again?]

Luminous almost choked on her tea at the carefree attitude Yue had about her people dying. But it was none of her business, so she didn't think much about it.

[The Queen of Nightmares- I am Luminous Valentine, a former Demon Lord and the True Ancestor of All Vampires of my world.]

[The Worst Spirit- Demon Lord? Those are real?]

Kurumi almost shouted while walking on the streets. Her Chunibyo side was trying to take over. She remembered the time when she used to cosplay as one.

[The Queen of Nightmares- Indeed, they are. Even Dragons and Demons exist in my world.]

[The One Who Loves Despair- Must be fun.]

"Maybe a dragon would despair after losing its wings?" Junko muttered, feeling excited to test that theory out.

[The Worst Spirit- My name is Tokisaki Kurumi, and I am a Spirit, the spirit of Time to be precise. As for my world, it's a fairly normal world with modern technology if you ignore the spirits running around. It's nice to meet you all, I'll be in your care from now on.]

Her introduction was, polite. As expected of a spirit.

[The Last Judgement(Admin)- I guess I am the only guy in the group. My name is Tatsuya Shiba, a Shinobi as well. I can also tell someone's future but I prefer not to. Let's get along.]

[The Worst Spirit- Ara-Ara~. Aren't you lucky, Tatsuya-san?]

"I was able to hear her Ara-Ara for some reason." Mikasa muttered.

"Same." Tatsuya replied.

[The One Who Loves Despair- Tatsuya-san, Tatsuya-san, you must've gotten some privileges as the Admin, right? I am jealous~.]

"I was wondering who will be the one to ask this but to think that." Tatsuya said, playing with Mikasa's hair.

[The Last Judgement- I did.]

[The Worst Spirit- I'm curious, what are they?]

[The Last Judgement- I am forbidden to tell anyone about my privileges. Here, ### ##### ### #### ##### ####### ### ## ### #####. But you guys can more or less figure them out in the long run.]

"Are you for real?" Mikasa asked, somewhat curious. She was too bothered to ask about the Admin Privileges so she didn't. The only one she knew was the World Travelling one because Tatsuya used it in front of her.

"Yeah. I wrote a real privilege there. 'The Admin can kick other members out of the group' is what I wrote. We can talk about it because we are in the ROB's domain."

"Is that so."

[Ding! 'The Last Judgement' is warned to not share information that the other members aren't classified to know]

[The Last Judgement- See?]

[The Queen of Nightmares- Moving on, what are we even supposed to do now?]

[The One Who Loves Despair- Share our pictures?]

[The Divine Prophet- That's a good start. There's an option called 'camera' at the bottom left in case someone doesn't know.]

[The Divine Prophet- Mikasa and Tatsuya's photo.JPG*. The one next to me is Tatsuya.]

[The Queen of Nightmares- Luminous's photo.JPG*]

[The Worst Spirit- Kurumi's photo.JPG*]

Kurumi was having a lot of fun while talking to people she didn't even know. It was kinda relaxing after chasing after something for so long. 'Maybe joining this chat group wasn't a bad idea after all?'

[The One Who Loves Despair- Junko's photo.JPG*]

Yue was biting her lips so hard that they almost started to bleed after looking at Mikasa's hot figure. It only got worse after seeing the other girls, especially Junko. Where does she even keep those jugs at? It wouldn't be a bad idea if she cuts them off, right?

[The One Who Loves Despair- I am having a bad feeling for some reason.]

[The Immortal Loli- Yue's photo.JPG*]

Tatsuya looked at Yue's photo before he remembered something. "Hey, where's Ellie?" It's been a few days since he last saw the cat he gifted Mikasa.

"She's with Pakura and Hikari." Mikasa replied. "Man, all of them are hot." She muttered.

[The One Who Loves Despair- Those abs are hot. @The Divine Prophet @The Last Judgement. Wink*]

Tatsuya looked at the photo Mikasa used and he was... surprised. It was his photo with Mikasa, that wasn't the surprising part. She was wearing a sports bra with shorts while he was shirtless, only wearing shorts.

"Where did you even get that?" He asked.

"While we were training a week back. I was able to share the system's photo in the chat group so that's a plus."

[The One Who Loves Despair- By the way, Tatsuya-san, aren't we all forgetting something?]

[The Immortal Loli- What?]

[The Worst Spirit- Are we?]

[The Queen of Nightmares- I don't seem to recall anything noteworthy.]

[The Divine Prophet- Same.]

[The Last Judgement- What?]

Tatsuya wasn't sure if he was forgetting something that Junko needs to remind him of.

After noticing that no one even remembered her, Tatsumaki, who was now calm, went on another rampage.

[The Strongest Esper- Mphhhhh.* Mppppphhhh*]

Tatsumaki was cursing so hard that even the chat group wasn't able to stop her.

[The Last Judgement- Right, she's still here. I'll lift the ban so talk normally.]

[Ding! The ban on 'The Strongest Esper' has been removed.]

[The Strongest Esper- YOU BASTARD I'LL KILL- MPHHHHH*]

[Ding! 'The Strongest Esper' has been banned by 'The Last Judgement(Admin)']

"Pfft." Everyone within the chat group laughed at the situation. After doing it more than ten times, Tatsumaki finally calmed down.

[The Strongest Esper- My name is Tatsumaki. As my name suggests, I am an Esper and an S class Hero, the strongest one at that. So even if we have work to do, just let me do it, you guys will be nothing but a hindrance. Here's my photo.

Tatsumaki's photo.JPG*]

'Where is her perfect figure? Isn't she just a child?' Everyone other than Mikasa and Tatsuya were having those kinds of thought before the scene in front of them changed.

[Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group. Two other members have rejected the offer thoroughly, so we'll be starting the program with what we have. They'll be replaced in due time.]

[The One Who Loves Despair- It's time for the big reveal.]

[You all have been gathered here by the Multiverse to help challenge those beings that are messing with it. Of course, you are not to fight them directly, as you'll die just by seeing them. What we ask you is to deal with their Apostles/Servants. People who've gained a bit of their power are wreaking havoc in their own worlds. You'll be rewarded according to the contribution you put into your missions.]

[For starters, every member will get Three World Travelling Cards. Normally, you'll have to pay in system coins if you wish to travel through the worlds. You can share things from your world or you can sell them as well.

There is also...]

The list went on and on for everyone to read so they all just scrolled through it.

[The First Mission will be issued after a few months. Please use the three World Travelling Cards and get to know each other better.]

[Thank you.]

[The One Who Loves Despair- So, who's world should we meet in?]

[The Worst Spirit- Maybe the admin's?]

[The Last Judgement- Our house is already full.]

[The Immortal Loli- I live in a Labyrinth. How about it? You all can have a whole floor to yourself as long as you clear the monsters.]

[The One Who Loves Despair- Please no, I am a human. And who even lives in a labyrinth?]

[The Queen of Nightmares- I'll be the host. I have more than enough space for you guys to stay in. So, when are you coming?]

[The Worst Spirit- I have to keep an eye on something so I can't right now. The Chat Group told me that my clones would also disappear if I leave.]

[The One Who Loves Despair- I also need to prepare some things so I can't.]

[The Strongest Esper- Hmph. I don't need friends or anything like that. So forget about me coming.]

[The Strongest Esper is offline]

"It's a shame that Kurumi isn't coming." Mikasa muttered before she smiled. "But we can always go to her place."

And so, the Worst spirit was about to have her worst weekend while handling two curious bastards pretty soon who were basically interested in everything about the era she was living in.

[The One Who Loves Despair is offline]

[The Worst Spirit is offline]

[The Last Judgement- We'll drop by tomorrow since someone needs punishment. What about you Yue?]

Yue was able to understand Tatsuya's 'Don't come to my world without my permission' hidden within his words.

[The Immortal Loli- I'll be there tomorrow.]

[The Immortal Loli is offline.]

[The Divine Prophet- Who are you going to punish?]

[The Last Judgement- You're doing a moonwalk on your own grave.]

[The Divine Prophet- What do y- Ahnnnn~ Hey. Sto- Aaaaaaahh~]

[The Divine Prophet is offline]

"Pfft." This time, Luminous choked on her tea.

"W-What was that just now?" Her mouth twitched as she looked at the chat room. She knew what they were up to and what kind of punishment Tatsuya was talking about.

[The Last Judgement- We'll see you tomorrow.]

[The Last Judgement is offline]

Luminous didn't think too much about it before calling Louis and telling him to prepare for some guests. The latter, who had no idea of who the guests were, naturally thought that it was someone of important status as his master called them 'guests'.

'Maybe it's another ancient Demon Lord?' Louis thought, he decided to give it his all to prepare the best lodging he possibly could within a day.

When he meets the so-called 'guests' with high status, his face would be a sight to behold.




Random Numbers Recommendation- 397325

Author Spit Facts- Escanor is the best character in Seven Deadly Sins.

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