
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

A Yandere

Tatsuya Pov-

I looked at the blonde vampire in front of me with a surprised look. The feeling of authority I felt over her after she drank my blood was intense. It was as if she only belonged to me, literally.

'But what's up with this weird feeling?' I thought, wondering. My thoughts came to half as a red-coloured hologram appeared in front of my eyes.

[Ding! Congratulations on taming a Legal Loli, Host]

[Achievement Unlocked: Loli Tamer]

For some reason, the system right now felt different from what I was used to some years ago.

I turned towards Yue, who was looking at me with a question mark forming above her head. "Wait for a minute. I need to do something." She nodded before I created two wooden chairs for us to sit on using wood release.

'Wait, wood release. I can do that.' I thought, an incredible idea appeared inside my head before I noticed that the hologram in front of me changed. I pushed these thoughts to the back of my head.

[An 'Apostle' has been found. Would you like to turn the Vampire named 'Yue' into your 'Apostle'?]

'What'll happen if she becomes my Apostle?'

[She'll gain a part of your 'Authority' over time. But considering your current control over your 'Authority', the best she could get is an affinity for Time Magic. After becoming an Apostle, she'll have no choice but to follow your commands, intentionally or not. You can also choose the amount of 'Authority' you wish to bestow upon her after you reach a certain level. You can also choose to revoke her position as your Apostle at any given moment. It's similar to how various Gods choose their Apostles, just on a different level]

'I see. Can I make Mikasa my apostle?'


'Thought so. But Yue's world has no concept of Time Magic, although there's spatial magic.' I thought. Yue was probably the best mage in the world of Arifureta, so she wouldn't be a bad candidate for my Apostle, not to mention her loyalty even before becoming my Apostle.

[Would you like to make Yue your Apostle?]


I was about to choose 'Accept' before the hologram in front of me changed again.

[Ding! 'The NEET ROB' has joined the Chat Room]

[The NEET ROB- Hey, Tatsuya. My friend, colleague, and partner in crime. As your fellow ROB/Outer God, I would like to give you some advice.]

'What the hell is he up to? And since when did I become an Outer God?' I thought, wanting to puke at the thought of this guy being so polite out of the goodness of his heart.

[The Last Judgement- Sure, what is it?]

[The NEET ROB- I told you about the hard work and effort I put into you two. Do you remember the stuff about getting you into the Dimensional Chat Group and hiding your authorities? No need to thank me for it. As I was saying, you must remember that, correct?]

I was having a bad feeling before I replied.

[The Last Judgement- I do.]

[The NEET ROB- Ah, yes. Of course, you do. Then could you please enlighten me about something.]

[The Last Judgement- About what?]


I almost fell off my chair while reading his message. I swear I could hear angry ROB noises from somewhere. After a minute, I finally replied.

[The Last Judgement- What should I do then?]

[The NEET ROB- Maybe you should try and say those magical words?]

I took a deep breath before saying what sounded like the most magical words to me.




[The Last Judgement- ZA WARUDOOOOOOOO!]

[The NEET ROB- Not that, you bastard.]

I could seriously hear the ROB gritting his teeth at this point.

[The Last Judgement- Fine. I'll say it.]

[The Last Judgement- Haaaaah*]

[The Last Judgement- You thought it was an apology but


[The NEET ROB- You fuc-. Forget it, there's no point in talking to you about this. Where's my ice coffee now?]

[The Last Judgement- So, what were you on about earlier?]

[The NEET ROB- Sigh* For mortals, it's forbidden to travel to the past in worlds that they don't belong in, as it'll result in various timelines that are too hard for the worlds to manage. The only reason you could travel in time through that world, which is not your native world, was because of your authority. Well, people with ridiculous amounts of power can break this rule, but you aren't one of them. And thanks to your authority, you just deleted the real timeline of the Arifureta world.]

[The Last Judgement- Who created this rule? The worlds?]

[The NEET ROB- No, it's the Chat Group. You're lucky because Outers can't see through the worlds that are protected by the Chat Group.]

[The Last Judgement- That was my bad. When I saw Yue's name among the members, I realised that she'll be useful in the future, so I decided to subdue her after using my admin privilege to travel to this world. But she was already saved by the edgelord so I used Zafkiel to travel back in time. I blitz through this labyrinth at a very high speed and picked the only useful thing I could find on the deepest floor before entering the room she was sealed inside. And the rest is history.]

I explained what happened after I got the invitation to the Dimensional Chat Group.

[The NEET ROB- Just be careful in the future. And as for that Loli vampire of yours, make her your Apostle after the Chat Group officially starts. The system will make sure that she won't get any Authority from you, and she'll only get an aptitude for Time Magic rather than a portion of your Authority even after you're strong enough. I can't hide your Authority if it's inside her because of the Dimensional Chat Group guarding all of its members against us Outers. Well, that's all. I'm on the run right now, later.]

[The NEET ROB has left the Chat Room]

'His mood swings at a speed that I can't keep up with. Not to mention that last line was suspicious as hell.' I thought, sighing. This guy would just pop up and drop some information before leaving again.

"Is everything alright?" Yue asked, looking worried.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." I replied with a smile.

[Warning: Due to your 'Authority', the original timeline of the Arifureta World has been completely deleted, and the world is starting to notice these changes. The host is advised to leave within a few hours]

'I guess the worlds aren't completely sentient.' I thought, before I could ask the ROB anything, he left. I'll ask the system about it later.

"Yue, I'll tell you something interesting now." I said, getting up from my chair as I placed my right head on Yue's head.

We both teleported directly inside the last floor of the labyrinth. Since I had already cleared it, this floor belonged to me. This labyrinth had Creation Magic as its main reward, which was useless for Yue, who doesn't know transmutation. As for me, I have the 'Creation of All Things' that can create anything out of nothing. Why would I need magic that can only manipulate inorganic materials? Not to mention that, right now, I don't have any mana at all. As for Mikasa, I doubt she'll be interested in learning this.

"How did we?" Yue asked, confused. By now, she was more or less used to the shocking things that were happening around me, so she wasn't that surprised.

I created a single charge using Wood Release behind me as I grabbed Yue by her waist and sat on the chair, placing her on my lap. I looked at her crimson-red eyes with a slight smile. She blushed a little before asking, "What is it?"

"I can do whatever I want with you, right? Since you now belong to me."

Her blush deepened after hearing my words as she dropped her head and mumbled, "Yes."

"Then, I'll ask you a question," I said, raising her head with my left hand. "Does it hurt, knowing that your uncle and your vassals betrayed you?"

Her eyes widened in surprise at my sudden question before she returned to her normal expression and answered, "It doesn't."

"Are you lying to me, Yue?"

"No." She answered, shaking her head. "With Tatsuya here, I don't care about what happened to me all those centuries ago."

I could tell that she wasn't lying. 'Her personality is similar to her anime counterpart.' I thought.

"Then I'll give you a nice gift." I said with a smile.

Yue closed her eyes as she raised her head towards me, expecting a kiss. Me, being the fucker I am, decided to mess with her a little.

[No, Host. Don't lewd the Immortal Loli]

Yue, who was expecting a kiss opened her eyes as she felt something cold was touching her lips. As she saw the metallic ball in my hand pressing against her lips, she looked at me with nothing but disappointment and a bit of anger.

I almost laughed at the Loli looking at me with a resentful gaze before I removed the ball from her lips and said, "This is the gift I was talking about."

"What is it?" Yue asked, confused.

"Just channel some of your mana into it and you'll realise what it is." I said. She wasn't aware of what was going on but still did as she was told.

The metallic ball glowed silver before we heard the voice of a man, his voice was full of regret.

{Hello, Aletia. I don't know how long has it been since we last met, but a lot of time must've passed. It's me, your uncle.}

"U-Uncle?" Yue muttered, her face showed signs of grief and sadness. 'I guess she wasn't totally over that accident, huh?'

{If you're listening to this, then that means someone did save you from your confinement. I am glad that you're free now.}

After that, he explained how that self-styled God Ehit planned on taking over Yue's body because of her 'Automatic Regeneration' along with her talent as a mage and why her uncle and vassals decided to seal her in hopes of saving her.

Not long after, Yue started crying as she clenched the ball-shaped artifact in her hands.

{Well, that's all I would like to say. To the one who saved her, you have my deepest gratitude. Please, take care of my niece.} With those words, the ball crumbled to dust, leaving the crying Yue alone on my lap.

'Don't worry about it. I'll 'take care' of your niece.' I said in my mind before I patted Yue's head.

"It's alright. I won't let any shitty God take you away so don't worry." I said, comforting her. I was so glad that Mikasa wasn't here to see me like this or she'll die laughing. 'Maybe killing someone with a God complex isn't so bad?' I thought. I was sure that if Ehit had a physical body right now, he would've felt chills all over his body.

"Mhm." Yue nodded before hugging me tightly.

'Appraisal.' I decided to use a system skill that I haven't used in a long time.


Race- Vampire

Skill- Automatic Regeneration

Age- 323 Years Old

Feelings Towards Host- Love, Gratitude, Affection, Care, Lust, Lust, Hunger, Absolute Loyalty, Obsession, Submission, Belonging.]

'She's even worst than Tsunade.' I thought as an amused smile appeared on my face. Dealing with a Yandere is always fun, as long as they're tamed properly.

'Wait, what's up with that hunger? Don't tell me.' I was about to say something when I felt Yue wrap her hands around my neck.

"Tatsuya, I am hungry. So, take responsibility." She said in a very lustful voice, but she wasn't going to suck the thing I wanted her to.

"Hey, Yue. Calm down."

"Too late." She said before biting near my collar bone. I was able to feel my blood rushing out of my body at a very high speed.

After half an hour of intense eating, I noticed that Yue showed no signs of stopping, seemingly obsessed with my blood. 'I wonder what's up with her?'

[It's due to the Host's Authority along with her feelings for you]

'I see. So I'll have various horny female vampires after me no matter which world I visit as long as they taste my blood?'


'This is something Mikasa would love.' I thought, looking at Yue. There's no way Mikasa would pass on owning a sadistic Loli vampire who's a hidden masochist towards its owner. After a while, I decided to get the Loli vampire of me.

After calculating every possibility, I came to the most optimal solution that always works on Yanderes and hidden Masochists.

I raised my right hand, which was on Yue's waist, before bringing it down at a high speed.


"Aaaaah~" Yue moaned loudly, removing her fangs that were continuously drinking my blood. The marks she left on my collarbone with her fangs healed almost instantly.

"Someone was enjoying herself for sure." I said before squeezing her left butt cheek.

"Aaaah~ I-I am sorry." Yue said in a rather seductive voice.

"Okay now, that's enough." I said in a serious tone as I looked at the hologram that appeared in front of me a moment ago.

[Warning: Please leave this time period within half an hour. The world noticed you faster than the system has anticipated]

'Why does it feel like you did it on purpose to ruin my prime time?' I thought, staring at the hologram, which visibly flinched at my words.

[You're imagining it, my dear host]

I decided to convince Yue that I'll be leaving, which was... very difficult. She cried and hugged me, saying that she won't let me go. I was too soft to kick the Loli Vampire off me and leave so I decided to explain some things to her.

For some reason, she said that she'll like to have a talk with Mikasa about something. I knew what she was up to but decided to ignore it. Unlike me, Mikasa wouldn't think twice about beating a Loli Vampire. I just prayed that Yue's Automatic Regeneration wouldn't disappoint us both. I had already told her to not create a scene in front of other members of the chat group, to which she agreed.

After making sure that she understood everything about acting normal in the Dimensional Chat Group and all, I summoned Zafkiel. My left eye turned golden as a clock appeared inside it, surprising Yue again.

The clock hands inside Zafkiel were resting on the 12 O clock, or at least where the number 'XII' should've been. I've been using the 'Twelfth Bullet Yud Bet' to temporarily travel back to the past, and the time was almost up.

Now that the time I used to come here was about to end, I'll be expelled back to the future. The reason I used this was simple. Unlike permanent time travel, this one was more budget-friendly since I barely have 200 years' worth of time right now. Even if that sounds like a lot, it isn't.

I looked as the number 'XII' became visible on Zafkiel again before I disappeared from the scene, reappearing in the same spot.

'Let's go back to my original world.' I thought before I teleported again, reappearing in front of Mikasa.

"That was fast, you just left a few seconds ago." Mikasa said with a slightly surprised tone.

"I can control time." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Forget about that. What about your mission?"

"I tamed a Loli Vampire and some other stuff." I said, giving her a high five.

I placed her under a Genjutsu before showing her all my memories of the time since I left this world. After watching those memories, a lustful smile appeared on Mikasa's face as she gave me a thumbs up.



A/N- His Zafkiel skill will be fully explained after a few chapters. It's more or less the same as Kurumi's Zafkiel apart from some differences.

Other chat group members will have shorter introductions so don't worry about it. (probably half a chapter?)

We going r18 after that.

Random Numbers Recommendation- 368318 (Don't read it)

Author Spit Facts- Manga Kaneki is one of the best characters out there