

To Mark there's nothing worse than coming home to your two partners doing things without you. Disclaimer: This is all fiction, not real. Also there will be an appropriate language and actions happening. If you're not into that don't read. You have been warned~

DyslexicStories · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Mark woke up in the morning to the sound of talking outside his door. He tried his best to rub away all the dried tears in his eyes before sitting up. Flashes of what happen the night before came back to him and he instantly felt like crying again. All he had to do was wait for Johnny and then he could be safe. Maybe Johnny would make him feel better but at this moment he doubted anything good could happen.

Mark checked his phone and saw a bunch of messages from Taeyong, Jaehyun and Johnny. He ignored all the messages besides Johnny's. Unfortunately he couldn't come get Mark until late at night so it means he was stuck in the room until he got there which meant no food probably for a full 24 hours. At least he had water from the sink, that was the only good thing about being stuck here.

Luckily for him even if the other two wanted to get into the room they wouldn't be able to since there's no hole on the other side of the door for them to lock pick or anything else like that for that matter. Mark was trapped alone in this room by himself with all of his feelings and thoughts. That must've been the scariest thing to him now. Mark picks up his phone deciding to reply back to me Johnny.


When will you be here again?


Probably at 10...I'm sorry Markie


It's okay. I'm happy you'll come. You're the only one that knows what happened and I kind of want to keep it that way...


I understand Mark...I'm still sorry though that I can't be there earlier. I'm going to work now so I have to leave. I'll see you at 10.


Okay, thanks hyung.

Mark shut down his phone before rolling in the bed putting a pillow over his head. The only thing he could really do now was sleep the time away, this would hopefully make him feel better at least because nothing else made him feel good right now.

Meanwhile the other two left in that apartment were still freaking out. They wanted to fix everything but honestly what could they do at this moment. Jaehyun continue to sit outside the door waiting for Mark hopefully come out. "You know you don't have to sit there the whole time right?" Taeyong told the other with a sigh. "Yes I do, whenever he comes I have to apologize right away face-to-face with him...he's been so quiet I'm scared he's dead now..." Jaehyun teared up slightly once again for about the fifth time that day already.

"He's not dead, Mark's not that type of person, besides he'll have to come out when he's hungry so you can move away from the door now." Taeyong said nonchalantly before sitting down on the couch. "Why do you act like you don't care about what happened? Do you not care about Mark's feelings at all?" Jaehyun was getting slightly angry now. "Of course I care about him but there's nothing we can do until he comes out and talks to us. It's better to have our story straight then to be frantic over everything." Taeyong shrugged. "It's just like you to think things like that. It's better to apologize right away then let it become like this. He is drowning in his own sadness well you're over here being angry at me for caring and you're probably upset at him for reacting like this even though he has every right to..." Jaehyun finally got up from his spot in front of the door before angrily walking over to the other with his arms crossed.

"Maybe I am upset but this is all stupid, he had to know we are already doing things." Taeyong rolled his eyes at Jaehyun. "Even if he did and even if he didn't, I don't think he would like to find out that way! Also neither would you if you were going out with two people and found out they been fucking behind your back for the last two years and telling you that they weren't!" Jaehyun out of pure anger slapped Taeyong across the face. "HOW DO YOU THINK HE FEELS!?" Taeyong's eyes widened after experiencing his first act of violence towards him by somebody that he loved. Maybe he didn't care how Mark felt to be realistic, maybe he really didn't love him at all at least not like he use to and only said yes that he could be in a relationship for Jaehyun.

Taeyong out of anger stood up and slapped him back. "How fucking dare you say that to me, you think I don't have feelings? I don't care what you say I give a shit about how he feels but I don't think it's that big of a fucking deal!" Taeyong was out raged. Jaehyun already began to tear up again. "T-Then how about acting l-like a fucking asshole you start a-acting like a person who gives a shit about your partner!" Jaehyun held his cheek before leaving and locking himself into their bedroom.

They were already falling apart without Mark. Mark was the glue that held them together. He was always so sweet and kind, caring which made the other two affectionate because without him they fight like this the only thing that kept the other two from fighting all the time was Mark and sex to be real. They loved each other but their personalities clash too much. It really was the three of them or none of them at all. Jaehyun thought all of this to himself as he cried.

All he wanted to do was hug Mark and tell him that he loved him, that he was sorry but he knew that that couldn't happen. He don't want to talk to Taeyong anymore. He understood why both of them were acting like that but it hurt him too much.

For the rest of the day Mark and Jaehyun cried. They were so unhappy and hated the fact that all of that happened and the only person who wasn't crying and continued their day like it was nothing was Taeyong. Taeyong just felt like the situation would passover, like it wasn't such a big problem to find out your partners are doing it without you. He definitely couldn't see it from Mark's perspective nor could he see it from Jaehyun's. Even if Mark asked them not to do it he didn't see a problem with doing it for the past two years. He was normally so caring with other people but when he's by himself he just doesn't care anymore. It was sad.

Hours have passed by now and is finally 10 at night. Eventually there was a knock on the door and of course Taeyong answered it. Without checking to see who it was he open the door.

"Hello?" Taeyong looked at Johnny confused. "Can I help you?" Taeyong looked him up and down. Johnny has been here a couple times and he knew he was Mark's friend but that upset him even more to know Mark told one of his friends to come. "Hey, yeah. I'm here for Mark." Johnny made a gesture to the other signalling he wanted to come in and Taeyong tried to close the door on him before Johnny put his foot in the way of the door.

"That's not very nice to do to one of your guest is it?" Johnny laugh softly before pushing the door open and walking inside. "Just tell me where he is." Johnny spoke firmly to the other. Taeyong laughed at the other. "Maybe I'll tell you but why do you want Mark?" He crossed his arms as he looked up at the other. "Trying to get one of my good friends out of a bad situation. He's going to come and live with me for a while. MARK!?" Johnny explain quickly before he leaves for Mark. They both heard a door open and saw Jaehyun come out of his room.

"W-What's happening?" Jaehyun looked at the two. "Hey Jaehyun, I just came to bring Mark home." Johnny smiled. He was definitely not happy with either of them and rather not stay in the presence of them any longer. "Where is he?" Johnny didn't get a reply but he did get a gesture to another one of the doors in the apartment. He figured it meant that Mark was in the room so he walked up to the door I knocked on it. "Markie?" He heard a little bit of wrestling before the door opened to review Mark with a puffy face and red eyes.

"Aww hun...it will be okay now." Johnny pushed his way into the room and hugged Mark tightly. Mark hugged him back before nodding. "Can you please find my bag that I brought on the trip and then go?..." Mark asked Johnny in a strange voice from crying so much. "Of course." Johnny let go of Mark before turning back to the other two. "Where is his luggage from yesterday?" He asked as he looked around. "Here..." Jaehyun pulled it out of the room where Mark caught them yesterday. "Great." Johnny smell before he walked over and picked up the bag and went back to the door as Mark had put on his clothes again from the other day and put his phone in his pocket.

"Let's go now Markie." Johnny took Mark's hand tightly in his. The whole time the other two just stood there watching them only replying when they had to. They couldn't lie when they said they felt super horrible for Mark. Once they saw his red face they knew it was worse than they thought. "W-Wait! You can't go with him, we still need to talk everything out." Surprisingly enough Taeyong was the one to say that. "I'm...we're so sorry." Jaehyun chimed in. Mark didn't say anything besides a nod and followed behind Johnny who took them to the front door.

"Johnny don't you dare leave with him, we're not done here." Taeyong threatened as they got closer to the door. "It's not my decision to make if I leave him here or not. He needs help and he does not wanna be around you guys and I don't blame him for that." Johnny quickly open the door before pulling Mark out as Taeyong ran to the door to try to stop them but was already to late. The door slammed behind them as they left and he crumbled to the floor crying. This was finally Taeyong's turn to cry. There's no more waiting for him to cool down and see Mark walk out the door, it was too late. He was gone. Jaehyun crying himself sat down beside Taeyong and hugged him. "We'll get him back...right?..." Jaehyun mumbled. "G-God I sure hope so...I'm so sorry Mark..."