
Chapter 1

"Where am I? Tied hands and feet. Blindfolded. I can hear a few women talking but it's more of a whisper. Occasionally a man's voice can also be heard but none of the voices are clear enough. Trapped here I can't even make sounds thanks to this gag in my mouth. Now what should I do?" Thinking hard but unable to come up with a solution to the situation the person only lied down there.

The door opened and footsteps were heard. Moving in the direction of the prisoner someone came nearer and sat on the chair kept not too far.

"How does it feel trapped here not being able to see or talk, Mr Li Qiang? Does it brings you back some memories?" The person asked while grabbing his hair.

"Mmm…" Struggling to break through but to avail Li Qiang could only show his discomfort through making some noises with a painful expression.

"Oh I should better show you where you are and whom you are dealing with right?" Removing his blindfolds and gag, the person sitting on the chair said.

"Julissa? What kind of joke is it?" As soon as the gag was removed, Qiang's expression changed from worried and painful to cold and cruel.

"Yes, me. Did you think I wouldn't survive the arson in the villa? Did you think burning me down would cover all the bad things you did to me? Dream on! Every dog has its day. That was your day so you were lucky to trick me but now you'll have to pay for it all." Fierce amber eyes of the girl made the man shiver out of his wits.

Not even in the wildest of his dreams had he thought the cute, lovable and innocent girl would turn into a fierce and deadly person in the hands of malignant fate.

"Please untie me first. Let me explain." The coldness in his eyes had somewhat diminished as he looked at the girl with pleading and hopeful eyes. "Things aren't as simple as you think. Hear me out."

"No need to hurry we have got a lot of time. I'm not setting you free, never. You will regret Qiang. I'll make sure you regret living. You'll beg me to kill you." The girl determinedly continued, "The once naive girl whom you could fool with such expression, is long gone. You killed her."