
Messages - Teruyama

Terushima went to see a concert with his friends from the Johzenji volleyball team. He didn't think much of the members of the band, except for their lead singer, Yamaguchi. They get to know each other by the time that passes, but are there any other feelings than just being friends? *I do not own any of these characters* *This is my first story to write, so it might not be the best which you might've figured by the description lmao* *more tags might be added btw :)*

StrawberryHexagon · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

- 3rd person pov ( point of view ) -

As the band started playing, Terushima and his friends was in shook. The majority of the crowd just started to cheer on, and Terushima understood why they were cheering and why more people than expected was there. When Yamaguchi started singing, the crowd cheered even louder. Even though the songs was pretty slow and relaxing, the people there only cheered more when Yamaguchi started singing. When you looked up at the stage you could see that everyone in the band was smiling, at least a little bit. They were proud of themselves for how the crowd supported them.


(idk if you actually can see the video but It's basically the song that they played vhrhverui )

When the song was over, the lead singer Yamaguchi took a sip of water and turned around to look at his band members. They all nodded to each other right before they played their second song of the evening. Terushima was not as shocked by the second song for the reason that he already heard the other song. He cheered for them before he turned to his friends and smiled, a lot of people were singing along to the songs. Yuuji didn't know if they had they're songs up on spotify or something like that. But one thing that he knew was that he definitely wanted to listen to their music again.

- Some time later -

When the concert was done and the friend group of four had gone outside the building they were in, they all started talking about how the band had reached their expectations and higher.

"Should we go home now? It's starting to get dark" Futamata asked his friends

"Yeah, my parents get worried really easily when I'm out late" Misaki said as an answer to Futamata's question, Bobata agreed on that.

"What do you think Teru?"

"Shh, Misaki. He's busy thinking of Yamaguchi, you can't just disturb him like that" Bobata said and giggled

"Have you guys seen him by he way?" Terushima asked

"Who? The singer? In that case no, but the drummer is over there. Maybe you can ask him." Misaki said and nodded to her left with her head

Terushima looked in the direction that Misaki had nodded her head to see the blonde guy ho was the drummer

"I'll be right back guys" Terushima said as he turned around and started walking towards the drummer of the band with confidence. He had blonde hair and glasses, and he was really tall too, it kinds of surprised Teru.

"What is he even going to do?" Futamata asked.

"Isn't it obvious? He's going to ask Yamaguchi for his number" Bobata said as he lookes at his friend.

Terushima coughed a little before he but on his best smirk and leaned against a wall

"Well hello there"

The tall blonde looked at Teru for a couple of seconds but then made a disgusted face and turned around. It came as a shook since a lot of girls usually asked for his number and asked him out a lot.

"What was that about?" Terushima said as he pouted

"What do you want?" The taller blonde said as he looked annoyed at Terushima.

"Ah, so you can talk. Question by the way: have you seen your lead singer by chance?" Teru asked and looked at the taller guy

"No, but if I had, I wouldn't tell you anyways" the drummer said at the same time as he looked at me up and down

"And why is that? Am I to handsome for you to talk to?" the shorter blonde asked and let out a quiet laugh. The guy with glasses sighed and looked at Terushima.

"Do you have any business with him or something?" the tall drummer asked

"Not really no, but-"

"Then you don't need to know where he is" the drummer said as he walked away

Terushima stood there for maybe five seconds to process what just happened, then he just walked back to his friends who had seen the whole things.

"Did you get his number?" Misaki asked

"no" Terushima said annoyed and pouting

"why not?"

" I just asked if he had seen the singer but he looked at me weird and was all like 'I wouldn't tell you if I knew anyways'"

"Really? he did that?" Bobata asked terushima

"THAT'S HILARIOUS THO" Bobata said as he laughed at his friend.

"What and icon-" Futamata said as he laughed along at Terushima

"Fuck you guys" Terushima said as he giggled just a little bit

"Let's just all go home, you guys are annoying" Misaki said as she turned around. Then they all started walking.

"Hey Misaki, you should be friend with that guy-"

"nO" she just said, and continued to walk with her friends

- Time skip til they all are home cuz I'm lazy -

Terushima's pov

"I'm home now!" I said as I closed the door and then locked it after me

"Welcome home Yuuji, was the concert fun?" I heard my mom ask from the kitchen

"Yeah it was! It was a lot better than I thought it would be. It was a bigger crowd than I thought it would be too" I said to my mom while hanging up my jacked and taking of my shoes

"That's nice! Make sure to get some rest now, I bet it was tiring being there" my mom said

"It wasn't that tiring but I'll be in my room if you need me" I said at the same time as I was walking up the stairs

I walked into my room and then jumped up on my bed

'That blonde guy was totaly rude' I thought. After a few seconds, I took out my phone and went through instagram when I got and idea.

'Maybe i could check if he had some social media' i thought as I typed in the name Yamaguchi in the search bar, I looked through the profiles as I found one who had the green haired guy as a profile picture. I clicked on hs profile to see if he had any pictures, which he had, but not that many. That didn't matter though since I founf his instagram at least, I clicked on the blue button where it said follow when I thought of maybe sending a dm to him about his concert and stuff, which I decided to do.


I can't really write more today since I started to write it pretty late in the afternoon. I hope you enjoyed reading! The words count are without the a/n btw :)

wordcount: 1055