

Life is difficult.

And that's a fact.

We all have our own problems,

With their own solutions

That we have yet to figure out.

I don't want to be

Those people who tell you:

That life will be fine,

That it's not that bad,

That you'll get through it.

Because I can't guarantee it.

Our problem's value,

Is different with everyone.

My problem may not be as bad as yours -

From my perspective.

Your problem may be worse than mine -

From your perspective.

Everyone have their own views of life,

And we can't change that.

I find it annoying when people try to change you.

Maybe they are trying to help you,

But they don't realise,

That it is not the right way.

They could be simply wasting their time,

Trying to help you.

You who is unappreciative of their effort.