1 Dee deep down

Deep blue tropical waters, where the sky seemed to meet the sea. Where only ships, and very few birds could be seen. Beneath the somewhat, calm waters, played a couple of young sirens and, mermaids all together. Peace and harmony was all over the place. All that could be heard, was the playful giggles of the young ones, playing on the surfaces of the cool salty waters with anything funny looking, or mysterious they would find. Joy washed upon them, every day as they all met at the same place. Day after day, once their life lessons where finished. They all rushed there to play. There was a specific rock they liked to meet at. It was right beside a gorgeous coral reef; the most beautiful coral reef you could imagine. All types of corals, bright colorful fishes, that swam around freely and without a care in the world. The sirens and mermaids all loved this place, well all expect one. There was one little mermaid that was always curious about everything else. Sure she loved her home place, and where everyone else played. There was no denying it was gorgeous. Something else caught her attention every day though... and it was that one place they could not go. It was a tall red and white tower in the distance. Every night she would sneak out at night to watch the top of the tower glow. She always wondered what it was. She wished nothing else but to get a closer look at it. Unfortunately she still had a few more years to be able to travel out of the coral reef, by her self.

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