
Merlins sightseeing through the omniverse

Well... This sucks... I'm dead... What was that, weird sceen? I get to choose some wishes? Well, guess I'm gonna need to go sightseeing all kinds of worlds! (And maybe troll some people)

Icyphoenix_0912 · Anime & Comics
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--------- In the middle of the familiar forest ----------

Tiamat had just come back to her cave, when she was suddenly being welcomed by a.... weird... creature, made out of something golden and shiny, somehow seeming very familiar to her...

'Wait, isn't that-'

"WHO THE HELL DARED TO LAY THEIR HANDS ON MY TREASURE?!?!? -Wait, is that thing it's holding... a perfectly grilled piece of meat?"

After... taste-testing... a few pieces of meat, Tiamat's opinion had remained unchanged - not!

'Well, maybe this isn't all that bad... though those sounds and forms are still extremely irritating!'

----------- with Grigori -----------

Two fallen angels were walking down the street.

"Hey, did you see how Lord Baraqiel looked?"

"Yeah, completely soulless! Haven't seen him in that bad of a condition ever since his wife and child died. On another note, it seems Lord Azazel went missing once again."

"Again? I wonder what he did this time..."

------------- Sitri territory --------------

"Phew, finally done with todays work! Now I just need to freshen up a bit and then I can go and see my So-tan!"

The one who said this was naturally none other than the Satan Serafall Leviathan, who had just teleported into her room at the Sitri-Family's castle.

'Huh, what is that? A magical girl staff? I don't think I left mine on my bed... But there seems to be a letter next to it, so maybe that will explain who put it there... Because I know for certain, that it was neither my parents, nor So-tan or the maids...

Let's see...

"Dear Magical Girl Levia-tan,

we have watched your career as a magical girl with great interest and have concluded you to be worthy of truly entering the circle of magical girls. Though I say circle, you are the first to be judged as suitable to receive this power and privilige." Hehehe, I'm the first! "This wand is the wand of sisterhood, granting you power equivalent to your closeness to those you consider sisters, be they sisters by blood or in arms. The stronger the feelings of sisterhood, the more power, aid and spells/abilities you will receive. Though this staff might be extremely strong, it only serves those it deems worthy and will need to be recharged through sisterly skinship periodically.

Now, go ahead and spread the splendor of magical girl Levia-tan throughout the entire world and all it's realms! We look forward to seeing and hearing of your feats.

Yours truly,

Merlin Ambrosios"'

"I wanna test it! I wanna test it! But for that I have to charge it, hehehe... So-tan~~~"

And with that she teleported out of the underworld to go see her sister in Kuoh. Purely for research purposes, of course. (A/N: I don't know when Sona and Rias took over in Kuoh, so I'll just say they are currently in the process of doing so) An hour or so later, a glowing and satisfied Serafall could be seen, leaving behind an exhausted Sona.

--------- About 3 hours later -----------

The 4 Satans were having an emergency meeting, after being called by the council about what has happened within the councilroom, as well as hearing about Tannins and Tiamats situation.

"So, from what we have so far, it would seem as if someone has access to several, supposedly very well guarded, places, and used that access, to play pranks on whoever frequents them. The council believes this to be some sort of statement, in the sense that we provoked someone we shouldn't have. What is your take on this?"

"Umm, Sirzechs-chan? I think I know who did that..."

"You do? Who do you believe is it then?"

"Well, I kinda got a letter with a present when I got home... It said that the sender was someone calling himself 'Merlin Ambrosius', and since the letter and present just appeared in my room without me or anyone else noticing..."

"What was the present? And what did he write in that letter?"

"Well, he gave me a real magical girl staff! He said it works on the bonds of sisterhood! And he also wrote that he has been following my career as a magical girl up to date, and concluded that I am worthy of truly becoming one!"

"Haaah... Please tell me you didn't try it out..."


"You're wearing it right now, aren't you?"

"Noooo! This, this is just... Yeah, ok, I'm wearing it."

"Why would you do that?!? Do you even know wether or not that thing is dangerous?!"

"Mou, of course I didn't! But I couldn't let anyone else try it either!"

"And you didn't think about giving it to Ajuka for him to look for anything harmfull?"

"Ummmm... Tehe!"

"Don't just 'Tehe'!"

"Well, anyways-"

"What do you mean, anyways?! This is-"

(She just put a photoframe of Rias in front of him)

" As I was saying, he doesn't seem to have any major malicious thoughts, seems to me more like him just pranking us."

"Hopefully that's the case..."

---------------- Meanwhile with Merlin ----------------

"Phew, that was a great bath. I knew a hot spring was a good choice! Now, let's see the rest of these reactions...


Oh man! They really called a meeting for that! And she just shut him up like that! Maybe I should make a treasurehunt for him...

I' ll think about it!


Hey Guys,

really just wanted to finish this chapter, since the majority of it was already finished.

I have absolutely no idea when I'll post again, I'll try to make it faster than this one, but it really all depends on my motivation and inspiration, sooo... yeah